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AMy John, Bud, anyone at SAI


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Amy, Bud, John, anyone at SAI :


I am asking nicely, for an update on this hood scoop issue. I am only speaking for myself, but I know there are many others waiting for news from SAI.


On October 8th, 2007, I was contacted via PM and email by John, asking for the specifics on my scoop and address. I gave him the information requested. I emailed John on October 25th , 2007 for an update, and I was told that things were still being worked out.


I emailed the other day, and have received no response. Many others have emailed and no response.


I am on my third hood scoop with problems. Apparently the 08’s are doing better, so it seems this should be passed on to the people that have purchased these cars. When we go to the dealers we are told various things, but most of all, they can’t or won’t do the fix.

It is my opinion that we have waited long enough for a fix. I would appreciate , at the very least, an update of to what the status is, or how we should proceed to get his fixed.


I love Shelby’s, and I do love this car, but we should be entitled to a solution to this problem. It is very sad that we have to come to these forums and look like “whiners” over our hood scoop issues, but this has gone on long enough. I have been dealing with it since April when I purchased my car.


I would respectfully ask to be updated in some manner on this issue.



Sue Olsen

Sarasota Florida


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Amy, Bud, John, anyone at SAI :


I am asking nicely, for an update on this hood scoop issue. I am only speaking for myself, but I know there are many others waiting for news from SAI.


On October 8th, 2007, I was contacted via PM and email by John, asking for the specifics on my scoop and address. I gave him the information requested. I emailed John on October 25th , 2007 for an update, and I was told that things were still being worked out.


I emailed the other day, and have received no response. Many others have emailed and no response.


I am on my third hood scoop with problems. Apparently the 08’s are doing better, so it seems this should be passed on to the people that have purchased these cars. When we go to the dealers we are told various things, but most of all, they can’t or won’t do the fix.

It is my opinion that we have waited long enough for a fix. I would appreciate , at the very least, an update of to what the status is, or how we should proceed to get his fixed.


I love Shelby’s, and I do love this car, but we should be entitled to a solution to this problem. It is very sad that we have to come to these forums and look like “whiners” over our hood scoop issues, but this has gone on long enough. I have been dealing with it since April when I purchased my car.


I would respectfully ask to be updated in some manner on this issue.



Sue Olsen

Sarasota Florida





I feel your pain but I don't think there is any more word beyond what's been said. SAI understands there is an issue with some dealers doing the work. There are liability issues should someone mess up the current rivet solution. I can see both points of view. SAI doesn't want to find itself buying thousands of hoods if dealers mess it up on installation, and dealers don't want to be responsible if the fix itself proves to be an issue, or they mess up, so some other less intrusive or complicated method is being tested. I can see this needing time as they make adjustments, I know mine was fine when I bought it, so the gaps etc., take time to show. I don't think, at this time, they can say any more and I don't want out collective impatience to move this faster than it should and we get less than we hope for.


Not trying to make excuses for them but just put it into perspective.




P.S. Be happy your in a warm climate these scoops really don't like the cold!

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Hmmm...I thought I had posted here earlier today or yesterday....but now its gone...hmmmm.


Anyway, I had asked on whether or not Tasca Ford / Shelby Mod Shop would do the work for me. SAI didn't answer that question either. Apparently they are not reading all our posts about the scoop, because I can't believe that they would simply ignore us.

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You might have posted under the different section for questions to Amy.


Jeff...I do understand what you are saying..and I do understand they need time to make this right. All I ask is for a communication that we are still testing...we aren't testing...we are trying something different.....you know what I mean.


I got frustrated last night when I read the Shelby magazine..see all the things being done..being rolled out...this that...and I can't get a reply about what the status is of a car I have been having issues with since April 07. After all the time I spent getting the first 3 scoops done....i only want to do this one more time and have it right..so i do understand the need of "testing'.


I can't imagine being in cold weather...it is 60 here today.....and that is COLD to us Floridians haha......


I just want an update. I don't want to be looked at as a whiner..just a consumer that deserves a response. I don't want to feel guilty for asking either.....as anytime any of us post on this subject we are criticized for beating a dead horse. I don't want SAI "avoiding" us because all 's we do is complain..i just don't want to be looked at that way...... I just want an update.


Thanks for listening :)


Now I have to go get Ralph ready for a show this weekend.....

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You might have posted under the different section for questions to Amy.


Jeff...I do understand what you are saying..and I do understand they need time to make this right. All I ask is for a communication that we are still testing...we aren't testing...we are trying something different.....you know what I mean.


I got frustrated last night when I read the Shelby magazine..see all the things being done..being rolled out...this that...and I can't get a reply about what the status is of a car I have been having issues with since April 07. After all the time I spent getting the first 3 scoops done....i only want to do this one more time and have it right..so i do understand the need of "testing'.


I can't imagine being in cold weather...it is 60 here today.....and that is COLD to us Floridians haha......


I just want an update. I don't want to be looked at as a whiner..just a consumer that deserves a response. I don't want to feel guilty for asking either.....as anytime any of us post on this subject we are criticized for beating a dead horse. I don't want SAI "avoiding" us because all 's we do is complain..i just don't want to be looked at that way...... I just want an update.


Thanks for listening :)


Now I have to go get Ralph ready for a show this weekend.....




What she said. There are Lemon Laws that protect the consumer, and I don't want to go there. The scoop issues have been festering for months, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to solve. The overall design is flawed, as the scoop doesn't conform to the shape of the hood. It's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.


SAI needs to step-up to their problem. I am sick and tired thinking about the scoop! :banghead:

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I too agree with ya,and others regarding the scoop. I even told my wife,that I would fix it,and feel confident in my abilities to fix it beyond satisfaction,in her eyes. I also alluded with her,I won't consider that though at this time as,the car is still under warranty,and the consumer shouldn't be expected to fix such,esp on a car with the attached pricetag that goes with it.


I have fabricated many of things as a kid and in my younger years,and understand what works,what doesn't,and why etc. I've yet to take off the scoop. My wife "wants" me to remove it tomorrow,and see if I can make it any better for her,prior to her car show on sunday. I have an idea of what it needs,and will be limited into improving the existing condition,my opinion.......without disturbing the original condition of the scoop. I don't want to alter it in any degree cuz I feel Shelby etc can possibly say..."you tampered with it,now it's your prob etc".


I want to help the wifes car,but feel my hands are tied,and feel bad for her as she has invested a few dollars in the show,and some hand lovin labor on her car,to make it look it's best.


My thoughts on this hood scoop ordeal are this.... It's not exactly rocket science involved...... what's the hold up? I'll state it here too as my wife nor I aren't exactly dummies....she stated this statement/question to me last night...."possibly SAI is overloaded with current projects,and come first of the year,they will concentrate getting things resolved with warranty issues/probs with the 07's?.?"


Simplicity would be nice,esp if the work is to be subbed out. Simplicity could mean a ton of things etc...example being,make a hood scoop that conforms UNIFORMLY to the lines of the hood,and offer it to the "whiners/complainers" of said hood scoop probs. In the long run,you eliminate bad vibes,and close doors. In that context,people aren't ALSO looking at other potential probs. I know this,just from the line of work I do.


Today I went behind 2 other guys,4 jobs total...PATCHING etc......fixing things that were either installed incorrectly,or hiding things,cuz guys cut too far for shower eschethuns to cover etc. Long story short,I problen solved all these issues,and potentially saved 1 of our biggest clients. I was myself,and most important to I,I was honest with the customer/s. That in itself said a lot to 1 of the ladies I dealt with today,and her and I have formed a "respect" for each other in that regards. I even went the extra mile for her,and made things RIGHT for her. Short term it's a loser. Long term it's a winner.....and,I sleep well at night knowing,I was a straight shooter with the customer,and the customer that was once totally pissed etc,now has peace of mind knowing,things will made right/correct.

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Sigh.....wifey just called I on phone,discussing her and my day,tomorrow.


Told her I have such n such to do,then I can help her with her car. She asks me to do windows/razor em etc....tell her I can do. Then she asks if I can remove underhood bonnet,and tighten 1 of the "screws" on the hoodscoop,closest to the windshield. I explained to her,that the hoodscoop is attached with 8 bolts underneath,and 2 screws up front. I think she thought that a screw could be tightened where she sees a big gap,and it would be improved.


She sounded bummed after I told her the news,and now I'm once again pissed :(

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I know SAI thinks we whine a lot, but all were asking for is update as to where they are with the fix. Were not asking them to fix it right this minute just want an idea on when we might expect a fix for the unsightly gap ! Is it to much to ask for un update evey once in a while on a resolution for a factory defect ?

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