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Let's give Shelby a break!


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Some of us are happier than others,With our cars and life in general!I've noticed a lot of posts about quality problems,lack of availability of certain options and knowing that they are/were available!Long times waiting for parts that arrive bent or broken,etc.Let's try to keep things in perspective,It's just a car,a special one but a car none the less.Built by people,that make mistakes,just like we do!Please don't get me wrong,I'm not kissing any bodies rear end,because I don't have too!In my younger years and even now to a certain extent I catch myself getting worked up over things that are out of my control!Only gets you to the grave faster.I realize that these cars are expensive as are the parts we order,we work hard for our money and we want it right,and right now!I believe that I bought a special car,remember all the looks you get when your driving yours!I realize all of your concerns,I have had one or two myself!But in the end let's try to give them a break,seems to me that they are trying to work with us,on all of our issues.Hopefully we can be a little more respectful in our posts to them,It's alright to vent but personal attacks will get you no place good! I'm not sticking up for them or attacking any of us,just trying to remind everybody that they ARE working with us,and to try and be a little more patient,I know it's hard for some,including me!BTW if any body disagrees with me and wants to reply,remember that I would be nice to you,so if you are not respectful to me,Be prepared for the same in return!

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Amen brother! I think the problem is that alot of the people that own Shelbys are spoiled brats. They've had there asses wiped for them all these years and expect Shelby to do the same. Do you guys really think that Shelby said, "lets put on these stripes that will spot and the scoops that will warp in the future so we can get bitched at". I don't think so. I own SGT #3133, my stripes spotted, my dealer replaced them, and yes it took some time but what the hell good things happen to those who wait. My hood pins sucked, I think they used what was available at the time. Yesterday I recieved my billet hood pins with "Shelby" on them, today I will put them on, there, problem solved for 100 bucks, no big deal. After all isn't the fun of owning a car like this working on it, putting mods on, etc. My next adventure will be the Whipple/Ford Racing supercharger, an 8 hour job to install they say,......what fun, I can hardly wait. This website is proof to me that Shelby is doing something about the problems they have had and fix'in them, read the posts. By the way the shipping on those billet hood pins was 4 days UPS, very good service, I'm happy with my car and Shelby! :)




P.S. I know that if something does go wrong on the car it will be addressed......peace of mind.

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I think the problem is that alot of the people that own Shelbys are spoiled brats. They've had there asses wiped for them all these years and expect Shelby to do the same




I think the key to this whole thing is the word "passion" People get very passionate when it comes to their Shelby cars.

This passion comes out in different ways at different times with different people. Love, hate, anger, impatience, joy etc. Many members have expressed or felt all the above in relation to their Shelby.



One thing you won't see is "apathy".

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Good thoughts, guys.


I feel that the good companies aren't the ones that never make mistakes. Of course, no company falls into that category.


What seperates the good from the bad is how they respond when problems arise.


Putting everything into perspective with SAI, new people, new cars, passionate ownwers, etc. I think they are doing a great job.


Just my $.02 :)

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I have never had my ass wiped for me for the record. I am not spoiled and came from nothing and work hard for what I have. While I wont totally disagree with some fo what has been said lets keep in perspective that you just joined the site a week ago Stormseason and havent been on here for the last year or so like some have. Yo havent been through what some have. So since you dont have a clue what you are talking about kindly STFU and dont run at the lips with something you dont know about.

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I have never had my ass wiped for me for the record. I am not spoiled and came from nothing and work hard for what I have. While I wont totally disagree with some fo what has been said lets keep in perspective that you just joined the site a week ago Stormseason and havent been on here for the last year or so like some have. Yo havent been through what some have. So since you dont have a clue what you are talking about kindly STFU and dont run at the lips with something you dont know about.


As far as STFU,Just because I joined the sight a week ago doesn't mean I'm in the dark about problems with cars,Apparently I just did a little more research than you did,not hard now if you know how to run a computer!Don't start a pissing contest with me on public forum,might just be your attitude that makes YOUR repairs hard to get done!,ever think of that!

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Guys , Guys , lets take a chill pill here , it looks as if they have the answer with the rivets , my car came with the Rivets and sat out in the Hot Mississippi heat all summer , and it still looks fine . Just give them a chance to make it right which is what they are trying to do , yeah it may take a while but I do believe they will honor everyones concern about their hood issues , some have already had the repair done and are now happy . So again arguing and name calling is not going to get anything fixed any faster or any better so lets just relax and be comforted in the fact that they are working on it and you will not be left out in the cold to come up with a solution by yourself.

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Guys , Guys , lets take a chill pill here , it looks as if they have the answer with the rivets , my car came with the Rivets and sat out in the Hot Mississippi heat all summer , and it still looks fine . Just give them a chance to make it right which is what they are trying to do , yeah it may take a while but I do believe they will honor everyones concern about their hood issues , some have already had the repair done and are now happy . So again arguing and name calling is not going to get anything fixed any faster or any better so lets just relax and be comforted in the fact that they are working on it and you will not be left out in the cold to come up with a solution by yourself.


That pretty much sums up my post!I realize it seems to take forever on some of this stuff,been ther done that with a Dodge product,there reply was Mother Mopar realizes your concern,but currently does not have a fix,sorry about your luck!Now a company that large didn't even tell me that a fix was available,or that they were working on it,They pretty much told me to blow it out my azz!Seems that Shelby,a much,much smaller company is at least trying to address concerns,while still turning a profit!Sorry to say if it's not a mechanical issue,or safety related they will get to it when they can!The way of the world,unfortunately.

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Some of us are happier than others,With our cars and life in general!I've noticed a lot of posts about quality problems,lack of availability of certain options and knowing that they are/were available!Long times waiting for parts that arrive bent or broken,etc.Let's try to keep things in perspective,It's just a car,a special one but a car none the less.Built by people,that make mistakes,just like we do!Please don't get me wrong,I'm not kissing any bodies rear end,because I don't have too!In my younger years and even now to a certain extent I catch myself getting worked up over things that are out of my control!Only gets you to the grave faster.I realize that these cars are expensive as are the parts we order,we work hard for our money and we want it right,and right now!I believe that I bought a special car,remember all the looks you get when your driving yours!I realize all of your concerns,I have had one or two myself!But in the end let's try to give them a break,seems to me that they are trying to work with us,on all of our issues.Hopefully we can be a little more respectful in our posts to them,It's alright to vent but personal attacks will get you no place good! I'm not sticking up for them or attacking any of us,just trying to remind everybody that they ARE working with us,and to try and be a little more patient,I know it's hard for some,including me!BTW if any body disagrees with me and wants to reply,remember that I would be nice to you,so if you are not respectful to me,Be prepared for the same in return!


Another guy in line for a free bumper sticker!!!!!!!!!!! let us know if when you get it in the mail , and if they send you a tracking or if it comes damaged!!!!!! :D




I have never had my ass wiped for me for the record. I am not spoiled and came from nothing and work hard for what I have. While I wont totally disagree with some fo what has been said lets keep in perspective that you just joined the site a week ago Stormseason and havent been on here for the last year or so like some have. Yo havent been through what some have. So since you dont have a clue what you are talking about kindly STFU and dont run at the lips with something you dont know about.


Nicelly put!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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As far as STFU,Just because I joined the sight a week ago doesn't mean I'm in the dark about problems with cars,Apparently I just did a little more research than you did,not hard now if you know how to run a computer!Don't start a pissing contest with me on public forum,might just be your attitude that makes YOUR repairs hard to get done!,ever think of that!



Get a life 07shelbygt and don;t start in with the people here that have been through a lot with their cars. Your still wet behind the ears as far as were all concerned, and your posts very much suggests that.

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Guys! Guys!


Let's not do this please.


I didn't agree with some things 07ShelbyGT said and I sent a note privately and I would recommend you all do the same rather than this.


In the almost year I have been here we haven't had this kind of thing go on and I don't want to start now.


ok? :(


Funny though that it's the guys with the black cars.... <_<

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Sorry that I like my SGT and haven't had any problems with it.This will be one of my last posts,I'm afraid I'm gonna have to let you guys cry alone.BTW I don't put bumper stickers on my cars,but will take one if offered from Shelby!

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well it all got started when someone mentioned that "alot of us shelby owners are spoiled brats and had our a$$es wiped for us."

as far as i'm concerned thats the only comment that was unwarrented.


i wasnt born with a silver spoon in my mouth and i hardly think that most of us here were either.

i come from a blue collar family. 3rd generation factory worker. great grandfather was a farmer and carpenter. he built houses from the foundation up without a nail gun. he'd be hammering a nail with one hand and switch to another without breakin rythm. i might have inherited that from him because i was born naturally ambidexterous. i'm mainly right handed. but i can learn to do things left handed easier than average person.

but this is off the subject.......back to Shelb_


_ea some of us have been complaining. :rolleyes:

i havent complained much onl_ just commented on some things that i ma_ have thought were real concerns, like "rust issues" which turned out to be reall_ nuthin.

onl_ concern now is the recalls Ford had on 05 and later mustangs' suspension welds. wondered if the_ have had that fixed b_ 2007. so far nothin reported on that.

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