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+1000 Can't think of one

Yikes, maybe Shelby can have us all fly out (at their expense) for a party and they could hand it to us :rolleyes: .....ok I'm just kidding.....they don't have to hand it to us. I'm willing to pick it up off the table. :lol:


Seriously, I think what makes the cap exclusive is that it says SHELBY GT...or SHELBY GT/SC. That in it self makes it exclusive to the SGT. There will no doubt be those that will attempt to clone a SGT (this cap will not change that), but they know it is a clone...and I bet we would too. I was more concern that it would show up on other Shelbys or be a design that would be more attractive to non Shelby cars. I'm not really concern about it, you just will not see too many cars driving around with these. I would also hate to put any extra burden on SAI to make sure only SGT owners received them. Let us not forget that they are doing us a favorite. I would hope that we could log it in the registry for our cars. This is so cool...



I was thinking, you better document this stuff as it is NOT everyday, every year or every decade that a person gets to design a part of the Shelby Mustang! You should pat yourself on the back and take this whole thread, print it and put it in your Shelby GT folder and keep it for the future, if you already haven't! Good job and very well done. :)

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Hello all, long time reader first time poster. The winter catalog has a CS trunk lock cover (faux gas cap) already....am I missing something here?





Nothing reading 30 pages cant catch you up on ;) basically they are having a SGT specific gas cap made. The one in the catalog is for anyone to buy. We were looking for one specific to the SGT. All of the other models have one. We have been working on it for months....discussing ideas, taking polls, etc. and a design has been finalized.

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245 replies here...Go figure.


Think we can get this many replies to buying Mr. Shelby a b-day plaque and donating at least 25 bucks to his special charity? That would be over 6K in donations!


Nevermind, just a thought...

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Guys, thank you, you are all very passionate and it is a pleasure to help if I can


- Yes, We will contact you when it comes in, we have most on file, but we will post and have you call in incase I dont have all the info

- Berg gets the free set, he's earned it

- I will look over the rest of the list to see what is feasable, also I have too much before the holiday, so if ok, I will do it during or after.


- I am looking at the GT/SC as well. It will be a cost and quantity issue.

- I can't give you a timeframe, but I have already ordered the Shelby gt ones

- this thread will never end...............lol



Thanks guys





Geez Amy, If I was not pestering you about other stuff, I would have definitely been harassing you on this topic!! it appears I am not the only Passionate one in the Crowd!! Dave





thank you for not pestering me here as well ;)

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Guys, thank you, you are all very passionate and it is a pleasure to help if I can


- Yes, We will contact you when it comes in, we have most on file, but we will post and have you call in incase I dont have all the info

- Berg gets the free set, he's earned it

- I will look over the rest of the list to see what is feasable, also I have too much before the holiday, so if ok, I will do it during or after.


- I am looking at the GT/SC as well. It will be a cost and quantity issue.

- I can't give you a timeframe, but I have already ordered the Shelby gt ones

- this thread will never end...............lol


Thanks guys




That's awesome Amy.


If ready for the birthday bash, I'll just buy my GT/SC cap/kit on the spot.

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That's awesome Amy.


If ready for the birthday bash, I'll just buy my GT/SC cap/kit on the spot.



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By the way, as a side note, I saw where someone said this site will go away, well, it will, but these forums and threads will continue on the new site where we can discuss new items and we can continue the gas cap thread and all....lol


I promise this section and this piece will not disappear




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This is all very cool stuff! Thanks Amy!!



Now, since consistency makes my world go around....




At a bare minimum, make the following available:


1. Gas Cap

2. Steering Wheel Horn/Center Cap

3. 20" Razor Rim Center Cap


ALL with Berg's perfect solution!





PS: I own a graphic design firm (started in NYC) with offices today in Portland, OR and Vancouver, BC. I want to tip my hat to you (Berg!! AND Amy!) in a BIG way! You arrived at a very simple, sleek, and on-point solution. It is clean and crisp - and offers the SGT a classy brand identity of it's own - true to the spirit of the car, the company... and it's owners!



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We should combine all the gas cap threads and polls into one LONG document...I think it was dmag that first asked for a gas cap wasn't it? I'll have to look back and see. Long road but well worth it in the end. While we all know my aversion to the "Cobra" stuff this turned out very nicely. Better in that it was a cool group effort with a member's design finally chosen. Pretty cool historical fact there!


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We should combine all the gas cap threads and polls into one LONG document...I think it was dmag that first asked for a gas cap wasn't it? I'll have to look back and see. Long road but well worth it in the end. While we all know my aversion to the "Cobra" stuff this turned out very nicely. Better in that it was a cool group effort with a member's design finally chosen. Pretty cool historical fact there!








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Welcome to the Forum USMCshelby. It's good to have another Marine on board. A few more and we can take over! :lol:




What do you mean, "can take over?" We all thought you guys already had the rest of us covered. :( That would mean those are police helicopters overhead and not you guys. :o This not good. :lol: Jim

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its done!!!!


I ordered the one without the signature, it was too messy. I also ordered the shelby ring for those who want it as well! So I will keep you all updated




Awesome Amy, Thanks. I agree, the one without the signature is the best looking. Great job Berg.

Please put me on the list for the cap.


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Welcome to the Forum USMCshelby. It's good to have another Marine on board. A few more and we can take over! :lol:






Take over - c'mon! All we have to do is find some unimportant door and stand in front of it. The Marines will jump in line just to make sure they're not missing out on some great deal! Standard amphibious ship operations. Sorry boys, the Navy was here first - again! ;)


J/k gentlemen, cheers and welcome aboard!

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Take over - c'mon! All we have to do is find some unimportant door and stand in front of it. The Marines will jump in line just to make sure they're not missing out on some great deal! Standard amphibious ship operations. Sorry boys, the Navy was here first - again! ;)


J/k gentlemen, cheers and welcome aboard!



Like Marines are like Bananas they go in green turn yellow and die in bunches :lol: Sorry no offense just a little Navy humor couldn't resist :)

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Welcome to the Forum USMCshelby. It's good to have another Marine on board. A few more and we can take over! :lol:






Two of us should be adequate numbers for a take over ;) .


For Wado and Dig It, you are correct, the navy does predate the Marine Corps....we came along about a month later and have been validating your existence ever since.



0302 // Brown Cadillacs


Welcome to the Forum USMCshelby. It's good to have another Marine on board. A few more and we can take over! :lol:






Two of us should be adequate numbers for a take over ;) .


For Wado and Dig It, you are correct, the navy does predate the Marine Corps....we came along about a month later and have been validating your existence ever since.



0302 // Brown Cadillacs

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Two of us should be adequate numbers for a take over ;) .


For Wado and Dig It, you are correct, the navy does predate the Marine Corps....we came along about a month later and have been validating your existence ever since.



0302 // Brown Cadillacs

Two of us should be adequate numbers for a take over ;) .


For Wado and Dig It, you are correct, the navy does predate the Marine Corps....we came along about a month later and have been validating your existence ever since.



0302 // Brown Cadillacs



No lack of respect for the corp, love the work you do :)

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No lack of respect for the corp, love the work you do :)




The feelings mutual fellas.....I just can't pass up the chance to engage in good old fashioned parochial service branch bashing. B)







I have had all the same issues as practically everyone on this forum: hood scoop, gear shift rattle, etc. but still love the car.


Anyone heard anything about a Shelby functional scoop?? I recall seeing a post by Amy mentioning such a thing (many many moons ago). I'm sort of holding out for it to keep the bloodline in my Shelby pure, i.e. all aftermarket mods from SAI (cam and intake waivers to be considered).

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