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BOLD MOVES - Episode #1: Change or Die!

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Just about to post this. Sounds like they are just now figuring out how deep in the pile they are. I sincerly hope that among other things they ask the die hard customers what we think. While a lot may blow smoke up athe corporate rear a lot of intelligient people bleed Ford blue as well. 8 liter Mustangs are not a good idea but an all wheel drive one might be. This is Fords rubicon. They need to get people like the group who built the GT in 17 months with totally new production methods and put them in charge of something that matters. This needs to be on every mainstream Web site, on CNN and MSNBC, among others because I do not believe for a minute that without a very painful and public Arse kicking they will stay the course and do what needs to be done. PROVE ME WRONG FORD!!! This has the potential to be as historic as the cancelling of the 2000 COBRA to make customers right on the horsepower thing. That was a new paradigm of accountabilty to the single most important group of people, ACTUAL PAID FORD CUSTOMERS!!!Ford go ahead air your dirty flimsys, be honest about the state of the company and remember that the American public DOES admire someone(thing) who tells the truth.Its one of the few things left that the world at large admires about Americans and your culture. But the American public will mercilessly kill anyone who obfusicates and tells anything less than the straight truth.(Firestone)

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What Ford Executives need to do is take a tour of Toyota `s plant & see all there Quality checks & how well the line is run I think they would be impressed. Here`s hoping they start listenig & take action or it could be to little to late.

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What Ford Executives need to do is take a tour of Toyota `s plant & see all there Quality checks & how well the line is run I think they would be impressed. Here`s hoping they start listenig & take action or it could be to little to late.




So they can see how little respect Toyota has for it workers?


And FWIW, Toyo and honda's quality is dropping people! Guess who's is going up. :happy feet:


Who lead in recalls last year. No it could'nt have been Toyota. :hysterical:

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So they can see how little respect Toyota has for it workers?


And FWIW, Toyo and honda's quality is dropping people! Guess who's is going up. :happy feet:


Who lead in recalls last year. No it could'nt have been Toyota. :hysterical:


And what is the perception amongst the car buying public? That the domestics suck on quality and you don't get good value for the money. How much of the problem is product and how much is due to a bunch of punk MBA kids with no understanding of automotive marketing? :wacko:

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I have a bigger problem being that I make ford parts daily.... The engineers that I deal with at Ford & Visteon are ALL non-mechanical type Engineers & no nothing about how cars go together unless it's on a drawing. Then the next biggest problem is once they think they know what they want it's unmaufacturable with the design they made. They (Ford) need to listen to the engineers & companies that know how to make parts & molds so they can teach their young engineers a thing or two about cars & how to make one instead of just letting them sit behind a desk & draw fantasy cars.


Kick them into the real world of car making 101...Ok I'm off my soapbox now :soapbox:

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And what is the perception amongst the car buying public? :




The car buying public is blinded by the media. You never see a major recall on an import being "headline news"


Quality is not even a comparison anymore. Actually, Im so tired of hearing that OLD song and dance are'nt you?


I checked out a 07 Expedition EL today, Simply stuning vehicle! I for one HATE SUV's, But that is one very well done vehicle.

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I've been following the GT500 since it was first rumored, and I've been looking and occasionally posting on this board for some time. The 65-66 Shelby GT350 has always been my dream car, and I thought very seriously about the GT500. I've owned 2 Cobras and an SVT Contour, and I'm pretty sure I could have been #1 or #2 at the dealer from which my family has purchased Fords for 50 years. For several reasons, I opted out of the GT500 scramble. (I have always believed, however, in a year or less GT500s will be available to anyone who wants one at MSRP, just like. the 04 Cobra.) But I degress, at my age an SVT Fusion would have a lot of appeal but, of course, it is not to be.


As Ford America moves "boldly" forward, I suggest in look long, hard look at what its European and Japanese companies/partners are doing. Rather than the SVT Fusion that will never happen, I purchased a MazdaSpeed 6 on Monday. It easily could be the SVT Fusion - 274 hp, turbo, 4-wheel drive, stability control, etc. etc. for well under $30K. The kicker? It basically has the Fusion/Focus 2.3-liter engine, and the oil dipstick says "FoMoCo!" While the MS6 is built in Japan, recent video of the first GT500s rolling off the line has Mazda 6s on the same line.


True, the enthusiast market is limited, but if Ford can build an much higher quality Focus in Europe and Mazda can do a 4-wheel drive turbo, why not be "Bold" in the USA?

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The car buying public is blinded by the media. You never see a major recall on an import being "headline news?

Quality is not even a comparison anymore. Actually, Im so tired of hearing that OLD song and dance are'nt you?


Got it in one. I think the fact is that the buying public has tuned out the facts. That is what marketing is supposed to fix isn't it?




True, the enthusiast market is limited, but if Ford can build an much higher quality Focus in Europe and Mazda can do a 4-wheel drive turbo, why not be "Bold" in the USA?


This is an example of what is lacking in terms of out of the box thinking at Ford. They say that the Focus gen 2 European platform is to expensive(and large)to sell to American market expectations. The MAZDA 3 IS a European focus. They have the Fusion to fill that line over here so why not just go and call the European car a Capri? Or whatever? Its a good car with volume tooling in place and as you can see by this Ford/Euro Focus Coupe Cabriolet quite a handsome car. I can't figure why they can't find a place for the car over here as its Euro competitor is the Golf/ Jetta. Call it the Mercury SVT Capri and kill multiple birds with one stone. Or something. I just want to see some creativity is all. Selling Five Hundreds isn't working. As good a car as it is.

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Episode #2 "Commitment to Design" is now available. Love the sound of the Super Chief!

See Bold Moves, Episode #2


Thanks for posting that 69deluxe!


I'm signed up for the email alerts & I haven't gotten one yet? Imagine that! :doh::rant:


Personally I was disappointed that they went from "Change or Die" to “Imagine the future of design" type theme. I was hoping for more of the “This is what we have to do” theme & why.


I think their starting to miss the boat already? :titanic:

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Thanks for posting that 69deluxe!


I'm signed up for the email alerts & I haven't gotten one yet? Imagine that! :doh::rant:


Personally I was disappointed that they went from "Change or Die" to “Imagine the future of design" type theme. I was hoping for more of the “This is what we have to do” theme & why.


+1 I didn't hear the word customer once in that. Style is a cheap and quick start but you had better back it up with substance or you miss the boat. Changing/reclaiming the brand is going to take inovation on a darn near moonshot scale. I want hydrogen, 12lb. 48 volt wiring harnesses, and superformed aluminum in raw sexy curves and I want it now. Cmon Ford floor me with substance.
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Thanks for posting that 69deluxe!


I'm signed up for the email alerts & I haven't gotten one yet? Imagine that! :doh::rant:



I didn't get an email either, I just happened to check the site out of curiousity. They've updated the SVT web site too but I got no notice either.


Here's a future episode topic.."Keeping the Customer Informed." I found more information about this car from this site than anywhere else (Ford included).

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