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AHHHHH My First One

jaydub Mach1

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Well, I have had my SGT only since Saturday. And it took me until just today to scrape the front fasica pulling into a parking space.


I'm usually so careful and now I'm so bummed!! :angry: :angry:


It happens to the best of us.


On second though, I think you may be the only one....




I've bumped and scraped. I can one-up you in fact. I've scraped the tail pipes!! :blink:

Or was it my wife, I don't recall. I just remember it was the most horrible, heart-breaking, gut-wrenching sound I have ever heard!

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Well, I have had my SGT only since Saturday. And it took me until just today to scrape the front fasica pulling into a parking space.


I'm usually so careful and now I'm so bummed!! :angry: :angry:



As in one of the few lines of John Belushi in Animal House, "My advice to you is to drink heavily"

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