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Charlie Sheen Finally Melts Down!!

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NEW YORK – Charlie Sheen says he wants a raise to come back to the CBS show "Two and a Half Men."


The troubled star appeared on dueling morning show interviews Monday to continue an attack on CBS and producers of his hit sitcom for shutting down the show because of his off-set behavior. Both ABC's "Good Morning America" and NBC's "Today" show featured him in their first half hours.


NBC interviewer Jeff Rossen appeared startled when Sheen said he wanted to be paid $3 million an episode to return to the show. He's reportedly paid $1.8 million an episode now, one of the highest-paid actors on television.


"You want a raise?" Rossen asked.


Replied Sheen: "Yeah, look what they put me through."

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Theres a lot of boob pics of her if you look she has a nice body but face wise she doesn't do it for me. Don't get me wrong if I have an itch and a drink with it there is no ugly in my world.



TOO DANG FUNNY........................... :hysterical2:

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NEW YORK – Charlie Sheen says he wants a raise to come back to the CBS show "Two and a Half Men."


The troubled star appeared on dueling morning show interviews Monday to continue an attack on CBS and producers of his hit sitcom for shutting down the show because of his off-set behavior. Both ABC's "Good Morning America" and NBC's "Today" show featured him in their first half hours.


NBC interviewer Jeff Rossen appeared startled when Sheen said he wanted to be paid $3 million an episode to return to the show. He's reportedly paid $1.8 million an episode now, one of the highest-paid actors on television.


"You want a raise?" Rossen asked.


Replied Sheen: "Yeah, look what they put me through."


David, I saw that. Is it just me or does he look really old all of a sudden? Or, really tired and sorta wrinkly?

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NEW YORK – Charlie Sheen says he wants a raise to come back to the CBS show "Two and a Half Men."


The troubled star appeared on dueling morning show interviews Monday to continue an attack on CBS and producers of his hit sitcom for shutting down the show because of his off-set behavior. Both ABC's "Good Morning America" and NBC's "Today" show featured him in their first half hours.


NBC interviewer Jeff Rossen appeared startled when Sheen said he wanted to be paid $3 million an episode to return to the show. He's reportedly paid $1.8 million an episode now, one of the highest-paid actors on television.


"You want a raise?" Rossen asked.


Replied Sheen: "Yeah, look what they put me through."



I don't see whats wrong with that. I mean, coke and hookers are EXPENSIVE!! The guy needs to be able to maintain his lifestyle! :hysterical:

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David, I saw that. Is it just me or does he look really old all of a sudden? Or, really tired and sorta wrinkly?



Yes, he looks like he has aged a bit. Booze, Drugs and all the sun he gets I am sure is catching up to him........I am sure he also uses Tanning Beds which will age you fast.


I also think he has hit his glass ceiling and is about to do a "Robert Downy Jr" and fall like a rock and have to rebuild.

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The only thing that really hate hearing all the time is the money thing. I can feed and house people for 2 of his shows !!! Sickening waste of cash the other one is all the rich love to help everyone over seas. Doesnt impress me at all.

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You know, my tune is changing on this guy... We used to only get his comedy for 1 hour a week (aside from re-runs)... now we get to see this shit nearly 24-7. Here is a sampling of my recent favorites!


"It's like some hot springs in Middle Earth is finally ready to explode outward and say, 'Here is it, here it is, embrace this man, embrace this man.'"


"I was banging seven-gram rocks and finishing them because that's how I roll."


"I'm sorry, man, but I've got magic. I've got poetry in my fingertips. Most of the time — and this includes naps — I'm an F-18, bro. And I will destroy you in the air. I will deploy my ordinance to the ground."


And what HAS TO BE my favorite so far! :blink: :headscratch:


"Guys, it's right there in the thing, duh! We work for the Pope, we murder people. We're Vatican assassins. How complicated can it be? What they're not ready for is guys like you and I and Nails and all the other gnarly gnarlingtons in my life, that we are high priests, Vatican assassin warlocks. Boom. Print that, people. See where that goes."


Oh, and the cherry on top...


"I'm not Thomas Jefferson. He was a pussy."


I mean... you CAN'T WRITE THIS SHIT! :hysterical::hysterical2::hysterical3:

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I'm serious... I'm crying I'm laughing so hard over here... I gotta give ya some more...


"I am on a drug. It's called Charlie Sheen. It's not available. If you try it once, you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body."


"We win so radically in our underwear before our first cup of coffee, it's scary."


"I'm 0 for 3 with the marriage thing. So, being a ballplayer -- I believe in numbers. I'm not going 0 for 4. I'm not wearing a golden sombrero."


PLEASE Charlie! Don't stop spewing this priceless comedy! :hysterical:

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  • 2 weeks later...

WELL....I have to say....Charley Sheen is really SMART.............. He has gotten more Air time then Miley Sirus, Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan and in half the Time it took them PLUS.......I hear all the Radio DJ's using His new "Catch Phrase" "WINNING" all the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did I hear this right?


In passing the other night through the living room with the brain mush machine on...I thought I heard them say that CBS is reconcidering hiring Charlie back???????


That would be too funny. He really would be the 'winner'! :superhero:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Charlie Sheen IS smart..well smarter than CBS, most Americans AND Ilmor HAHA=)





Is he Smart enough to stay away from Drugs so he can be a good Father to his Kids??????????? :hysterical:

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Whats so sad about this is that there is soldiers getting killed every day with little if any news time


at all and it's wasted on this piece of crap...I couldn't care less what he does or doesn't do as a


matter of fact I will turn the channel when I see them talk about the idiot.

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Whats so sad about this is that there is soldiers getting killed every day with little if any news time


at all and it's wasted on this piece of crap...I couldn't care less what he does or doesn't do as a


matter of fact I will turn the channel when I see them talk about the idiot.





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