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How long did it take you to get a build date & VIN?

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Well, BIG news for me today! I did my weekly call today and after 14 weeks, I have finally have a build week. Mine is supposed to be built the week of 9/24. :yahoo: They said the actual build date will be determined when it gets closer to the build week. Next step is to get the VIN number, so I asked my salesman to get that for me - waiting for him to get back to me.


SVT would not give me the VIN number over the phone, and said that the dealer needs to get it for me. I guess that is normal procedure?




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Nicolas, from a Bing search it sounds like that it may mean that there is a temporary part shortage on something that you ordered on your car. Say, for example, if Ford estimated a specific number of people would want the glass roof and everyone is ordering one, they may have to wait a bit to catch up again. I'm not sure if this is accurate, but this is what it sounded like from other hits on the Internet.

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I was just told I have a "commodity hold" on my car does anyone know what that means???



Are you sure it wasn't "Material Hold"? I've never heard of a commodity hold but i have heard material hold plenty of times.


"Material Hold" just means it hasn't been scheduled yet.




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We're definitely entering the peak of the 2013 build campaign as FAR more cars are now being invoiced and scheduled much farther ahead on the calendar - usually done to determine EXACTLY where they stand resource-wise before the final balance-out for the year's remaining allocations. As of this point, about 2,500 units have been spec'd for build.

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Are you sure it wasn't "Material Hold"? I've never heard of a commodity hold but i have heard material hold plenty of times.


"Material Hold" just means it hasn't been scheduled yet.






It means a car is just like every other. Material Hold is a generic designator for anything during the process, from a pending clerical task to a lack of a certain component like tires or a nav unit.


It's only significant when it's lasted for a few weeks with no other explanation.

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Wow... Just surfed through all 14 pages of this thread... I promise not to snivel on here about delays. You guys that waited for months have my sympathy. I made my decision to buy about 2 weeks ago. Searched the western US for convertibles, found two that were "on order" but had a window sticker on the dealer's website. Oh, yeah, and the local dealership that had the exact car I wanted in my mind (GB, all the options), who has the car on their floor, with a $50k ADM. Took too long to consider my offer, so the dealer in WA got my order for the same car in Candy Red. (Decided against the GB since my son just bought a GB V6 vert, and wouldn't want to look like I was one-upping him :)

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Grr, this forum setup is still kicking my butt. Can't get the enter button to work when trying to start a new paragraph... Tried to do something different, and wound up posting before I was ready, and now, I can't edit (assuming it's because I'm still a newb). ANYWAY, all that was to say, I have only been waiting a couple of weeks, and know mine is somewhere on the rails. I'm just frustrated because originally I was told it would be delivered 8/22, so I bought my plane ticket to fly down tomorrow, and pick it up first thing Monday am. Been working all the details of the trip, and drive back home, for a week now. NOT pumped that it may be two more weeks before I get down there. But, as I started in the previous post, I will try not to snivel in front of all of you who waited MONTHS.

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Unfortunately, yes. Almost every car on the lot in almost every dealership in AK has an ADM (not Shelbys, EVERY car). Alaskans have lived forever with the mistaken impression that everything costs more up here because of shipping. While that's true for a lot of goods, it's absolutely false in cars (delivery fee is the same for Prudhoe Bay, AK as it is for Detroit, MI). When I confronted a salesman with that fact many years ago on a truck I was planning to buy, he then told me that it was because of his overhead being so high in AK (labor more expensive, utilities, etc). I pointed out to him that it was a common fact that car dealerships cover their O/H with parts and service. So I asked him again to justify his ADM. He just stood there looking sheepish, so I answered for him: "because you can." Too many Alaskans won't go to the trouble to shop in the L48. I will. So I don't buy vehicles here. In this particular case, I also get the joy of a 7 day, 5000 mile drive home!

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$50,000. Fifty-thousand. Gave me a long dissertation about how this was a collector car, that there will never be another Shelby built, since he died this year, ...



Whoever that is, he/she's a idiot.




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Unfortunately, yes. Almost every car on the lot in almost every dealership in AK has an ADM (not Shelbys, EVERY car). Alaskans have lived forever with the mistaken impression that everything costs more up here because of shipping. While that's true for a lot of goods, it's absolutely false in cars (delivery fee is the same for Prudhoe Bay, AK as it is for Detroit, MI). When I confronted a salesman with that fact many years ago on a truck I was planning to buy, he then told me that it was because of his overhead being so high in AK (labor more expensive, utilities, etc). I pointed out to him that it was a common fact that car dealerships cover their O/H with parts and service. So I asked him again to justify his ADM. He just stood there looking sheepish, so I answered for him: "because you can." Too many Alaskans won't go to the trouble to shop in the L48. I will. So I don't buy vehicles here. In this particular case, I also get the joy of a 7 day, 5000 mile drive home!



I know where the higher price comes from. All Alaska-bound cars must be fitted for a snow plow. :hysterical:

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How close are the gas stations on the route home?


The longest single stretch between any one gas station (from what I remember) is about 100 miles. If you live up here very long, you get in the habit of filling up as soon as possible below 1/2 tank... I made the mistake of trying to push it on one stretch, pulling a trailer up in a snow storm in OCT, because I didn't want to wait in line at the gas pump. I've never sweated running out so much in my life. Was literally coasting down hills in neutral, and feathering the gas for about 40 miles, trying to stretch out the fumes.
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Hawaii cars are very similar.


I recall all of the vehicles at Maui's only Ford store having minimum $5K ADMs and the 2011 GT500 was at $30,000 - for a car that makes absolutely no sense to own on Maui given its 40-on-the-left, single-lane roads to nowhere.


What I don't understand is why anybody would buy locally when cars can be shipped from ANY west coast port for about $800.

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I ordered my 2013 Shelby the first part of June, got my VIN on July 24th with a scheduled date of august 13th for production, car was built, shipped and landed on August 24th. I took delivery Saturday August 25th. The car is a beast and a blast to drive! I traded a 2011 Shelby GT 500 with a performance package. I got a black with red stripe convertible.

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I ordered my 2013 Shelby the first part of June, got my VIN on July 24th with a scheduled date of august 13th for production, car was built, shipped and landed on August 24th. I took delivery Saturday August 25th. The car is a beast and a blast to drive! I traded a 2011 Shelby GT 500 with a performance package. I got a black with red stripe convertible.





I'm certainly envious of your experience. It's now been 10 weeks since I placed my dealership's "first and only" GT500 order (at the time) and I still have nothing but a Vehicle Order Confirmation and matching DORA... I'm sure these are great cars, but Ford's "allocation" process SUCKS, as does their inability/unwillingness to clearly articulate how it works!

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It's been over 5 months for me. It's big time frustrating only because there so little information given. I definitely didn't expect this long though.



Anything beyond 3 months and your dealer likely has some splaynin' to do. Sadly, you wouldn't be the only person to whom a dealer sold a car it had not yet been allocated or whose deposit was bumped if more a lucrative opportunity came along before your order was scheduled.


If it's due to neither of those reasons, you'd at least be entitled to see how creative your dealer might be in trying to come-up with an explanation.

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I'm certainly envious of your experience. It's now been 10 weeks since I placed my dealership's "first and only" GT500 order (at the time) and I still have nothing but a Vehicle Order Confirmation and matching DORA... I'm sure these are great cars, but Ford's "allocation" process SUCKS, as does their inability/unwillingness to clearly articulate how it works!



Go in and talk to your dealer. I know for fact that he can bring your car up on a computer monitor and tell you 'approximately' when it will be scheduled.


I have a feeling he doesn't want to show you because he thinks you'll get pissed. 2nd allocation should be being produced right now, if memory serves me.


Anyone out there getting a 2nd allocation GT500 yet? Or are we on the 3rd already?




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Go in and talk to your dealer. I know for fact that he can bring your car up on a computer monitor and tell you 'approximately' when it will be scheduled.


I have a feeling he doesn't want to show you because he thinks you'll get pissed. 2nd allocation should be being produced right now, if memory serves me.


Anyone out there getting a 2nd allocation GT500 yet? Or are we on the 3rd already?






Mine was supposedly the 3rd of 8 at my dealer, So if I've been given accurate information, then mine would seem to indicate that they are on the 3rds. I've also heard that they don't necessarily do them in order except for the first allocations. In other words they do all the first ones, and then after that not necessarily - it depends on a combination of other factors. I waited about 15 weeks before mine was scheduled. It is now scheduled for production on 9/18, and I originally placed the order on 5/12.

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Mine was supposedly the 3rd of 8 at my dealer, So if I've been given accurate information, then mine would seem to indicate that they are on the 3rds. I've also heard that they don't necessarily do them in order except for the first allocations. In other words they do all the first ones, and then after that not necessarily - it depends on a combination of other factors. I waited about 15 weeks before mine was scheduled. It is now scheduled for production on 9/18, and I originally placed the order on 5/12.



Thanks for the info. Now that you mention it, I seem to remember the same thing, that allocation 1 is all done then 2 and 3 can go ahead.




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