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GT500 Transport from Factory to Dealer


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Since we are close to having some of our first members getting there cars I would like to know how Ford is planning on transporting these cars. The transport charge is $25 higher than a 2006 Mustang. Is this just a rate hike for 2007? Or is the transport slightly different than any other Ford (other than the GT that is)? I hope that some members here can post up pics when there cars arrive or maybe someone in the know can inform us.


My concern is that I live in Wisconsin and have ordered from a small dealer. So needless to say my delivery is a ways off and as I never seem to win anything so the lottery thing is going to kill my chances of getting the car in driveable weather this year. So if the cars are shipped on covered transport then I need to find covered transport to keep the car in good condition if it arrives in the salty winter weather. But if it arrives on a standard transport in the winter then I will just trailer it home and stop at the car wash by my house before putting it in the garage. But there is the small chance of getting the car next spring so that would be nice also for the transport part in that we could drive it home :happy feet: .


So if anyone know how these cars are being transported please let us all know.


Good luck to all on their new deliveries and we are all awaiting pics of the new arrivals :party: .

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You can bet your 8.8 rear end that I intend to be there with camera in hand. Aint' no dealer PDI puke going to "road test" my ride. And hopefully that day will be between today (the 19th) and this Friday.

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The price is great, but the best part of my fiancee being the manager is she will be there, and I will know as soon as it arrives. And she doesn't want to pull away for the first time in front of all the "guys" so I'm coming to take my baby away. My fiancee can ride along too, if she wants.

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