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O/T - totally addictive game


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I wish they would turn that fan off!

In case you don't know there is a "secret" to throwing the plane. On your opening screen click to grab your plane but then don't hold your mouse button. Click and let go. Drag the plane to the upper left hand corner and then keep moving your mouse to the left off the play screen. Your cursor will reapperar. Circle the play area with your cursor to the right side and bring your cursor back onto the screen. I usually launch about the baseboards on the wall or maybe where the table top is.

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112.878m, best yet!


ok, 113.744m, time to go to work! But I earned a 4444 global ranking!


Bwahaahaahhaa! (evil laugh) I have passed on the sickness.


My wife said there is a guy at her work who plays this game all day and has hit 115.xxx m. I think his global ranking was actually a 3 digit number.

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I got emailed the new version today and it's harder and more graphics intensive.

I went 139.4 m and was globally ranked at 72545 :blink:








Global Ranked at 66627 :D





Thanks Stump, I'm hooked.



I hate the way my plan drops like a rock at the second cloud near the 1st mountain power ranger mask...

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