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USA war town

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Were in it again !!! Now we are fighting 2 wars and china is stock piling weapon and subs along with other equipment!!! How long before china trys to take us down?? With are forces spread thin. It might be soon.so learn the language !!!

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China needs the US and the US consumer.


That is why they buy our debt with the money we send over. They need to keep the US credit markets flowing so we can buy more of their stuff and they can keep a billion people working. Their totalitarian communist regime can't thrive if there is a large educated middle class. People like that get ideas about things like freedom of religion or speech.


No they need to keep an educated middle class to a minimum and instead keep people employed at the average $4000 per year US which means a majority of the population can't afford the things they make! Hence the dependence on the US Consumer.


Also with the low wages and lax laws US based companies will relocate manufacturing which again keeps that billion people employed. When they are employed they don't question the government's authority or legitimacy. Meanwhile to do that they are destroying their environment and are overwhelmed with worker injuries and child labor.


BTW: China STILL does not have a real blue water navy capability and is supposed to have a carrier around 2015 though that date keeps moving. In addition the subs they have are for the littorals and it's rare they venture far from land. When they do we hear them from a long distance.


If we were Chinese you would be saying: "They're at it again !!! They are fighting 2 wars and we are stock piling goods for sale and sending money along and they use it to fight for freedom?!?!?! How long before the US stops buying our crap and we go down?? With are economy spread thin and dependent on the US. It might be soon.so learn English!!!"


Another note...China spent more for it's version of a stimulus package, in real and per capita terms, than the US did. That's because when the American consumer stopped buying it threw the Chinese economy into a tailspin.

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Obama!!!!===WARMONGER!!!!!!!, WARMONGER!!!!!!!!!









Sorry Jeff....................I just couldn't help myself! :hysterical:

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China needs the US and the US consumer.


That is why they buy our debt with the money we send over. They need to keep the US credit markets flowing so we can buy more of their stuff and they can keep a billion people working. Their totalitarian communist regime can't thrive if there is a large educated middle class. People like that get ideas about things like freedom of religion or speech.


No they need to keep an educated middle class to a minimum and instead keep people employed at the average $4000 per year US which means a majority of the population can't afford the things they make! Hence the dependence on the US Consumer.


Also with the low wages and lax laws US based companies will relocate manufacturing which again keeps that billion people employed. When they are employed they don't question the government's authority or legitimacy. Meanwhile to do that they are destroying their environment and are overwhelmed with worker injuries and child labor.


BTW: China STILL does not have a real blue water navy capability and is supposed to have a carrier around 2015 though that date keeps moving. In addition the subs they have are for the littorals and it's rare they venture far from land. When they do we hear them from a long distance.


If we were Chinese you would be saying: "They're at it again !!! They are fighting 2 wars and we are stock piling goods for sale and sending money along and they use it to fight for freedom?!?!?! How long before the US stops buying our crap and we go down?? With are economy spread thin and dependent on the US. It might be soon.so learn English!!!"


Another note...China spent more for it's version of a stimulus package, in real and per capita terms, than the US did. That's because when the American consumer stopped buying it threw the Chinese economy into a tailspin.



Great respond Jeff if I could understand all of it remember please me reading skill have improved to do my 3 yr old. But not to this level and may I state spanish is the 1st language then english as it was stated by my PD LT as we were forced to take a language class of spanish.

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