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Boss 302 LS and beer don't mix

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Well......Someone had to be the First to Wreck One. At least no one was Killed. They should throw the Book at Him for the DUI. I don't think the Insurance will Pay off since He was Drunk. I'm glad the Passenger wasn't hurt any worse then a Fractured Arm because it could have been a LOT worse.

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What an idiot. This makes all of us muscle car owner look bad instead of setting a resposible example for the masses.


The closest a beer and my SGT get is when I'm doing something to it in the garage or showing it off at one of our parties.


Believe it or not, I have a few personal absolutes. Even one drink and driving is right at the top of my list. There is a proper time for each activity.

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Even one drink and driving is right at the top of my list. There is a proper time for each activity.



I couldn't agree more with this if I tried. If I take even a sip of alcohol, there's no driving in my near future.

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