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What's the deal lately????

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When I signed up on this board last year, it was early on and things were quiet. As things started happening with the car more people came on board and Robert asked me if I could be a Moderator. I agreed to do it and thought to why not nothing really happens.


That all changed about a month ago.


First off I am not trying to pass myself as a holier than thou person. In fact being a construction worker nothing could be further from the truth and yes, I swear too, probably too much while on a job site . However, I am a Mustang enthusiast, and as such expect to be on a Mustang site WITHOUT the BS that you'd expect from an LS1 site.


In the last month there's been some ugly behavior on this site and I just don't get it. Are we not all in this for the same thing ultimately? A GT500? Want to mod it? Go ahead. Keep it stock? Go ahead! Want to paint it Kawasaki lime green? Hey whatever floats your boat. Does that make anyone an idiot? Or a loser? or is it deserving of a death threat? I don't think so.


Lighten up folks.


Debate, discuss, dream, plan..... you get the point but try to do it without constantly ripping peoples heads off.


off soapbox.

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You said it! Act like adults and stop with the grandstanding. It's a great car, but, IT'S STILL JUST A CAR! I'm not here to talk politics, religion or any other subject not related to the GT500. Let's keep THIS FORUM the "good one" that everyone else talks about.

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I've been a significant part of a couple other message boards- both revolving around a certain college's sports programs, and the same thing happens/has happened there. We were all supposed to be "on the same team" so to speak but people would disagree, and then start taking swipes at each other and calling names. Human nature I guess. Even people who "play well with others" most of the time, snap and say something they shouldn't.


One thing we implemented over there was to forbid name calling and personal attacks. The mods really had to nip things in the bud. Perps got one warning and then if it happened again, they got a two week "vacation" from posting.

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Good Post, Kaylan!


I have been wondering what the heck is going on lately myself! Seems to be a lot of anger about. Well, maybe not anger, maybe it is just tension. Whatever it is, a lot of stuff gets said before it is thought out. I have to point to there being a certain degree of disrespect amongst us.


Some folks just naturally feel they are a little above the rest and they tend to say exactly what they want. I don't know that that is the case here, but there are some very well-to-do forum members here! I have never been in a position where I felt I could be "snooty". Maybe after I get the Shelby!


Gosh, I started the thread about the eBay listing that got everyone all upset! When I posted it, I was interested in the early delivery of the car, not the price! If someone wants to pay the price that is their prerogative. I wanted to know if the build date of 5 June was being pushed up.


If we can be respectful in our posts, then we all can enjoy reading them and benefit from them.


Keep smiling! A couple more days and we should all know what we have been yearning for!

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Gosh, I started the thread about the eBay listing that got everyone all upset!



Gee, thanks. (just kidding)


I've taken my share of heat over this thing. While I understand why people are upset (I really do) and me being one of the salesmen in the department that has that Shelby listed, I understand that I'm going to be a lightning rod, I did not list the car. I did get into it with some of the members and have since posted an appology on another thread. I have begged my boss, Lonestarfordinc, to stop posting on this board, but short of locking him up, there's not much I can do about it. In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have said anything on that thread and just let him take all the heat, but too late now. Besides, I'm more than happy to talk about the business from the sales point of view in a very open and candid manner - and politely.


At the end of the day, I'm just another Mustang driver and have been my whole adult life (as a teen I wanted a ricer, but a friend took me to a drag strip, and I've been a muscle car nut ever since). Just cut ME some slack, I'm not a moron or an idiot (I have a degree in Nuclear Engineering for Pete's sake!). :violin:

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I could not agree more. Lets get back to the love of the car regardless of price. i love this car and want to enjoy that with other enthusiasts. if someone wants to pay over MSRP for this car let them. i love this car and cannot wait to drive her . This site has so much to offer and I enjoy coming for all the info and photos and all the people to talk too. With out this site I would not even know what Orange with White looked like. I'm not going to let a few destroy that. :party::party: I love you guys :party::party::party:


P.S. could be the Molson talking :hysterical:

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When I signed up on this board last year, it was early on and things were quiet. As things started happening with the car more people came on board and Robert asked me if I could be a Moderator. I agreed to do it and thought to why not nothing really happens.


That all changed about a month ago.


First off I am not trying to pass myself as a holier than thou person. I


In the last month there's been some ugly behavior on this site and I just don't get it. Are we not all in this for the same thing ultimately? A GT500? Want to mod it? Go ahead. Keep it stock? Go ahead! Want to paint it Kawasaki lime green? Hey whatever floats your boat. Does that make anyone an idiot? Or a loser? or is it deserving of a death threat? I don't think so.



I posted on another topic, as well, expressing my regrets. Proberbly by the time the moderator came to my "quote " they proberbly had had enough. That is understandable and that was why my quote was deleted.

Like i posted later -- mabe the whole topic should have been deleted? Maby other members who started taking jabs at one another should have their privledges suspended, too.


END of Soap Box , too


I came to this site because it has the best information about a car i have dreamed of for years. I got an order in too. I am not holding my breath - I can't - from my own lifes experience. I will truly know I have one when I am driving off the dealer lot.. Heck the last new car i bought and still drive was a 1988 VW Fox.


Like I said before - I am sorry and have learned my lesson Thanks , Joe

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Anyone here seen Rhustlers Rhapsody? There is a scene where Tom Berenger is supposed to be fighting Bob Wayne in a showdown, well he chickens out and the townsfolk who he had been protecting to that point all came rushing out into the street to turn on him. Guess the same thing happens on the internet, its just not as funny! Wish I could post that clip everytine it happens though, far too appropriate if you ask me!

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Kaylan - BYTE ME you hypocritical, non-driving, socialist, tree-hugging Canadian!





Now that I have your attention and have raised Kaylan's blood pressure ;):

Actually, I agree with you completely. ;) It amazes me how so many of us enthusiasts can get so bent out of shape over a car, or our opinions. We ought to be comparing notes and learning from each other - especially once the cars start arriving in driveways. :yahoo:


This site has members that cover a huge difference of backgrounds, incomes, ages, and experiences. We are not all going to agree, but ADULTS can all agree to have differences in opinion. As my 6 year old niece quotes Thumper: "If you can't say somethin' nice...Don't say nothin' at all".


There is a no attacking policy on this site. What happens if it gets enforced? :drop:


Now back to our regularly scheduled bashing!

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Kaylan - BYTE ME you hypocritical, non-driving, socialist, tree-hugging Canadian!

Now that I have your attention and have raised Kaylan's blood pressure ;):

Actually, I agree with you completely. ;) It amazes me how so many of us enthusiasts can get so bent out of shape over a car, or our opinions. We ought to be comparing notes and learning from each other - especially once the cars start arriving in driveways. :yahoo:


This site has members that cover a huge difference of backgrounds, incomes, ages, and experiences. We are not all going to agree, but ADULTS can all agree to have differences in opinion. As my 6 year old niece quotes Thumper: "If you can't say somethin' nice...Don't say nothin' at all".


There is a no attacking policy on this site. What happens if it gets enforced? :drop:


Now back to our regularly scheduled bashing!



:ohsnap: I think those that break the No member bashing policy end up here :devil2::hysterical::hysterical:

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Kaylan - , tree-hugging Canadian!


Now this one made me laugh.


Funny thing is I live in a tree hugging neighborhood and I drive the following....


Daily driver F150 Crew Cab




99 Harley Heritage Softail

01 S/C'd Bullitt

and soon a 07 GT500.


Think I get many Christmas cards?


In fact a woman driving a Toyota Prius actually told at a stoplight that it was because of people like me that she drove the Prius. I of course being the good natured Canadian thanked her..... and then did a burnout across the intersection.



Thanks guys, these are the responses I was hoping for yesterday when I posted this thread. Maybe, just to bring to everyones attention how crazy things were becoming.


DVS2XS.......I still have control of the delete button. ;);)

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com on guy's LIFE is to short to be arguing about stupid thing's !!!IN life everyone has differnt tastes's if we were all the same it would be a boring WORLD! I will be getting a gt500 and congrtat's to the rest that have a order :party: to those that don't don't give up! plus there is also next year.Let's just all get along! :party: :bandance: :happy feet: BEST OF LUCK TO ALL!

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When I signed up on this board last year, it was early on and things were quiet. As things started happening with the car more people came on board and Robert asked me if I could be a Moderator. I agreed to do it and thought to why not nothing really happens.


That all changed about a month ago.


First off I am not trying to pass myself as a holier than thou person. In fact being a construction worker nothing could be further from the truth and yes, I swear too, probably too much while on a job site . However, I am a Mustang enthusiast, and as such expect to be on a Mustang site WITHOUT the BS that you'd expect from an LS1 site.


In the last month there's been some ugly behavior on this site and I just don't get it. Are we not all in this for the same thing ultimately? A GT500? Want to mod it? Go ahead. Keep it stock? Go ahead! Want to paint it Kawasaki lime green? Hey whatever floats your boat. Does that make anyone an idiot? Or a loser? or is it deserving of a death threat? I don't think so.


Lighten up folks.


Debate, discuss, dream, plan..... you get the point but try to do it without constantly ripping peoples heads off.


off soapbox.


First of all thanks for stealing my personal plates . Second hang in there I think this MSRP & Lonestar have raised our blood pressure (LoneStar Don`T take this a as derogatory remark) & as they say IT ALL COME OUT IN THE WASH. Lets get back to what the site is for THE 2007 SHELBY.


Shelby 001

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First of all thanks for stealing my personal plates . Second hang in there I think this MSRP & Lonestar have raised our blood pressure (LoneStar Don`T take this a as derogatory remark) & as they say IT ALL COME OUT IN THE WASH. Lets get back to what the site is for THE 2007 SHELBY.


Shelby 001




Good point and once, Lone Star has sold his car, I doubt that we will hear much on this site from him anymore. Also No offense meant Lone Star.

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you guys are funny! they have cars in Canada?


I don't get out of my forest much (NY has forests too) and, anyway, all those scratches on my forearms and all... that bark is rough stuff...


I'm an environmentalist AND car nut for life.. no conflict there... I'm a member in 20-something environmental organizations but cars are not the culprit anymore. It's buildings. The v6 in the new Fusion spews out exhaust that's cleaner than the air that went in (in the average city of pop 100K or more in the US) -- really! Buildings not only consume way more energy than cars, but they contribute many-fold the polutants, especially particulates . Yeah, the old diesels were bad, but that's about to change too.


Anyhow, I know I'm preaching to the choir, but...


Wait, didn't they cut down all the trees in canada? No cars, no trees! How would you tell it from Norway, eh?


<just kidding, my tall chainsaw-weilding friends ;-)>

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