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winter sucks


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I'm in IN and we've had a nice winter storm come through and the roads have been salted and it's no place for my nice little car to go. She's all covered up and tucked away in the garage but I'm having withdrawls so I went out today and started it up for the first time in about 3 weeks. It was nice to hear the beast roar to life again. I want so badly drive it a little while. I need a Dyno in my garage floor so i can practice over the winter. The sound and smell was wonderful. It was painful to cover it back up and leave but it sure felt good to sit in the seat and turn that key. Maybe we'll get another Dec. heat wave like last year. It was a yr ago on this past Sunday I brought her home and drove from Cinci, OH with a kid in the back and a line of people waiting for a ride when i got home. She was still in full plastic wrap at this time a yr ago and now look what Fred and Evolution along with Jared at lethal have done to me. I can't wait for the next steps.


Happy Holidays to all and happy 1 yr b-day to my car.....who wants to bet on the BMV screwing up my vanity plate. I ordered it so far in advance because of our silly deadlines I am sure they will mess it up. I have 07 COBRA coming but may have to change that to 9SECQTR when all is said and done :)


I can deal with the snow for another 1-2 weeks then I will be ready for a nice warm dry spell :)

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I hear ya, up in Boston were off to the worst winter in quite some time, I did take my car out for the first time in the salted and sanded roads the other week, I just could not go all winter not driving it. Its still a mess in my garage and now I cant even cover her because of all the salt on the body :(


thats a cool plate, I hope you get it soon, I just picked mine up this month, CONDOR :D


heres to hoping for global warming

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Hey Iceman Im in Lafayette snow was bad up here. I hope we get some warm weather to melt this snow and be able to go for a drive. Its a long time untill spring maybe we can run together some time. Chuck



I'm a Purdue grad so I know the aera a little bit anyway. It would be fun - we can try to hit US 41 Dragway as it's not too far from there and a lot nicer than Muncie....but they may not be as easy on the rules as Muncie is :) You should try to get out to Shelbyfest this next time. Alloy Dave went out last year and so did I but it would be really good to get a caravan of about 6-8 of us going out there.


I know of about that many that are fairly close together here in IN from Lafayette to Columbus just on this board. I hope Shelbyfest has weather like last year. It was perfection! - No snow or Rain and nice warm days :) AHhh

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A Purdue grad me too. Thats good that must mean you tested out of IU. I have relatives in Carmel drive that direction sometimes. Are you going to Birthday Bash ?I was lucky to get tickets I hope its warm. Look forward to meeting sometime Chuck



No - I have a beef with Shelby actually. Not the man but the company. I hated dealing with them so much I almost took anything that had those letters off my car but decided to try to let it all go. I just don't donate to them anymore unless I have to have something that I can't get from anyplace else. I have to admitt it would be cool to go but it's one of those cut off my nose to spite my face things. Take pics for us though!

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MAN I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!!!!!!! Here in AZ with the wind chill it has to be around

64 maybe 65 degrees, lucky me the suns out too so maybe the temps is around 66*.

Ya I had the car out Sunday and it got sideways in 2nd WOW it crazy sometimes!!

Me and my friends here in AZ ( PICS BELOW) want to show our sorrow about your weather!


Rubber Burning Billyray









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MAN I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!!!!!!! Here in AZ with the wind chill it has to be around

64 maybe 65 degrees, lucky me the suns out too so maybe the temps is around 66*.

Ya I had the car out Sunday and it got sideways in 2nd WOW it crazy sometimes!!

Me and my friends here in AZ ( PICS BELOW) want to show our sorrow about your weather!


Rubber Burning Billyray


You suck. :finger:

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MAN I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!!!!!!! Here in AZ with the wind chill it has to be around

64 maybe 65 degrees, lucky me the suns out too so maybe the temps is around 66*.

Ya I had the car out Sunday and it got sideways in 2nd WOW it crazy sometimes!!

Me and my friends here in AZ ( PICS BELOW) want to show our sorrow about your weather!


Rubber Burning Billyray




Its RAINING here in Sunny SO. Cal. today........ :banghead:


Not to worry, as its headed your way and will be there soon. :hysterical:

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I know what your feeling! Fortunately I left work a little early last Friday (before the storm hit). I was able to get both cars out on relatively clean roads. Just enough time for a quick drive up to our local BP station (at Cumberland) and back. A total of 8 miles, but I made the most of them. :happy feet:

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MAN I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!!!!!!! Here in AZ with the wind chill it has to be around

64 maybe 65 degrees, lucky me the suns out too so maybe the temps is around 66*.

Ya I had the car out Sunday and it got sideways in 2nd WOW it crazy sometimes!!

Me and my friends here in AZ ( PICS BELOW) want to show our sorrow about your weather!


Rubber Burning Billyray

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Live in Wisconsin the weather SUCKS here all fast cars to include Shelby GT are stored, car is on rollers next to my sixty Shelby everytime I pull my Jeep in garage I am reminded how much I miss driving cars, sometimes when I drive Jeep I make the exciting exhaust noise of my 07 Shelby, Gos help me I am missing summer and it is only Dec.

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Live in Wisconsin the weather SUCKS here all fast cars to include Shelby GT are stored, car is on rollers next to my sixty Shelby everytime I pull my Jeep in garage I am reminded how much I miss driving cars, sometimes when I drive Jeep I make the exciting exhaust noise of my 07 Shelby, Gos help me I am missing summer and it is only Dec.



Don't mean to rain on your parade, but my wife reminded me the first day of Winter isn't until December 21st. :censored::censored: It is still :censored: 'in Fall.



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I woke up this morning it was 48 degrees, by 10:00am it was 58

not a cloud in the sky

felt like zero% humidity

my shelby sitting in the garage

I could here her say

Take me!

Take me!

I'm be really good if your really bad...


I left her there, We all went to the mall to go shopping

no way would I subject her to the bumper car mayhem we call the mall parking lot

maybe tomorrow :happy feet:

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Iceman, Good winter PSDS therapy thread!


Just waiting out the cold and crappy weather here in Columbus. Man it is tough to pass by my baby in the garage every morning only to jump in my little puddle jumper that gets me to work in this snwy crap.


I am waiting for that nice 40-50 degree day so that I can call the insurance agent to reinstate my collision/liability coverage just so I can get my winter fix. I knew this was coming and it is my second winter with my GT500 so you'd think I would be used to it by now....NOT!!! It sucks!


O.K. I feel a little better now that I have whined about my winter PSDS publicly.

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I'm in IN and we've had a nice winter storm come through and the roads have been salted and it's no place for my nice little car to go. She's all covered up and tucked away in the garage but I'm having withdrawls so I went out today and started it up for the first time in about 3 weeks. It was nice to hear the beast roar to life again. I want so badly drive it a little while. I need a Dyno in my garage floor so i can practice over the winter. The sound and smell was wonderful. It was painful to cover it back up and leave but it sure felt good to sit in the seat and turn that key. Maybe we'll get another Dec. heat wave like last year. It was a yr ago on this past Sunday I brought her home and drove from Cinci, OH with a kid in the back and a line of people waiting for a ride when i got home. She was still in full plastic wrap at this time a yr ago and now look what Fred and Evolution along with Jared at lethal have done to me. I can't wait for the next steps.


Happy Holidays to all and happy 1 yr b-day to my car.....who wants to bet on the BMV screwing up my vanity plate. I ordered it so far in advance because of our silly deadlines I am sure they will mess it up. I have 07 COBRA coming but may have to change that to 9SECQTR when all is said and done :)


I can deal with the snow for another 1-2 weeks then I will be ready for a nice warm dry spell :)



Did the same thing on Saturday. Took the cover off, disconnected the battery tender, started it and backed it out of the the garage (a whole 20 feet!! ----- I wonder what my 0-3 MPH time was in reverse??). Just think, after this weekend, its starts staying lighter out each day (winter solstice) :happy feet:

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hibernation blues :banghead: .hey ice i know how you feel.celebrated my gt 500 first birthday on december 7. i also started the car last saturday and i was surprised that the car would not start.hooked up the battery tender and it started the next day as we recieved a dumping of almost 2 feet of snow here in ontario canada that sunday.


i now have the battery tender hooked up for good as my cars sleep for the winter.


Happy holidays to all on this forum,it has been a joy meeting new people and learning new tricks for my beast. :happy feet:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Just thought I'd revive this thread to say Winter Sucks!


NWS forecast says the hi temp for Denver tomorrow will be 15 degrees with a low of -2. :cold: I gotta get out of this frozen wasteland.


I'm glad we don't have it that bad in N. Nevada right now. The snow is about half gone and the high's are peaking at around 43 but that is for maybe an hour. IF this sunshine keeps up for another day or two I think I'll uncover the car, remove the Battery Tender and drive it up and down a few dry streets. The corners of the neighborhoods is where the snow plows piled it up 6 feet high and those piles are full of sand and salt. Yukkkkkk BTW, winter sucks

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Yea, we are not even close!...Thats the sad part.


I must admit your is the first “bubble boy” I have seen.

I just have mine covered over here in PA so I had it out Saturday for a while. I then covered it back up again by the time the snow got here on Sunday. Maybe I can get my skis out at some point soon! :happy feet:

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In Chicago here and agree weather sucks....I am going through withdrawals symptions...started mine up last weekend just to hear it. Mine is under cover so very easy access. Iceman, I am very impressed with your videos. Stupid question...how do you get those burnouts with a stick transmission? Can you give us rookies some help? Thanx Steve

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In Chicago here and agree weather sucks....I am going through withdrawals symptions...started mine up last weekend just to hear it. Mine is under cover so very easy access. Iceman, I am very impressed with your videos. Stupid question...how do you get those burnouts with a stick transmission? Can you give us rookies some help? Thanx Steve



You won't be as impressed when i tell you....it's like a magic trick when you know how it's done it isn't nearly as impressive :)


I put on line locks so the front tires stay locked with the brakes on when i hold the button allowing the rear to spin freely. It makes it a hell of a lot easier than what i used to do which was rev and dump then try to apply just enough brake to hold the front. I use 2nd gear to get a little more speed on the burn out and heat the tires a bit more.


Here is what you want to be able to hold them like that or as long as you wish (other options are out there but this is what I have): http://www.granatellimotorsports.com/pdf/m..._Tire_Fryer.pdf


I am still dying for the chance to drive it. I almost called and turned on the insurance over the week end but decided to just not dirty it up yet. I need a good rain to wash the salt and then then a nice few days of dry warm weather to come though - just enough to get the bug out for a while.

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