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How long did it take you to get a build date & VIN?

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Many secondary allocations are already being made.


It's important to remember that a dealer with an allocation doesn't necessarily mean the car will be built right away. In addition to normal ordering and scheduling processes that can cause build times to vary even WITH open slots on the line, dealers who hang on to their initial allocations may find themselves ordering into build schedules that have already filled. With only so many slots for GT500 each period, theirs goes to the end of the line like anybody else's second or third allocation.


Sit on it long enough, and dealers can lose allocation altogether.


The 2013 model year has already gone through 2,500 units. With 2013 and 2014 each being inherently likelier to consist of fewer cars in addition to being shorter-than-usual model years (or combined to effectively become one longer one), Ford isn't far from preparing for 2013 balance-out - determining who'll be offered final additional allocations, or who will have the option to receive additional units for inventory spec'd to clear components and resources that may be stockpiling.


It's easy to understand why the Nortons can become frustrated, but it's important for him to realize he's dealing with two distinct, independent entities and two distinct phases of getting a car made, getting it built and getting it delivered, each of which has its own cyclical constraints and so forth. It's even MORE important to understand that Ford pretty-much treats dealers equally, so any abnormally long fulfillment times usually has MUCH more to do with the dealer and the allocation it claims to have than Ford deciding which cars to build - as one slot is pretty-much like another.


There's nothing wrong with insisting upon knowing the details of what you're buying which, at least until the car arrives, consist ONLY of the allocation the dealer claims to have.

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Mine was supposedly the 3rd of 8 at my dealer, So if I've been given accurate information, then mine would seem to indicate that they are on the 3rds. I've also heard that they don't necessarily do them in order except for the first allocations. In other words they do all the first ones, and then after that not necessarily - it depends on a combination of other factors. I waited about 15 weeks before mine was scheduled. It is now scheduled for production on 9/18, and I originally placed the order on 5/12.



It's also important to note there's more than just the total number of units to a dealers' allocation - there's a limit to how many it can have built each period and how many it can stock at any one time. Of course, not every store who had 8 units could order them right away while 2,000 other stores are waiting for theirs.


If you were to ask your dealer, I suspect he'd tell you the 8 is a theoretical maximum he can count on IF he's able to sell through what he has, and subject to having only X made every Y often.

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It's also important to note there's more than just the total number of units to a dealers' allocation - there's a limit to how many it can have built each period and how many it can stock at any one time. Of course, not every store who had 8 units could order them right away while 2,000 other stores are waiting for theirs.


If you were to ask your dealer, I suspect he'd tell you the 8 is a theoretical maximum he can count on IF he's able to sell through what he has, and subject to having only X made every Y often.



Well, I'm just hoping at this point that I'm in a safer place now that I have a build date. My salesman seems to be on point so far, so I'm hoping it will all go through as expected without someone pulling the rug out from under me at the last minute!

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Well, I'm just hoping at this point that I'm in a safer place now that I have a build date. My salesman seems to be on point so far, so I'm hoping it will all go through as expected without someone pulling the rug out from under me at the last minute!



If you have a VIN, whose assignment happens before a build date, your car is getting made - period.

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If you have a VIN, whose assignment happens before a build date, your car is getting made - period.



Yep, I have the VIN, and I've called SVT and given it to them, which is how I got the exact build date. Won't be long now! How long is delivery taking on average? I know it varies a lot but just wondering.

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Go in and talk to your dealer. I know for fact that he can bring your car up on a computer monitor and tell you 'approximately' when it will be scheduled.


I have a feeling he doesn't want to show you because he thinks you'll get pissed. 2nd allocation should be being produced right now, if memory serves me.


Been there, done that, for the exact reason you mention - I figured they might have information they simply didn't want to share. My salesman, who seems to be a pretty straight-shooter, assures me (as recently as today) he knows ONLY that my order is awaiting allocation. Sensing my skepticism, he showed me the fmcdealer.com site from where he pulls order status. The system lists my order as being "In Order Processing" and on some kind of "Material Hold". There is no build date (approximate or otherwise) listed, and no VIN either. He insists he can't get ANY build-related data until the VIN is assigned. I've also called SVT and traded PMs with Deysha (from http://forums.themustangsource.com/). They all report an "In Order Processing" status while confirming "no problems" with my order. All of which brings me back to "hurry-up and wait..."



Many secondary allocations are already being made.


It's important to remember that a dealer with an allocation doesn't necessarily mean the car will be built right away. In addition to normal ordering and scheduling processes that can cause build times to vary even WITH open slots on the line, dealers who hang on to their initial allocations may find themselves ordering into build schedules that have already filled. With only so many slots for GT500 each period, theirs goes to the end of the line like anybody else's second or third allocation.


Sit on it long enough, and dealers can lose allocation altogether.


The 2013 model year has already gone through 2,500 units. With 2013 and 2014 each being inherently likelier to consist of fewer cars in addition to being shorter-than-usual model years (or combined to effectively become one longer one), Ford isn't far from preparing for 2013 balance-out - determining who'll be offered final additional allocations, or who will have the option to receive additional units for inventory spec'd to clear components and resources that may be stockpiling.


It's easy to understand why the Nortons can become frustrated, but it's important for him to realize he's dealing with two distinct, independent entities and two distinct phases of getting a car made, getting it built and getting it delivered, each of which has its own cyclical constraints and so forth. It's even MORE important to understand that Ford pretty-much treats dealers equally, so any abnormally long fulfillment times usually has MUCH more to do with the dealer and the allocation it claims to have than Ford deciding which cars to build - as one slot is pretty-much like another.


There's nothing wrong with insisting upon knowing the details of what you're buying which, at least until the car arrives, consist ONLY of the allocation the dealer claims to have.


Thanks, Madlock. Your points are well-taken. Based on SVT's and Deysha's confirmation of my order being "in the system" and "good to go", I don't think my dealer is sitting on anything. Based on the VOC and DORA I received, my order was submitted with a Priority of 10, so I don't see any intent/attempt to slow-roll it either. Based on information from my salesman and Phill (who was kind enough to ask some questions of his salesman on my behalf), my dealership does appear to have an allocation to go with my order. In the end, however, I won't really KNOW I'm getting the car until the keys are in my hand. I think that's one of the most frustrating parts of this experience, since SOMEONE at Ford has got to KNOW whether there's really an allocation for my order and where it sits in the queue to be built. The other major source of frustration is the absence of FIFO order processing. It seems some are filled in a matter of weeks, while others wait for many months. I'm guessing there's a methodology to it, but I definitely don't understand it.

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Been there, done that, for the exact reason you mention - I figured they might have information they simply didn't want to share. My salesman, who seems to be a pretty straight-shooter, assures me (as recently as today) he knows ONLY that my order is awaiting allocation. Sensing my skepticism, he showed me the fmcdealer.com site from where he pulls order status. The system lists my order as being "In Order Processing" and on some kind of "Material Hold". There is no build date (approximate or otherwise) listed, and no VIN either. He insists he can't get ANY build-related data until the VIN is assigned. I've also called SVT and traded PMs with Deysha (from http://forums.themustangsource.com/). They all report an "In Order Processing" status while confirming "no problems" with my order. All of which brings me back to "hurry-up and wait..."




Thanks, Madlock. Your points are well-taken. Based on SVT's and Deysha's confirmation of my order being "in the system" and "good to go", I don't think my dealer is sitting on anything. Based on the VOC and DORA I received, my order was submitted with a Priority of 10, so I don't see any intent/attempt to slow-roll it either.


I sure hope so. The Priority Code is only internal to the dealer in terms of which car it'd prefer to have made first among its own orders. 10 is the lowest (best) retail code, provided it's the ONLY 10 they've entered. :)


Yep, I have the VIN, and I've called SVT and given it to them, which is how I got the exact build date. Won't be long now! How long is delivery taking on average? I know it varies a lot but just wondering.



It all depends. Where in the queue did your car come out, method of transport (rail/convoy), destination distance, etc. The same is true on the local end if your car arrives by rail.


I've seen 1 week or as long as a month.

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I had originally ordered the blue but wound up changing it to white before it was processed. Also added the glass roof option at the last minute. Basically got every option except the cover.




Quick question - when you made these changes, did you already have your VIN #, build date, etc.? I'm thinking of adding the glass roof, but I already have the VIN# and build date, and I'm wondering if it is too late and if not, if it changed your build date.



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Quick question - when you made these changes, did you already have your VIN #, build date, etc.? I'm thinking of adding the glass roof, but I already have the VIN# and build date, and I'm wondering if it is too late and if not, if it changed your build date.





Once you have a VIN, the car is what it is, which is really unfortunate considering the glass roof is so terrific to have. Far too many people poo poo it - until they ride in a car with it for a while.


What's the color combination and SRP of the car you ordered? Another may exist that your dealer can trade for - even better if one's in the pipe and the dealer hasn't taken delivery.

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I ordered the grabber blue coupe with black stripes and all options except for the glass roof. It's okay though - i'll leave well enough alone. I've been on the fence all along with the roof anyway, and I do prefer the way the standard roof looks with the stripes a little better. I'll stick with what I have - my other GT500 is a vert so I'll have both flavors anyway! Appreciate the quick response!

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Well, I'm not where I can look at the moment, but Grabber and Black is relatively common - unfortunately, $69,085 coupes aren't so, only about 5%.


Still wouldn't give mine up for the world, but now I DO wish I'd gotten the '12 Vert instead. Little sense owning a '13 Vert vs a '12, which is reflecting in the relatively very few being made vs past years.

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Well, I'm not where I can look at the moment, but Grabber and Black is relatively common - unfortunately, $69,085 coupes aren't so, only about 5%.


Still wouldn't give mine up for the world, but now I DO wish I'd gotten the '12 Vert instead. Little sense owning a '13 Vert vs a '12, which is reflecting in the relatively very few being made vs past years.



Hmm, why would you say there is little sense in a '13 vert? Considering the redesign and all the new goodies, I'm thinking the '13 would be better. Of course, if you are going to track the car, you have the roll bar to consider, but that would be the case with the '12 as well.

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Hmm, why would you say there is little sense in a '13 vert? Considering the redesign and all the new goodies, I'm thinking the '13 would be better. Of course, if you are going to track the car, you have the roll bar to consider, but that would be the case with the '12 as well.



Because, especially given the nature of convertibles and their inherent limitations, a person would get away much more cheaply and perhaps even better improving an already-deprecated '12 rather than an over-sticker '13.


Besides, anybody interested in tracking that much power is going to be at least as concerned about convertibles' other compromised properties and traits than just a roll bar


Even if you couldn't live without the new grille and taillamps, the parts desk would be a much better bet - and the production ratios agree with nearly 30% fewer by ratio - even fewer in the US.

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Because, especially given the nature of convertibles and their inherent limitations, a person would get away much more cheaply and perhaps even better improving an already-deprecated '12 rather than an over-sticker '13.


Besides, anybody interested in tracking that much power is going to be at least as concerned about convertibles' other compromised properties and traits than just a roll bar


Even if you couldn't live without the new grille and taillamps, the parts desk would be a much better bet - and the production ratios agree with nearly 30% fewer by ratio - even fewer in the US.



Yeah I guess you have a point there. Once you start getting into the higher numbers, you have to start thinking about things like upgraded subframe connectors and such. I'm very happy with my '08 vert, but a coupe for the '13 did seem to be the obvious choice.

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10 cars have been made so far as you'd like with glass roofs. 9 include the car cover and one doesn't.


One is headed to a VA dealer (no cover) but seem to have has been already sold. The same goes for cars in NJ and TN, but cars at Auto Park Ford in Sturgis, MI and Maroone Ford in Ft. Lauderdale, FL seem to be in-stock or on their way from Flat Rock. The rest went west of the Mississippi and probably aren't worth chasing even if they haven't been sold too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

An anxious question!

I ordered on 1 Aug, order sent on Aug 5, dealer assured me I will have it delivered by early Decemeber MAX! They required a 1.000Dollars check deposit, which has been drafted already.


Now, for any case, if I find another car before that, or if the car does not get delivered before the end of December, Can I get my deposit back? Is there any law for that or I will loose the deposit. Nothing was put in paper.


Thank you


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Always get this stuff in writing.

If its written, it's never a question after the fact.



The ONLY terms dealer would put into writing would be a date by which it'd refund the deposit if a given checkpoint isn't met. Otherwise, there's nothing a dealer can EVER guarantee - let alone reduce to a written commitment. If and until a car arrives, it's all hypothetical.

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Well, I'm getting closer. Got my window sticker last week, car was built today, and estimated delivery is October 2nd. It'll probably take longer than October 2nd, but I'm getting closer!! :drool:


When did you place the order?

I want to have an idea of my order placed on 15 Aug!



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I ordered mine on 5/12, so it will end up being about 5 months from time of order to delivery. But like Madlock said, it's hard to guage. I suffered through watching others get theirs much quicker, and also felt bad for those who ordered before me and were still waiting.


There are so many variables to the process that you just have to be willing to wait it out. The best advice I can give you is to put in your order, check it on Fridays, and just wait for it to finally get scheduled.


Like my grandmother used to tell me, "if it comes to you too easy, you won't appreciate it as much." And I sure do feel like I'm going to appreciate it when it finally arrives!! :)

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Hey guys. For what it's worth, I ordered on Apr 3rd and am still waiting. The car has been built. And shipped. I just don't have it yet. I've been so up and down with trying to be patient to being extremely frustrated with the process. All I can say is please be patient. I think you'll live longer:)

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When did you place the order?

I want to have an idea of my order placed on 15 Aug!





I placed my order on July 5th. My car is being built on Oct 1st. Only about 3 months wait for me. My dealer is the second largest in my area. There is one dealer that is supposed to be the second largest Ford dealer in the USA and they had 3 allotments and sold them right away. My dealer is about half that size but is still very large and sells a lot of stangs. I had a priority 10 so I at least was in their highest mustang order preference for that dealer. I don't know if that helps move me up in the que but it is moving along pretty fast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally, after the weekend updates went through, I HAVE A BUILD DATE ! !


Order placed mid-May - build date now set for Oct.22. :happy feet: . Deep Impact blue, white stripes, Convertible, SVTPP, Recarro's and Electronics package. Should arrive within a week of the warranty expiring on my 08. PERFECT. Just wish it had been here in time to take to Mustang Fest on Mustang Island, Port Aransas Texas this weekend.

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Finally, after the weekend updates went through, I HAVE A BUILD DATE ! !


Order placed mid-May - build date now set for Oct.22. :happy feet: . Deep Impact blue, white stripes, Convertible, SVTPP, Recarro's and Electronics package. Should arrive within a week of the warranty expiring on my 08. PERFECT. Just wish it had been here in time to take to Mustang Fest on Mustang Island, Port Aransas Texas this weekend.


Congratulations! That is one of the long waits. Mine started down the line yesterday, OCT 1. Black , White Stripes, Recarros, Electronics Package, SVTPP, Track Pack, Shaker Pro, Scoops & Louvers, and Car Cover. Mine will look like a giant skunk with two stripes.

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