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Finally got the call!


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Did anyone wait longer than me?


I put a deposit down for an MSRP deal in August 2005. Over 2 yrs ago. I was 3rd in line at a small SVT dealership. This was before Ford decided that all dealers could get them. Due to Fords crappy allocation plan they only got 2 cars in 07. They were due 1 only in 08 and it was promised to me. No contract, but I did have a signed receipt for my deposit.


I finally got to order the car in May 07 and choose my colors (Vapor/black). Then in July the sales manager called and said they may not get one at all. They just didn't know. Made me wonder if something fishy was happening. I had just about given up hope. I used to read this site daily, but haven't been here in a couple of months.


That all changed today. I'm happy to report the dealer gen mgr called me today and said we have a target delivery date of 12-20-07. Now, my head is spinning! I have lot's of catch up reading to do. :headspin:



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Did anyone wait longer than me?


I put a deposit down for an MSRP deal in August 2005. Over 2 yrs ago. I was 3rd in line at a small SVT dealership. This was before Ford decided that all dealers could get them. Due to Fords crappy allocation plan they only got 2 cars in 07. They were due 1 only in 08 and it was promised to me. No contract, but I did have a signed receipt for my deposit.


I finally got to order the car in May 07 and choose my colors (Vapor/black). Then in July the sales manager called and said they may not get one at all. They just didn't know. Made me wonder if something fishy was happening. I had just about given up hope. I used to read this site daily, but haven't been here in a couple of months.


That all changed today. I'm happy to report the dealer gen mgr called me today and said we have a target delivery date of 12-20-07. Now, my head is spinning! I have lot's of catch up reading to do. :headspin:



CONGRATS on and awsome car enjoy that care Merry Christmas!!!
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Great news, as they say, "Good things in life are worth waiting for".....sounds like something my father would always say....


I've been on various lists since I got to drive one of the protoypes at the Ford Media weekend in Berkeley Ca. back in April 2006, and the car I got last weekend wasn't one of the two I was waiting for....go figure...

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congrats on your car.After being put on 3 lists in 05 which my name got lost on all 3. I was able to put down deposit and adm at local dealership . I ordered car on june 6 of 06 car came in on may 5 of 07. I was so mad at ford and there marketing of these great cars I sold my car ten days later on ebay. I decided I can drive my 68 gt 500 conv. Also I decided that if I can wait that long to get that car i can wait 3 more years and buy one for half price. P.S. To ford motor company please do not play lottery and adm with customers Your stock will go up if you dont treat your customers like crap There i feel :finger: beater now.

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Congrats! Great to see that your wait will finally be over... just in time for Christmas!



Thanks to all you guys!. I can't wait. I'm already lining things up like insurance. Going with Grundy on that. Also already looking at all the accessories.


The only downside will be that I will have to delay completion of my really fast car until the back account recovers from the hit.


The fast one:


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