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9-11 Remembrance

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No one in Corporate America goes to work in the morning thinking they won't come home that night. However, that is exactly what happended on 9/11/2001 for so many families.


As I wrap up our planning for the 9-11 Ceremony our fire department will be hosting this Sunday and refelct, I would like to request that on Sunday morning 9/11/2011 that everyone take a moment to reflect back 10 years. Please fly an American Flag proudly on this Patriots Day and honor those who have sacraficed so much so that we may enjoy or freedoms.


Take a momement and reflect to remember those heroric acts of courage that was demonstrated by civilians, military and first responders on that day. Please remember those who parished on that tragic day not realizing what they would be facing that morning.


WE Will NEVER FORGET & God Bless the USA



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No one in Corporate America goes to work in the morning thinking they won't come home that night. However, that is exactly what happended on 9/11/2001 for so many families.


As I wrap up our planning for the 9-11 Ceremony our fire department will be hosting this Sunday and refelct, I would like to request that on Sunday morning 9/11/2011 that everyone take a moment to reflect back 10 years. Please fly an American Flag proudly on this Patriots Day and honor those who have sacraficed so much so that we may enjoy or freedoms.


Take a momement and reflect to remember those heroric acts of courage that was demonstrated by civilians, military and first responders on that day. Please remember those who parished on that tragic day not realizing what they would be facing that morning.


WE Will NEVER FORGET & God Bless the USA






Today is Patriots Day. I hope everyone takes a moment to reflect.

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Today is Patriots Day. I hope everyone takes a moment to reflect.





I remember it so clearly (as most will too) it was almost surreal ( seeing the events unfold on TV) I forgot something at home, came back, and there is my family glued to the TV. I was supposed to fly to Newark NJ the very next day.


My heart still bleeds for the victims in the twin towers, the Pentagon, Flight 93 in PA, and the first responders that never came home.....



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You know guys........new yorkers certainly dont own any territorial grief from 9/11......as Americans we ALL suffered that day and every day since from the memories of that insane day.........


but this week I just cant seem to shake this sick feeling in my gut like it all happened yesterday.


I know the incessant media coverage doesnt help, but I am consumed with grief for the pain and suffering all those innocent men and women had to endure....


and the suffering their families and friends continue to endure......


10 year ago??


sometimes it feels like 20 years ago!


and sometimes it feels like yesterday!


Like today.


Dale and I have enrolled in a 5k run to take place on Sunday Sept 25th. It is called the Tunnel to the Towers Run. Its commemorates the herioc run a FDNY firefighter made on 9/11/01.

About to hit the golf course on his day off, Steven Siller, an FDNY fIrefighter stationed in Brooklyn heard the news of the planes hitting the WTC.

He grabbed his gear and headed for Manhattan. Upon reaching the closed Brooklyn Battery Tunnel, he promptly put on all his gear and ran through the tunnel a distance

of 5 kilometers into Manhattan. I think the gear was somewhere between 75 & 100 lbs heavy.

There he met up with his crew and stormed into the towers to save anyone he could. As you know, Steven and 342 other firefighters lost thier lives that day.


Dale and I and approx 25,000 others, many off them firefighters from around the globe, some wearing all their gear.......

will retrace his steps from that fateful day on this 5k run. As we exit the tunnel on the Manhattan side,

we will be met be 343 FDNY Firefighters. Each will be holding a banner with the name, rank and likeness of each of the 343 Firefighters who galantly lost their lives on 9/11.


I dont know how I will feel that day. I will be sad, I will be proud. Perhaps it will help me heal some....for this I do hope.


Please join me in celebrating the heroism of all those first responders as well as the civilians who lost their lives.


May God Bless you all.

and God Bless America!


and especially my friend and High School classmate Tommy Dowd who lost his life on 9/11!

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It's been 10 years. We still miss you and will never forget you.

R.I.P. Uncle Harvey "The Incredible Harve" Hermer.

I also send my condolences to everyone who worked for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers who worked in the building on that dreadful day as well as those who risked and lost our lives trying to fight the burning blazes and evacuate the whole city, epecially the ones who first responded.I also give the air traffic controllers all their respect for clearing the U.S. air space completly of airplanes and the military for flying over our houses to make sure we are all safe, and most of all, I thank the President of the United States for finding and killing the man who was responsible behind all of this chaos. If you had loved ones who were lost or traumatized from this attack. Thoughts and prayers are definatly sent. God Bless.


Here's an article on my Uncle Harvey if anyone is interested.

The Incredible Harve

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As some of you know, I'm originally from New Jersey. That terrible day had a lasting effect on me as an American and as an ex-resident of the tri-sate area. I felt like somebody kicked me in the gut. This feeling lasted for several months. My brother was the Fire Chief from the town I grew up in on 9/11. He and his crew gathered up enough men as to no leave our town short and headed to the City. He still has trouble talking about his experience 10 years later.


I have my flags flying today along with red,white and blue bunting(banners ) on my porch railing. I am wearing my FDNY cap and my American flag shirt all day today. I listends to the two benefit concert CD's I bought back then. The Sunday comcis usually make me laugh at least once but today they brought a tear to my eyes, panel after panel. They signified to me the strength when we all pull together. Most of the writers shared a common message of hope and determination that this tragedy will not be repeated nor forgotten. :saliute:

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All of the posts are awesome to read. Our 10 year ceremony had a filled hall with a grand procession of emergency vehicles.


That being said, as I looked into the audiance during my opening remarks, I saw fire, law, EMS, 9-1-1 dispatchers, emergency service managers, military (active , reserve and retired) many civilians, volunteer disaster workers and even a flight attendent who was in uniform. The pressence of the flight attendent really made me think about the brave souls on flight 93. I even took the time to speak to her. They truly were heros.


Thanks to all who make America what it is. Even with such devestation, the new tower pokes through the sky line.

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