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Need help. Looking for off topic info.

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I met a guy tonight who owns a very interesting vehicle. It is a 1965 Chrysler Newport convertible. To look at the car it seems to be like all other Newports, but it is not. It is a special order, code 99.


It has a unique interior combo that is not shown offered in any 1965 Newport. The material and the color combos are not consistent with the rest of the line and are not shown anywhere in Chryslers order books, but it is all original.


The other oddity is that the car was built in one day. The engine and the body both have identical build dates. From what he has been told this is not supposed to be. The engine should have a build date a few days before the car.


He was also told that from the info on the build plate it looks like this car was probably ordered by some one high up in the company or maybe even a government official. He has talked to Chrysler but they either claim the car can't exist or they have no idea what he is talking about.


Does any body, especially you dealers, have any insight about cars like this or any info on how he can document this thing?

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Just FYI, I could find nothing on your specific issue. All I could find when it comes to code on the Chrysler fender tag was 99 = special order.

But then you already said that....

Yeah, that seems to be the dead end.

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When he gets it validated I would think she is worth some large coin. What shape is it in? Got any pics?


It is in decent shape for a 65 model. Only one dent in the whole car but the interior is rough. I think it was stored with the top down.


I don't have any pics, I just met the guy last night. A mutual friend thought I might be able to help him find something on it.

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