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My car is getting closer to coming home so I started searching for insurance. Grundy has offered full coverage with a 50 grand value on the car with a few requirements I can live with for $650 a year. Does that seem fair to you all? I thought it was pretty good.

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My car is getting closer to coming home so I started searching for insurance. Grundy has offered full coverage with a 50 grand value on the car with a few requirements I can live with for $650 a year. Does that seem fair to you all? I thought it was pretty good.


Lucky you. I live in Ft. Lauderdale and have a flawless driving record. My quote from State Farm is $1500. per year. I am 65.

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State Farm is high, go elsewhere. I am 46, perfect record, no claims, and with AAA in MI my quote was under $600 and adding it with my homeowners policy will drop it another $200. Shop around, as well be willing to move other policies. Insurance companies differ greatly, but if you have a good record and no or few claims, you should be able to get pretty low. More so for a second car or a none daily driver.

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State Farm is high, go elsewhere. I am 46, perfect record, no claims, and with AAA in MI my quote was under $600 and adding it with my homeowners policy will drop it another $200. Shop around, as well be willing to move other policies. Insurance companies differ greatly, but if you have a good record and no or few claims, you should be able to get pretty low. More so for a second car or a none daily driver.


Thanks, I will call Grundy. I have everything with State Farm.

Maybe they think I am too old to drive. Wait until they see my Super Snake. What a rip-off. I have three cars with them and my house. Time for a change.

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Hey i am doing Grundy i use them before and i am here in west palm beach and my insurance for the shelby gt 500 for 50K is $737.00 a year not bad and state farm is $1800 a year for less insurance so i am useing Grundy


I just checked Grundy over the web quote and got $737. also. Do you know if they limit the miles you can drive per year.

They are closed now so, there is no one to talk to about coverage. I can't go with Hagerty as they will not write a car that is driven over 3000 miles per year. Thanks, Bill

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I just checked Grundy over the web quote and got $737. also. Do you know if they limit the miles you can drive per year.

They are closed now so, there is no one to talk to about coverage. I can't go with Hagerty as they will not write a car that is driven over 3000 miles per year. Thanks, Bill


Make sure you read the fine print if going with Grundy. Last time I checked, they only cover going to and from car show-type events. If you want to take a drive through the mountains or run to the store to pick up some milk, you aren't covered.

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My car is getting closer to coming home so I started searching for insurance. Grundy has offered full coverage with a 50 grand value on the car with a few requirements I can live with for $650 a year. Does that seem fair to you all? I thought it was pretty good.




I am in So. Cal. and that is about the same that I was quoted with my Allstate agent

but I heard I can get a better full coverage deal with low mileage collector car Insurance.

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Make sure you read the fine print if going with Grundy. Last time I checked, they only cover going to and from car show-type events. If you want to take a drive through the mountains or run to the store to pick up some milk, you aren't covered.




My restrictions are has to be in a garags, no one under 25 can drive, cant be your daily driver, no parking in shopping centers. Thats it. Those are all things I was planning anyway. It may not work for some but its fine for me

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I have mine with Grundy. There are no mileage restrictions but you can't use your car to run errands or as a daily driver. I got exactly what you mentioned for the same price of $737.00. Everything else I have is with Nationwide but their price is more than double for less coverage.

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I pay State Farm 686 a year for full value coverage, no milage or parking limits and drive it to work once in a while (not primary). $500 ded. And this is Harris County TX, one of the worst rates in the country due to thefts and high accident rates.


Its actually a little cheaper than that too as I got a $74 refund a couple months ago when SF shared profits with its policy holders. I have been with SF for many years and more importantly been through several really strange claims on both auto and house. They have gone out of thier way to help. I'll stick with my great agent and great coverage.


SFs discount structure rewards long time customers quite a bit so they make it hard to switch.

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I pay State Farm 686 a year for full value coverage, no milage or parking limits and drive it to work once in a while (not primary). $500 ded. And this is Harris County TX, one of the worst rates in the country due to thefts and high accident rates.


Its actually a little cheaper than that too as I got a $74 refund a couple months ago when SF shared profits with its policy holders. I have been with SF for many years and more importantly been through several really strange claims on both auto and house. They have gone out of thier way to help. I'll stick with my great agent and great coverage.


SFs discount structure rewards long time customers quite a bit so they make it hard to switch.


Surprising to hear! State Farm in MI sucks. They are higher than most and for the most part are just business, not interested in relationships. My fiance has had them for 15 years, never a claim, and we just got another car and the cost was rediculas. I had her call my AAA agent, who even this havingto pay for a membership was $200 cheaper than State Farm. When she told them that, they said, oh well, that is the best we can do!!! So I think you might have a good agent, but I do not think State Farm is normally that good or low. Just my experience! But glad you got a deal. By the way AAA quoted my Shelby insurance at under $500 for the year!

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Im with state farm ... but they wanted stupid money for the shelby ... I called GEICO and i have two total vehicles insured through them with lower deductibles for less money than what State Farm wanted for just the Shelby

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Im with state farm ... but they wanted stupid money for the shelby ... I called GEICO and i have two total vehicles insured through them with lower deductibles for less money than what State Farm wanted for just the Shelby



If you do not mind, what did they want for the Shelby alone? Is it beter than my $500 per year?

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yes ..... as u know insurance rates are based on many factors ... there are several areas that insureance companys rate you besides your limits ... your driving record, where u drive and credit rating.


I have great credit ... no tickets or accidents .... and drive in low risk area .... State farm wanted about $750 every 6 mths with 500,000/300,000 liability


I have my GT500 and my 02 F150 insured for $630 every six months with lower deductibles

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yes ..... as u know insurance rates are based on many factors ... there are several areas that insureance companys rate you besides your limits ... your driving record, where u drive and credit rating.


I have great credit ... no tickets or accidents .... and drive in low risk area .... State farm wanted about $750 every 6 mths with 500,000/300,000 liability


I have my GT500 and my 02 F150 insured for $630 every six months with lower deductibles


I understand and am right there with you. Over 30 years with AAA, no tickets, great credit, no claims... and if you break it down you are at $1260 for two cars, so I think we are in the same overall ballpark. I can insure my Jag and my Shelby for the same! It pays to be in good standings and do the right things. :happy feet:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just got a quote from "HEACOCK" collector car insurance;

520 a year for 52 grand on the 08 GT500

250 a year for 25 grand on the 05 GT


These guys are at www.heacockclassic.com


Thaught I would see if anyone here can comment...........

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Just got a quote from "HEACOCK" collector car insurance;

520 a year for 52 grand on the 08 GT500

250 a year for 25 grand on the 05 GT


These guys are at www.heacockclassic.com


Thaught I would see if anyone here can comment...........

I use Farmers on all my cars. Just the regular good old boy insurance.


Is this car allready a collector car ? :stirpot:

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Log on to www.heacockclassic.com and one of the catagories has a picture

of a 07 torch red GT500.

The guy I talked to says they already consider it a "MODERN CLASSIC".

I don't doubt that is is a modern classic. In fact I agree.


But as far as insurance goes, I just insure it for market value. In the winter, I will just cover it for fire and theft for about 4-5 months, and then re-activate the full coverage.


My cost is $542.40 every 6 months for full coverage. 120 Comp deductable, and 500 Collision deductable. Coverage is Bodily injury 100K each person / 300K each occurrence and property damage of 50K. Also comes with uninsured motorist. PIP is limit of 10K.


My GT/CS has the same coverage but it is $535.40 every 6 months.


I have been with Farmers for 18 years and they treat me right. If I want to drive the car in the winter on a nice day, I just call them and they cover me for one day anytime I want. Even if I want to do it 3 or 4 days a month. They have me send them an e-mail and they reply back to me, and I am covered, and they don't charge me for it.


Also if I am in a accident, I dont have to prove that I was in a parade or something! :hysterical:NO SPECIAL RULES!


If I total the car, I will get blue book value for the car...and I am OK with that.

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:hysterical: Of course I will have to read the fine print but I was told the only restriction

is 3000 miles a year. "Covered even if I run it off a cliff"

Read the fine print. I did with Grundy, and it would not work for me. They would not cover me for many reasons. I talked to them over the phone and got many e-mails back and forth, and then they denied me.


It would be a drag to wreck your car.....and not be covered because of a loop hole rule that you broke! :banghead:

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Make sure you read the fine print if going with Grundy. Last time I checked, they only cover going to and from car show-type events. If you want to take a drive through the mountains or run to the store to pick up some milk, you aren't covered.


Be careful with Grundy is an understatement.


My regular company wouldn't go for agreed upon value and I didn't want to get in a head to head with my regular insurance company in case of a loss. So I called Grundy and I asked them all kinds of questions about coverage on a weekend trip etc and they told me verbally no problem. So I got the binder and actually read the fine print and it said basically "driving for transportation is not covered". So I called them up and asked what if I want to go for an eight hour weekend drive to the Grand Canyon is that covered and they said yes. Then I said so what does "transportation" mean and they put me on hold. About five minutes later they came back and said an underwriter told them "sure he's covered as long as he went to a car show up there that weekend"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say I CNX'd that deal pronto and went with Hagerty. At least they have an agreed upon value policy that costs the same as my regular company and I can drive for pleasure. They don't want to see many miles on the car per year, but that's OK since mine is a weekend trip driver anyway.

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Read the fine print. I did with Hagerty, and it would not work for me. They would not cover me for many reasons. I talked to them over the phone and got many e-mails back and forth, and then they denied me.


It would be a drag to wreck your car.....and not be covered because of a loop hole rule that you broke! :banghead:


I just read your post regarding Hagerty. What were the show stopping rules?

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I just read your post regarding Hagerty. What were the show stopping rules?


I meant Grundy, Not Hagerty. Sorry.

They would not let me go to the store to get a gallon of milk or run an erron of that type. They said I could not park my car in a store parking lot or run to the bank and park my car in the lot. They said I could not drive on a trip and stay overnight in a motel and park the car in the lot.


I could drive it to a car show or a parade, or just for a ride, and that's it. I got this all in writing from them in an e mail, and then they denied me.

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