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Recommended Shift Points


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Anyone else get a laugh at the recommended shift points (for best fuel economy) mention in the owners manual. :lol:


1 - 2 11 MPH

2 - 3 19 MPH

3 - 4 30 MPH

4 - 5 40 MPH


I unserstand this is supposed to be for the best fuel economy but come on this is supposed to be a sports car and shifting at those speeds you wouldn't be able to enjoy the full effects of the exhaust sound.

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3rd- (back it down to the speed limit)

4th- (see 3rd gear information)

5th- Interstate with cruise control @ 62 MPH

B) :D :P


So is setting the cruise at 62 on the Interstate supposed to make up for all the gas used getting to that point? Just how far must you drive to offset the 5 gallons of gas used going from 1st to 3rd? :D :P

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So is setting the cruise at 62 on the Interstate supposed to make up for all the gas used getting to that point? Just how far must you drive to offset the 5 gallons of gas used going from 1st to 3rd? :D :P



And the manual say not to speed shift. Meh. I love to go side ways when I speed shift, ofcourse that is when I have the traction control off. I think I am going to love the 373's more than I thought I would, ah what fun! :lol::lol:

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3rd- (back it down to the speed limit)

4th- (see 3rd gear information)

5th- Interstate with cruise control @ 62 MPH

B) :D :P



Heh. Nice.




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