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Proud Uncle... Calling all Law Enforcement Personnel...

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:happy feet:


My 23 y.o. nephew has just graduated from Scottsdale PD 'bootcamp'! He finished his BS in criminology a year ago (Arizona State), and applied at several local cities in the Phx. area recently to become a cop. Conveniently, he lives in Scottsdale as well. His aspirations are to be in the Secret Service, and gaurd the Prez. However, that is somewhat like becoming and actor, or an NBA star. He knows that full well, but nonetheless he has to have a set goal? He is a great kid, and has a head on his shoulders, alot like Dan here in our forums...(SuperSnake94)


For crying out loud, as his Godfather, I remember when the little #$@& was born!? Makes all of my 50 years seem like an eternity. :hysterical:



My reason for writing here and informing everyone, outside of being very proud of him, is a serious one. Can anyone that is, or has been in law enforcement please advise of any wise votes of encouragement, or some 'Do's' and 'Don'ts' for a rookie cop? I would sincerely appreciate them, and will pass them on to him! He is one of those guys that grew up never taking drugs, knowing full well that his long term goal was to be in law enforcement and as well knew that they would crawl up his a$$ with a microscope...especially in the event of that lucky day that he is chosen for the SS. I honestly don't see him being one of those 'power hungry' d__k cops? He's a very fair and equitable young guy...which is so hard to believe at his age.


If any of you have some comments or words of wisdom, that I may pass on to him, before he actually gets his car and his beat next month.................:salute:







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Big Congrats!


Here are some words of wisdom I have heard over the years:


Rather be tried by twelve than carried by 6


I would rather ask for forgiveness than permission


Go Home At The End Of Your Shift


Here is an excellent thread on the Unwritten Rules every Rookies should know




Here's the one I was taught as a rookie A good cop never gets wet or cold or hungry !!!! Shoot first ask questions later and remember a dead perp can't tell no lies !!!! You shouldn't make up a lie unless it's from your sgt's mouth. Don't ever stick the muzzle of your gun in a perps mouth it will leave a rust ring after a while mostly on the sigsauers (which hppens to be my service weapon ) :hysterical:Never flirt with a felon female and exchange cell #'s she will sell you out ( 2 rookies in my pct fired over that) If your on probation it's not a good idea to sell weed on your off hours. Never drink on the job it was banned after 1995 ish !!! The biggest no no is never get the locals pregnant !!

Always carry extra rounds with you and gun cleaner spray in case of accidently discharge.

Never beat a perp in front of people wait till he's in the back of police car with his hands rear cuffed get up to 60mph and slam on the brakes a couple of times.

Never take a drunk person and drop him off in another county

If a perp says tell you If he had a gun he would kill you !!! Do not take your service weapon out and hand it over to the perp and tell him here you go kill me !!!

Never drag a motorist from his car window by his head

Never taunt the drug dealers or remove their license plates and have there cars towed

Never rip a car radio or smash a car radio of disorderly motorist

I think those are good tips !!! I made it to my 15th year with no troubles before they booted me :hysterical:

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Here's the one I was taught as a rookie A good cop never gets wet or cold or hungry !!!! Shoot first ask questions later and remember a dead perp can't tell no lies !!!! You shouldn't make up a lie unless it's from your sgt's mouth. Don't ever stick the muzzle of your gun in a perps mouth it will leave a rust ring after a while mostly on the sigsauers (which hppens to be my service weapon ) :hysterical:Never flirt with a felon female and exchange cell #'s she will sell you out ( 2 rookies in my pct fired over that) If your on probation it's not a good idea to sell weed on your off hours. Never drink on the job it was banned after 1995 ish !!! The biggest no no is never get the locals pregnant !!

Always carry extra rounds with you and gun cleaner spray in case of accidently discharge.

Never beat a perp in front of people wait till he's in the back of police car with his hands rear cuffed get up to 60mph and slam on the brakes a couple of times.

Never take a drunk person and drop him off in another county

If a perp says tell you If he had a gun he would kill you !!! Do not take your service weapon out and hand it over to the perp and tell him here you go kill me !!!

Never drag a motorist from his car window by his head

Never taunt the drug dealers or remove their license plates and have there cars towed

Never rip a car radio or smash a car radio of disorderly motorist

I think those are good tips !!! I made it to my 15th year with no troubles before they booted me :hysterical:




I know you now a couple of years?????? That is without a doubt, the funniest thing I have ever heard you write!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO... :hysterical2:


I will pass this on to my nephew...he has a wonderful sense of humor too.



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I know you now a couple of years?????? That is without a doubt, the funniest thing I have ever heard you write!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO... :hysterical2:


I will pass this on to my nephew...he has a wonderful sense of humor too.






Um Chris those are all true facts !!

I also use to bust on my supervisors by writing their name on one of my rounds before long all 50 had been filled

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I have made it through my career by letting the people you deal with dictate how they get treated. You respect me, I respect you. If you want to be treated like an animal then I can do that too. Tell him good luck in his new career as part of the best profession in the world.

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For any emergency service personnel, always remember to protect yourself and make sure the scene is safe BEFORE getting involved with the call. Be sure to get him a glove pouch for his belt- it will come in handy. Some cops I know prefer leather ones, while others prefer nitrile that they can throw away. Hand wipes are also very useful. Also, OC spray is messy. If you want to buy him a really neat gift, get him a taser. It's less messy than OC spray, less lethal than his firearm, and supposedly more humane than his baton (which will leave marks anyway). I hope he gets a good TO, and does well.

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Never continue to spray mace in a guys face who has his hands up while simultainiously laughing at him, he may just make a fist and knock you flat on your back with one punch....


and remember...paronia will destroy ya!


And let every Shelby you catch speeding go...:hysterical:



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He has chosen a career that can be a real challange to deal with. It is epecially important that he remember that he works for the citizens he serves. It is especially easy during your early career to forget about your family and friends. You will turn around one day and your children will be all grown up and you will wonder were the time went.


This is a dangerous career and recently there has been a trend similar to the 70s with officers being killed in the line of duty. Sometimes it is best to remember there are many ways to get the job done safely. Always wear your bodyarmor on duty.


As you develope in your career try to work in all the various divisions to gain experience and see how each piece of the pie works in providing service to the community. It will take about 4-5 years to figure it out and become a really good law enforcement officer, but you will always see something new.


One of the things that I think helped me in my career is to never forget who I worked for and for the most part remember there are many good people out there, in this profession you mostly see the worse side of people due to the nature of the job, but the vast majority of people just ask you to make their city or community a safe place to live, work, and raise a family.


You should be very proud of him.....



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I have made it through my career by letting the people you deal with dictate how they get treated. You respect me, I respect you. If you want to be treated like an animal then I can do that too. Tell him good luck in his new career as part of the best profession in the world.



I agree 100% with you on that but working in zoo like conditions its hard to find the good in people. But I perffered working in the poor neighborhoods than dealing with liberals all day long. I did it for 2yrs downtown manhattan it was torture !! You be in the middle of an arrest and some snob will come over and try to disrupte your arrest. Saying don't have anything better to do. Cops and liberals don't mix well

Be professional by driving a clean police car and dressed neatly and shaven.

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I have made it through my career by letting the people you deal with dictate how they get treated. You respect me, I respect you. If you want to be treated like an animal then I can do that too. Tell him good luck in his new career as part of the best profession in the world.




I love LA cops you guys have great car chases and get to ram them your not allowed to in NYC. I'm a bad driver some how always crashing into them :hysterical:

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For any emergency service personnel, always remember to protect yourself and make sure the scene is safe BEFORE getting involved with the call. Be sure to get him a glove pouch for his belt- it will come in handy. Some cops I know prefer leather ones, while others prefer nitrile that they can throw away. Hand wipes are also very useful. Also, OC spray is messy. If you want to buy him a really neat gift, get him a taser. It's less messy than OC spray, less lethal than his firearm, and supposedly more humane than his baton (which will leave marks anyway). I hope he gets a good TO, and does well.

Too funny actually!!!!!


His father, my brother in law, just quit Taser as VP of manufacturing!! Small world. Funny too, they are headquartered in Scottsdale Az. The Scottsdale PD are ALL issued a Taser as S.O.P.

Great tips too though. Thanks for that.



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I agree 100% with you on that but working in zoo like conditions its hard to find the good in people. But I perffered working in the poor neighborhoods than dealing with liberals all day long. I did it for 2yrs downtown manhattan it was torture !! You be in the middle of an arrest and some snob will come over and try to disrupte your arrest. Saying don't have anything better to do. Cops and liberals don't mix well

Be professional by driving a clean police car and dressed neatly and shaven.




Definition of a Liberal: A conservative who's been arrested.


Definition of a Conservative: A liberal who's been mugged.

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Part of my nephew's standard issue is a bulletproof vest. I believe they are made of Kevlar? Can you imagine wearing that thing under your already heavy standard issue copper's uni on a 110deg. day in Phx.?



But...it beats the alternative, I guess? You would have to keep telling yourself that everyday as you're standing on the side of the road at 4pm in July writing up a speeder. Or worse yet, measuring skids for an accident.


I am worried about him, but must also admit he is working a beat in Scottsdale Az. Though it's NOT Mayberry, it has been referred to as such by many of us longtimers there! :hysterical:

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Congratulations to your nephew Bikeboy! It's always nice to have some "blue" in the family genes. As far as his aspirations to be part of the U.S. Secret Service, which as you noted is one tough nut to crack, I wish him my best. It is, without a doubt, the most respected agency in the world. At one time, the USSS hired one agent for every 200 that applied. The ratio is probably higher now.

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Congratulations to your nephew Bikeboy! It's always nice to have some "blue" in the family genes. As far as his aspirations to be part of the U.S. Secret Service, which as you noted is one tough nut to crack, I wish him my best. It is, without a doubt, the most respected agency in the world. At one time, the USSS hired one agent for every 200 that applied. The ratio is probably higher now.




Hey if the FBI hired me he has a damn good shot at it!!!!!!!!!!!:hysterical:

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