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Joe G's Pizza Place

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Sure, she's all yours!! :hysterical:



Oh, and you can have them too. :hysterical2:




LOL I walked into that one :hysterical2: I will have to turn you down though. I don't have any all you can eat places near me and no hitch. Anyways they busted your struts and springs I couldn't do that to my car. Has your ricer friend given them back to you or are you just pimping them out :hysterical::hysterical2::hysterical2:

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Has your ricer friend given them back to you or are you just pimping them out :hysterical::hysterical2::hysterical2:

Oh yeah, I'm old skool pimpin! :happy feet:


There's always some guys (like you) who keep these girls busy!











I'm glad you're a good sport!



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Oh yeah, I'm old skool pimpin! :happy feet:


There's always some guys (like you) who keep these girls busy!





I'm glad you're a good sport!




you know those swimsuits don't really do them justice, you should take them to Colemans and get them some better gear :hysterical2: BTW jabba looks about right but princess leia looks like she has put on a few pounds :hysterical::hysterical:

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Ok, I just beat up all the large women, and sent them off to star in Hairspray........




Now, I'd like to order a large sheet pizza, topped with bacon and pepperoni. I'll be using my free coupon at this time. Now someone go get that ready, and serve it with a smile, ok?

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Alright, I am pissed off now, how come I just found out about the "girls" in the back.


I went back for the Pepsi and the lights went out. I didn't know what happened, maybe a fuse or something. I grab a flashlight and head for the cooler. The flashlight goes out. I am standing there in the dark.


All of the sudden, I start hearing the terrible gnawing sound. It had got to be the biggest rat in the world. I am starting to get a little nervous. What if one of those big rats hears me. The gnawing gets louder and louder, its got to be close. Sweat is just pouring off my forehead.


The gnawing stopped, I can hear my heart beating faster and faster. Crap, I think it heard me. Maybe if I just quit breathing. Oh God, please let me live.


All of the sudden, I hear it moving closer and closer. Oh damn it, its all over. Then I hear it. "HEY MISTER, IS THERE ANY MORE SAUSAGE LEFT, WE DIDN'T GET ENOUGH ON OUR PIZZA. WHERE IS EVERYONE, THIS IS LOUSY SERVICE"


Oh man, was I relieved, just a couple of large girls. I said, "Everyone has gone home, I have to lock up"


Then I saw the look in their eyes. All squinty and everything. Then they smiled. The lights went out again. I begin to sweat again, oh crap, new trouble. Why did I have to say that.


Oh no, don't touch that, leave me alone, I scream.


Joe, I am going to get you for this!

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Alright, I am pissed off now, how come I just found out about the "girls" in the back.


I went back for the Pepsi and the lights went out. I didn't know what happened, maybe a fuse or something. I grab a flashlight and head for the cooler. The flashlight goes out. I am standing there in the dark.


All of the sudden, I start hearing the terrible gnawing sound. It had got to be the biggest rat in the world. I am starting to get a little nervous. What if one of those big rats hears me. The gnawing gets louder and louder, its got to be close. Sweat is just pouring off my forehead.


The gnawing stopped, I can hear my heart beating faster and faster. Crap, I think it heard me. Maybe if I just quit breathing. Oh God, please let me live.


All of the sudden, I hear it moving closer and closer. Oh damn it, its all over. Then I hear it. "HEY MISTER, IS THERE ANY MORE SAUSAGE LEFT, WE DIDN'T GET ENOUGH ON OUR PIZZA. WHERE IS EVERYONE, THIS IS LOUSY SERVICE"


Oh man, was I relieved, just a couple of large girls. I said, "Everyone has gone home, I have to lock up"


Then I saw the look in their eyes. All squinty and everything. Then they smiled. The lights went out again. I begin to sweat again, oh crap, new trouble. Why did I have to say that.


Oh no, don't touch that, leave me alone, I scream.


Joe, I am going to get you for this!

This is your longest post, ever. :happy feet:

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No touching the back-room help Acorn boy!! :angry2:


If it weren't for them bringing in the big eaters I wouldn't be able to stay in business.


All we have here are a bunch of freeloaders.


Carnut buys one small Pepsi and 15 more of you get the free refills on it! :nonono:




Now I gotta go and help the PAYING customers!


No anchovies for Dave... at least he's paying this time... (grumble grumble grumble...)


ANOTHER free pizza for Michelle?? How many copies of that coupon you gonna use honey?? You're killin' me here! :banghead:

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ANOTHER free pizza for Michelle?? How many copies of that coupon you gonna use honey?? You're killin' me here! :banghead:


Not my fault, Joe. Take it up with those folks who print your coupons. Look at the very bottom. It says limit nONE. Attention to detail, Joe!

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No touching the back-room help Acorn boy!! :angry2:


If it weren't for them bringing in the big eaters I wouldn't be able to stay in business.


All we have here are a bunch of freeloaders.


Carnut buys one small Pepsi and 15 more of you get the free refills on it! :nonono:

Now I gotta go and help the PAYING customers!


No anchovies for Dave... at least he's paying this time... (grumble grumble grumble...)


ANOTHER free pizza for Michelle?? How many copies of that coupon you gonna use honey?? You're killin' me here! :banghead:


I saw the girls and figured it was an all you can eat joint.

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