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hit and run victim


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I have thoroughly been enjoying our new SGT but have been somewhat worried about leaving it parked daily 3 blocks from work. (Reserved parking). I figured I would do my best to be prudent in doing my part in parking the car, and if something happened I would just rely on someone to do the right thing if an accident occurred.... WELL apparently someone out there doesn't understand the meaning of responsibilty. Our SGT was hit (more like scraped) and left for dead. NO NOTE!! I came home last night to find this:




The funny thing is someone took the time to hand paint the biggest scratch...SOOOOO $529 out of pocket to fix and paint front bumper..


Thank you asshole!!

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Hey I didn't do it!!!!


j/k axxhole is an old nickname....


I feel for you and it amazes me that some one actually took the time to try and cover it up! WTF!!! If it was in a reserved lot is there someone there that could have seen it happen? That totally sucks... sorry you have to go through this.

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I can't believe they thought if they put a little touch up paint on it, no one would notice.


Even if I drove an old Yugo, I'd notice that!


Plus, unless they just happened to have some black paint with them, they would have had to come back to do their 'repairs'.



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There is a hobby store literally 75 feet away. I want to go see if they possibly have security video from Monday and Tuesday and see if someone bought one of those little bottles of model paint and a paint brush. The only issue is the owner of the hobby store that has parked next to me for 3 yrs drives a white car. The car was not there yesterday for me to check out...I KNOW WHAT YOUR THINKING...it is obvious.... I will see what happens today...

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There is a white camaro as well that parks backwards and pulls up next to mine every morning to back in. I found this on his car and it matches up to my marks... I can't just start blaming people so I'm at a loss.




And here is mine.. but the mark on his COULD be from ours but the color isn't really black..



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I'd be non-confrontational, buy say something like "Hey, I noticed you have a scratch on your car. I got one myself just yesterday. Don't you hate that? Do you know of any good body shops in the area?" Then I'd watch him and see how he reacts. If he actually is the person who hit your car, he might own up to it.



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So there are 2 possible "perps" ( I just like to say perps). And since I can't prove anything I can't really confront either of them. So I have decided to move foward and let karma take care of the guilty party. It's not worth getting worked up over some dirt bag. I know myself and I don't do confrontation well, as soon as I start pointing fingers it's over. So I choose to stay calm and not let this be a negative in my life.... besides I drive a shelby bitch...:)

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So there are 2 possible "perps" ( I just like to say perps). And since I can't prove anything I can't really confront either of them. So I have decided to move foward and let karma take care of the guilty party. It's not worth getting worked up over some dirt bag. I know myself and I don't do confrontation well, as soon as I start pointing fingers it's over. So I choose to stay calm and not let this be a negative in my life.... besides I drive a shelby bitch... :)

good for you.... I too will run the other way to get away from confrontation, but when someone messes with my car I go ballistic!

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That's a real shame you had that happen so soon after buying a well cared for SGT and you also have a bit of circumstantial evidence. Were you able to obtain any video from any security cams that may be monitoring the parking lot? And geez that pic of the "accident".......it looks like Mr. Magoo backed in to you and Stevie Wonder came by and tried to fix it........

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No video.. the camera system was left over from the bank that use to occupy the building. I'm over it.... it sucks but it is what it is. Talked to a local car builder and he is going to fix the front bumper and paint it for me in a couple weeks. He does some really nice work and comes highly recommended.

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If your insurance company was willing to come look at your car while say you're at work and the comaro is parked there you could let them make the accusation. Insurance companies have people that are expertly trained in evaluating how damage occurs. You could be good cop and the insurance person the bad cop. Body shop repairs are a lot cheaper then hit and run citations and insurance hikes. At least you sound level headed and to be a bigger person than whoever hit you. ("Besides I drive a Shelby bitch" that's winning material right there.)

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