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Halo cars

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The Idea of a Halo vehicle is both important and necessary to showcase the quality , performance and sometimes luxury of the products of the manufactuer . It is a way of sparking new interest and excitement in the brand. A magnet to bring in new customers and past customers to look at what they are producing .


The article does mention that the manufacture is taking a risk ,in that if the vehicle doesn't live up to the hype it could have the reverse effect and turn people away.


What the article fails to mention is how the" Dealers greed " has quenched the customer excitement on the cars like the T- bird and the GT and others and has turned many away who would have bought one, thus sending those potential buyers away disgusted to spend their money elsewhere,probably to the competition.

So in the end Dealer greed efectivly kills the goal of the "Halo vehicle" which is to pull customers into the showroom and lend new credability and excitement to the brand.

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