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Sad News For Me


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It's sad news for me anyway, my car suffered hail damage last month that damn near made me cry. The only saving grace was that I stopped seconds before the hail hit probably saving my windshield from being busted. As it stands every panel that's not plastic and the drivers side door was dented like a golf ball has dimples. I was driving home after dropping my daughter off at her mothers house after a summer visit. I was in the middle of no where and no place to hide. I had the inclination to turn around and run when I seen how dark the clouds were but I did not know what was coming and decided it would be just heavy rain anyway. Well I was partially right. I had the radio on, listening to the noise they call music trying to catch the weather report. I had the radio on for a few hours but I hadn't heard one peep about the weather or what was in store for my car. Well when the rain hit it was like a wall and I could not see so I pulled over and stopped. A small blessing because seconds after I stopped the hail came crashing down. It came down so hard I thought it was going to smash my windows on the passenger side. I cursed a blue streak hard enough to make the devil himself blush. After the hail stopped, and it couldn't have lasted for more than a few minutes but seemed like an eternity, the rain let up enough for me to carry on. It was only another twenty minutes worth of slow driving for me to get to the next town during which, the radio anouncer piped up and asked 'Where were you when the hail hit?' Well you mother@#$% god@$#% AS#*&$!!! Why didn't you say it was coming to begin with!!! So, this thursday, I take my not so beautiful 2013 Shelby to a repair shop to make her beautiful again and luckily, it's a shop with an excellent track record that repairs high end cars. My dealer set that up for me and bless him for taking care of his customers!


Thank you for letting me tell my story and for reading it, I feel somewhat better. One small consolation. There was a beamer that got caught in the same storm from my neck of the woods. At least I wasn't the only fool out there.


I am tempted to ask the shop manager to take pictures of the process to document the repairs to my car. It's mostly for personal reasons.


On another note, I did race a Harley from a stop light to about 100mph. That's about what we hit before slowing down. He appreciated the race with a thumbs up. He beat me by a bike length but man did we haul ass!! It's too bad he got caught for speeding I didn't shortly after that :)

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Oh man that sucks!


If you are lucky they can do "Paintless Dent Repair" (PDR), but it isn't likely. You may want to negotiate a total loss...


I had a similar experience while out in the Cobra. I was at a car show and the sky got real threatening, then it rained a little but I could see the sky getting way darker to the south. I headed home and got on the wet freeway (not fun getting splashed in the roadster) so pulled off on to Highway 34 through Loveland to take the back way home. Got to 287, headed south, got to the turn to Carter Lake and headed west. 3 miles later I drove into a hailstorm. It was hard, and smaller than a golf ball but larger than a shooter marble. Of course I have no top so pulled under a tree with my ears bleeding (I had a baseball cap on my bald head). I got beat all to hell while I was getting the tonneau cover to cover up with. I was under a tree with a nicely restored older Jeep Wrangler who had his top off too. Well in about 5 minutes the hail stopped. I had about 4" of hail in the passenger seat and floor. Fortunately the carbon fiber body was totally immune. The aluminum mirrors had dents. Had I had an aluminum CSX or Kirkham the car would have been totaled. I avoided the alloy body for this reason and was glad I had.


Anyway, sorry to hear about your car and hope that it can be gracefully restored to its original condition.

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I am really sorry to hear about what happened to your car. I would probably have a heart attack if it happened to mine but it never will. I do not take the car out of the garage if there is the slightest chance of bad weather and never will. I have an 11 year old Dodge Ram that willingly takes me where I want to go in high risk weather. Strangely enough, the truck has 60 coats of Liquid Glass on it an looks like new. Does not even have a single stone chip on the front end. I think I am being protected by a higher power.

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Sorry to hear about your car man, we had a hail storm hit here about a month ago and my neighbors Raptor took a beating pretty well. Cracked the windshield and did about 8400 in dent repairs to the panels. Don't have a Mustang anymore but my Harley was safe in the garage!!! Hope all goes well with the repairs!

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Oh man that sucks!


If you are lucky they can do "Paintless Dent Repair" (PDR), but it isn't likely. You may want to negotiate a total loss...



There were no negotiations. Nobody I talked to would budge from what they classified as repairable. Had the convertible roof been damaged at all it would have been written off but it didn't suffer so much as a wrinkle which surprised me. I'm hoping the repair shop will find something, anything that will push it over the edge. Such is life. One way or another I will have my car back in perfect condition. I really do wish I had taken my other car on this trip but I just had to show off my car and see what she'd do on a couple day trip. Which reminds me. I never had so many chevy drivers flip me the bird, curse at me or glare as I did while on this trip. And it's not like I was doing anything to deserve that kind of treatment. I wonder if ZL1 drivers get the same treatment from Ford owners. Anyone else experience this? I got thumbs up and nods from most other drivers that cared to notice my car but chevy folks either ignored me outright which was fine or were rude but that rudeness was not called for. It was really unexpected.


I wish I was protected by a higher power on that day. Who knows, maybe I was and things could have been a lot worse.

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Sad news.....good news is...PDR can do amazing work and after the repairs you will likely not be able to see the damage. Lived in Oklahoma and my wife's BMW 128i was torn apart from a huge hail storm. Could not tell the car was ever damaged after the repairs. Good luck...

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Which reminds me. I never had so many chevy drivers flip me the bird, curse at me or glare as I did while on this trip. And it's not like I was doing anything to deserve that kind of treatment. I wonder if ZL1 drivers get the same treatment from Ford owners. Anyone else experience this? I got thumbs up and nods from most other drivers that cared to notice my car but chevy folks either ignored me outright which was fine or were rude but that rudeness was not called for. It was really unexpected.



Sounds like the Green eyed jealousy monster reared it's ugly head in the Chevy drivers.

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Does the repair shop feel they can get it looking like new again?



Shop manager says it'll look better than new and he won't be taking any shortcuts. His top guy is going to work on it and he'll have it for a month. Even though the insurance wasn't going to cover painting the whole car and replacing all the stripes he's going to do that for this car because he likes Shelby's. He also told me that if he can swing it he'll get the insurance to pay for new panels for the worst damaged parts. I have to call him and let him know that I want the old engine hood to hang on the wall in my man cave as a momento. That's the only part that will be replace so far. I'm going to really miss my girl for that period of time.


Sounds like the Green eyed jealousy monster reared it's ugly head in the Chevy drivers.



I wonder if it was jealousy or just because they know it's a Mustang and it must be hated. You know, that rivalry thing. Oh well. I haven't had any Camero drivers challenge me yet so it'll be interesting when it happens. Anyway, thanks for all the comments guys, I appreciate it.

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I feel for you....I know what it is like. My old 05 GT got it pretty bad about 8 months after I got it. It took $9600 in repairs and it looked better than new when I got it back.


Here is a preview of a S197 without any skin. (Warning......not for the weak hearted)







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  • 1 month later...

I got my car back! The repair and paint looks awesome. But the decals look less than stellar. I already talked to the shop about the decals and they will be coming clean for that and redoing it. The front hood is fine, it's the trunk where it's off center by about and 1/8" which is noticeable if you are paying attention. Also, Ford sent white stripes for the hood and trunk and black stripes for the bumpers so there are no stripes on the bumpers right now. And actually, it looks pretty cool like that and I seriously considered keeping it that way. I also got a new windshield out of the deal too. The rubber molding was damaged when the window was removed and it's one whole unit, windshield and molding, to replace. Next spring the shop will finish with the decals when it's warmer out. That's my decision. They were more than willing to come to my house and finish but I don't want that done when it's less than ideal conditions for the job. If I can figure out why I can't post pictures I would show you guys what my car looks like now.

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