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Cruise to Newport RI


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awesome pictures !!!!


So tell me........who is faster ????


The cars look great !!!!



Thanks Sue. You can see my "naked" headrests :rolleyes: I think mine is faster....I have less lights :lol::lol::lol:


What no band sound files? :blink:



I could hear you outside! :D



That is great two 500 hp car together. Beautiful! Amazing!



Thanks, it was quite chilly out by the ocean! Adam did have a little suprise for me. I'll let him explain. Very thoughful of him. It was a nice day for a cruise before the snow flies. That should be about it for the season. Now I can spend the rest of the winter in the garage adding the mod list and detailing for the spring.

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QUOTE(ColoradoShelbyGT @ Nov 25 2007, 09:20 PM) post_snapback.gif

Guys, the pics are great, but Adam -- you have to lose that front plate!!


Thanks Wes, several reasons:


1) I don't want to give the police any reason to pull me over.

2) When I got the car, I noticed the stripes were starting to indent where the drilled holes were for the plate bracket. i figured over time they would get worse and all I could vision was someone going up to the car and picking at it with their fingernails and tearing the stripes so that helped confirm to put the plate on.

3) Finally the main reason - read the information about my plate in my sig. Someone here on this forum, and I think it was Swede, thought this was "one of the most brilliant things he ever saw."

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Okay all, sorry I haven't been on these forums much lately. Ever since I got my new Blackberry (first time user) I have been reading all the posts but haven't been able to get on very often and when I do, it's real quick.


Anyway, as Roger mentioned, I had a little something special lined up for him. Actually, I've had it lined up since before he got sick. After reading this, I think you'll all understand why I was a little more nervous/upset thinking the hotel issue got him sick - especially when I realized how bad he was.


Well, you all might recall Roger's awesome story about his childhood with his grandfather looking at the Shelby's at Tasca. Well, I finally took him there to sort of re-live that experience and to be with his grandfather again. I only wish his wife and grandson could have come too. Thank you Roger for allowing me to experience that with you. As mentioned in my email, I had a great time and enjoyed taking the Magical Tasca Tour.


For those who haven't read Roger's heartfelt story (in 3 parts), here are the links. These are really nice stories and tells volumes of Roger's character and values. Susan, get your tissues ready LOL.


1) Beginning


2) Middle


3) End


Here are the pictures from that experience. And to see more pics from our visit today in Newport, here is the full link (there are lots more so check back after I get more storage on Photobucket):



Then, while you're at it, take a look at these before and after pics:



Roger and Grandpa at Tasca:













For more pics, go here:



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Its amazing how different the cars look by swapping out the hood and wheels. Pretty cool.



Wes, that's what makes these cars even more special. Same underpinnings and different looks. Got to love the aftermarket! ;)



Okay all, sorry I haven't been on these forums much lately. Ever since I got my new Blackberry (first time user) I have been reading all the posts but haven't been able to get on very often and when I do, it's real quick.


Anyway, as Roger mentioned, I had a little something special lined up for him. Actually, I've had it lined up since before he got sick. After reading this, I think you'll all understand why I was a little more nervous/upset thinking the hotel issue got him sick - especially when I realized how bad he was.


Well, you all might recall Roger's awesome story about his childhood with his grandfather looking at the Shelby's at Tasca. Well, I finally took him there to sort of re-live that experience and to be with his grandfather again. I only wish his wife and grandson could have come too. Thank you Roger for allowing me to experience that with you. As mentioned in my email, I had a great time and enjoyed taking the Magical Tasca Tour.




Adam, thanks again for the gesture and having a great time on Sunday. The memories were great to relive again. But with the McDonald's in the background I don't think people really get the perspecetive of just how large Tasca was. Just picture the McDonald's as a huge parking lot attached to Tasca and you have some idea on just how large they really were. And the row after row of Shelby's and performance cars of the 60's just lined up. It was an awesome time. Now I need to get my grandson over there to take some photo's with me and the car. Thanks again buddy for sharing this special moment.

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