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Joe G's Pizza Place

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After my stint in the paint department, I absolutely refuse to work with chemicals of any kind. I'm honestly surprised that I haven't sprouted extra organs or something after being exposed to toluene, and those wonderful isocyanates. The PPE that I was provided with was marginal at best, so I always worry about the long term results of messing with that stuff. As far as the car, every component on it was cleaned and painted a couple of years ago. Because the car is driven on dry days only, I could put my hand on any part of that car and not find ANY residue (well, expect the rotors, LOL). I love working on that car because everything is spotless, and while it can be a real PITA keeping it that way, it pays when it's time to work on it. :yup: Thanks for looking out for me!


Toluene! Yikes ...Bad stuff... most store spray-paint has it -- even Rustoleum! That new Ford high-solids "wet process" paint system they're now using on some commercial vans holds promise to eliminate a lot of the bad stuff ... the sooner the better!


Yeah, I was just looking out for you and egglet :P Maybe post some pics of your ride/engine some time, Michelle... If that's the 'Stang you posted pics of a while back, it's GORGEOUS!!!! Love that look! Great paint and that sort of 'stealthy' smile that only certain SN95s dressed-up right seem to have :) I love the new ones, but the 'face' of the prior-gen is really unique.


Spotless is good :wub: ;-)

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Laughing out loud over here!


I had so much fun that weekend with you, Joe.


I really wish you didn't live in Ice Station Zebra. :hysterical2:


I will never forget when you took delivery of your Shelby - ever.



...how long has that bald spot been on my head? :rant:

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Laughing out loud over here!


I had so much fun that weekend with you, Joe.


I really wish you didn't live in Ice Station Zebra. :hysterical2:


I will never forget when you took delivery of your Shelby - ever.



...how long has that bald spot been on my head? :rant:

Ice Station Zebra??? :redcard::cold::hysterical2:


When I'm down I open up the NC pictures file and it always brings a smile.

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topiary camel




Look it up :headspin:



:hysterical2::hysterical2: aw.... poor alpaca ...


Neighbor down the block used to raise alpaca... funny looking but very sweet animals... wild dogs got in the main corral and killed most of them -- very sad day ...in 10 minutes they lost over $350K! I helped them sheer the alpaca one spring -- what a 'trip' that was!! :hysterical: They moved the business to Tennessee.




Joe, liked that parrot vid!! ;-)

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