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First Ticket


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Never understood how people get bent out of shape about speeding. I never obey speed limits, I use common sense instead. You should never be driving "fast" in traffic, residential areas, poor road conditions and roads etc. Driving "fast" in a straightaway with no traffic however isn't going to harm anyone as long as your tires and vehicle are capable of handling it. The whole point is having an idea on your minimum necessary reaction time needed to avoid an accident, at higher speeds this number shrinks. Deer are always a consideration but I had a great aunt almost killed crossing a bridge while doing 35 when it went through her windshield.


Most posted speed-limits more often have to do with revenue generation than actual safety. Speed is only one factor in many when determining safety.

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in his defense, keep your kids off the roads! they don't belong there under ANY circumstances.


secondly, the laws are written with the average person in mind (and the average-minded person). these cars and many of their owners/drivers do not fall into this category. laws are important, but personal judgement is more important, in my opinion. afterall, laws are written by people.

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Not to sound harsh or anything, but regardless of the road, 70 in a 35 is too fast. There may be a specific reason why that is the posted speed limit.


Ezareth, I would like to see you fuel bill and how many times you fill up every week if you drive like that. Yes, I have driven through ohio and it a boring drive, but I still wouldn't do 90 all the way. this isn't Texas.


Other forums like Viper and Corvette also enforce rules that you must obey all traffic laws and rules of the road as part of their conduct. Posting nonsense like this bragging about you driving 90 on the highway can get you into serious trouble. I am just stating facts and would assume that is also part of the Team Shelby conduct as well.

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Not to sound harsh or anything, but regardless of the road, 70 in a 35 is too fast. There may be a specific reason why that is the posted speed limit.


Ezareth, I would like to see you fuel bill and how many times you fill up every week if you drive like that. Yes, I have driven through ohio and it a boring drive, but I still wouldn't do 90 all the way. this isn't Texas.


Other forums like Viper and Corvette also enforce rules that you must obey all traffic laws and rules of the road as part of their conduct. Posting nonsense like this bragging about you driving 90 on the highway can get you into serious trouble. I am just stating facts and would assume that is also part of the Team Shelby conduct as well.



Going 90 is hardly bragging and really isn't that fast on a turnpike where most drivers are going 75-80 MPH. I rarely go above 100MPH and if I do it isn't for very long. I spend about $300/month in gas on average for the record and I get 18 MPG on average doing 90. (during summer driving months). When you have a 40 mile commute to work every day, driving the speed limit isn't an viable option for me.


I don't consider exceeding the speed limit "breaking the law" considering 90%+ people do it regularly. Most of us break the law all the time in ways we may not even realize. I obey common sense before arbitrary law every time.

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Going 90 is hardly bragging and really isn't that fast on a turnpike where most drivers are going 75-80 MPH. I rarely go above 100MPH and if I do it isn't for very long. I spend about $300/month in gas on average for the record and I get 18 MPG on average doing 90. (during summer driving months). When you have a 40 mile commute to work every day, driving the speed limit isn't an viable option for me.


I don't consider exceeding the speed limit "breaking the law" considering 90%+ people do it regularly. Most of us break the law all the time in ways we may not even realize. I obey common sense before arbitrary law every time.



How do you spend more a month on gas than me and you get better gas milage? How much are you driving a month?



Edit: just saw you drive 40 miles a day to work so nevermind that answers that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately for some that feel the laws aren't appropriate or don't apply to them the fact of the matter is that the law enforcement guys are "Official". We live in a small town of 350 people and the HP is on the local ambulance with me. Somebody asked me if I could keep the Shelby down to the speed limit-he replied that he could honestly say that every time he clocked me it was right on but added that since he didn't have a prayer to catch me I should just go home and he would drop the ticket by later! I really don't like donating to the state's revenue pot and although I have driven faster than 65 on some state roads occasionally, I haven't gotten a speeding ticket in about 20 years. Hubby at 63 has never gotten one and has driven lots of hot cars in his day. The track is the place to "drop the hammer" as my husband says. :speedie:

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This is by no means a lucture, just one opinion from the other side of the ticket. I am a police officer (15yrs). I am now a detective and no longer in the radio car, but that being said when I was on the road,I tried to lead by example. What I mean by that, is I am a realist. I drove 80 in a 65 on the freeway, may not always come to a full stop at a stop sign, have tint on the windows of my show car that I cruise on weekends, and at times had to take a cell phone call. The one thing I never did was do any of this behavior when it was obvious that I could be putting somebody else at risk. So when I would patrol, I would be able to give people a break on the minor infractions that have to do with everyday life. I would never look the other way mind you, just give the benefit of the doubt whenever I could. Keep the spirited driving out of the residential areas, school zones, and construction zones. Ask yourself next time you drop the hammer for a quick smile, would I write myself for this? Just because you have a track inspired car, doesn't mean you can't enjoy it on the street! Have fun, and be safe! If the man gets ya, be honest. I'm sorry officer I'm a moron, LOL.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is by no means a lucture, just one opinion from the other side of the ticket. I am a police officer (15yrs). I am now a detective and no longer in the radio car, but that being said when I was on the road,I tried to lead by example. What I mean by that, is I am a realist. I drove 80 in a 65 on the freeway, may not always come to a full stop at a stop sign, have tint on the windows of my show car that I cruise on weekends, and at times had to take a cell phone call. The one thing I never did was do any of this behavior when it was obvious that I could be putting somebody else at risk. So when I would patrol, I would be able to give people a break on the minor infractions that have to do with everyday life. I would never look the other way mind you, just give the benefit of the doubt whenever I could. Keep the spirited driving out of the residential areas, school zones, and construction zones. Ask yourself next time you drop the hammer for a quick smile, would I write myself for this? Just because you have a track inspired car, doesn't mean you can't enjoy it on the street! Have fun, and be safe! If the man gets ya, be honest. I'm sorry officer I'm a moron, LOL.



I say......that was brilliant! I've had a few tickets and gotten out of at least 1 by just admiting that what I did was beyond stupid.


And then got one for "following to closly" while laying on a hospital bed after kissing the back of a van at 50 (glare from the sun, construction to fix a light poll right after a corner, and black van) on my bike......was the cop right? Yes.....still annoys me though.

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also from the other side..retired.. witnessed two kids 18yrs old racing from their high school...Before I could stop them..(very hard to catch both)) ONE OF THEM HIT A TELEPHONE POST HEAD ON>>>>> DOA... Speed KILLS no matter WHERE.......Respect ...Your ride... the law...and YoURSELF ..THE COURTS WILL NOT....IF YOU DO NOT....

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also from the other side..retired.. witnessed two kids 18yrs old racing from their high school...Before I could stop them..(very hard to catch both)) ONE OF THEM HIT A TELEPHONE POST HEAD ON>>>>> DOA... Speed KILLS no matter WHERE.......Respect ...Your ride... the law...and YoURSELF ..THE COURTS WILL NOT....IF YOU DO NOT....



Well said. Could not agree more. Racing anyone anywhere on a public highway is unacceptable in my book. Save your speeding for the track.

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Well said. Could not agree more. Racing anyone anywhere on a public highway is unacceptable in my book. Save your speeding for the track.



I *SO* disagree.


If done right, it can be 100% safe for all but the participants.


I know of two street racing scenes, one in the Salnas CA (Old Stage Rd.) area and the other in the Fresno CA (Firebaugh) area.


BOTH are done on reletively deserted backroads with unlimited visibility in both directions, with one 'spotter' on the big end with a radio to call in the winners AND warn of any on-comming cars to the other radio at the starting line. NO ONE is allowed beyond the starting line other than the two drivers and the spotter who is located up on and/or behind a large berm on the right side of the (2-lane) road.


I know of one guy that got hurt when he rolled his car and clipped off a wooden telephone pole. His Camaro rolled off of the raised road and out into the Ag. field. He walked away from it.


These are "money' races and it's not uncommon to see $5-$10K go down on any given race. Cars as fast as mid-7's run, most in the 10 to 12 second range.


If done SAFELY (I can't say 'right' because it IS illegal!), it can be done with no harm to innocents.


It's the idiots that race in town, or with lines of spectators along the road, etc. that get people killed.




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There are sanctioned races too like the Silver State that are run on public roads but they are closed to traffic. This event is sanctioned. I doubt the ones mentioned in the previous post are.



If by "previous post" you mean mine. no, they are outlaw street races. No sanctioning body in their right mind would sanction one like I talk about. My point is, if done SAFELY it can be SAFE.


No, there are no EMT's or ambulances on scene so the drivers could end up in a bad way. But NO WAY will anyone else.


And just FWIW, one of the street racers is also a regular in the Siver State Classic you speak of (name withheld to protect his innocence)!




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You are 100% correct. "Relatively" deserted roads is not good enough. There is still a chance that you could injure or kill people other than those that are racing. This is totally irresponsible, and illegal behavior. If you want to race, go to a track.

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But don't people still get injured and killed at race tracks sometimes? I have seen on TV where cars jump safety rails and crash through netting and land in the crowded stands. I guess you probably have a better chance for survival if paramedics and ambulances are in place though.

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This reminds me of a conversation I had yesterday with a lawyer. She was preparing me for a deposition I have to make on Monday as a witness for an EEOC investigation. During a casual conversation after the prep session, the lawyer told me that it's a common expression among lawyers that, "It's all good until something goes bad."


Which I inferred to mean that when "something goes bad" is the point at which lawyers make money.

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Idiots are the ones that ruin these "potentially safe events" Unfortunately...Anyone has the potential to catch themselves in an idiot position. We can talk all day on what might be safe, what has been proven to be safe, and what has been laid out to be safe, but in any one of these instances the cars and the street might be really safe, even you might be super safe an cautious, but the other guy might not be, and with all the testosterone goin.....Who knows what bad decisions may come. I'll say it as always...this isn't the 60's and 70's as a society we are regressing.....watch out for the other guy he may be the one that screws everything up!

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I don't know if they still do or not but a few years ago in Las Vegas the local law enforcement held "supervised" drags out at the speedway because kids were doing it on the backroads and had huge success if I remember correctly. this was a bid deal on Friday or Saturday night=I think that is closer to safe than the backroads thing. I have been and EMT for 30 years and picked up the pieces "when something goes bad."

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I got Michelin PSS's yesterday in order for my '13 GT500 to be safer & wifey may ride with me now! Street racers egg me on occasionally, but getting satisfaction would be as immature as them. The snub should tell them something since this car would take out 99.9% of the cars out there! They can read about this car, so my job is safety & fun!

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I got Michelin PSS's yesterday in order for my '13 GT500 to be safer & wifey may ride with me now! Street racers egg me on occasionally, but getting satisfaction would be as immature as them. The snub should tell them something since this car would take out 99.9% of the cars out there! They can read about this car, so my job is safety & fun!



I forgot to add (knock on wood) that I have never gotten a speeding ticket!

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