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What's to say anyways. :) With a little luck Ford will build enough 500's so I may have a shot at owning one. Everybody should own one cool car in their lifetime. ;)


Still in its infancy - once we get some material and other features added, the traffic will come.






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Guest admin.stangs
What's to say anyways. :) With a little luck Ford will build enough 500's so I may have a shot at owning one. Everybody should own one cool car in their lifetime. ;)







I hear ya on that. My wife wants one - and she does not like my 1969s or my 1989 - in fact, she has not cared about cars until the 2005 Mustang came out. Now she wants the Shelby. An engineer on Team Mustang she should get a V6 Convertble and she said that she could not live without the power of the 4.6. - what a wife :D

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Hey, all


I agree that traffic will come with the GT500 gets cranked up and info begins to flow. I hope, too, that Ford will produce enough 500's to go around. There's no need in making it so hard to come by. IMHO, Ford owes it to the faithful Mustang owners to keep the price reasonable, and give us a great car! :D



Mustang owner since 1982

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Listening to John Clor from SVT, standing next to the concept car at Ford Carlisle, I found him quite informative. But I didn't catch the plans to release the convertible. I heard this may happen the same time as the coupe. Any buzz??

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...
I'm thinking maybe '07. I can't see paying over sticker. I need to sell my Aurora first, and save some pennies. But, I'm not always very patient...



I wonder if the guy that posted this in August 2005 realized he would have to wait until literally 2008 before the cars started selling anywhere near MSRP?



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I'm wondering what Jetsolvers name is now? :hysterical:



Lurch. :hysterical:



EVIL CHRIS. :hysterical:





Well, Well.



Thought I had deleted all notifications of the rubbish from this place.


But the same evolutionary throwbacks managed to find my very first post here in 05 and still get things wrong.


Same old soi-disant autogamic losers.


Bought a Cayman. Enjoy thoroughly. About to upgrade to an S.


May you all enjoy the holidays.


Well, except for the usual suspects.


May you find yourself in this position





Or Not.


KCMO, you are one of the five or six good people still here.


Save yourself. :hysterical:



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well, I miss ya......


I find that I enjoy a wide spectrum of discussion on this board, and you certainly added to the knowledge base here. Actually, evil chris added also, but he sure brought a lot of baggage with him unfortunately.


Jet - hope you have safe and wonderful holidays



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Well, Well.



Thought I had deleted all notifications of the rubbish from this place.


But the same evolutionary throwbacks managed to find my very first post here in 05 and still get things wrong.


Same old soi-disant autogamic losers.


Bought a Cayman. Enjoy thoroughly. About to upgrade to an S.


May you all enjoy the holidays.


Well, except for the usual suspects.


May you find yourself in this position





Or Not.


KCMO, you are one of the five or six good people still here.


Save yourself. :hysterical:



Hang in there bud we'll get you out. :hysterical:



Amazing pic ... WOW. :rockon:

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