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Charlie Sheen Finally Melts Down!!

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Wow...what a crying shame! :(


Charlie Sheen has the most popular (funniest ever IMHO) tv show on television, and some very bad choices have blown it...not only for him, but all of his supporting actors. How unbelievably selfish of him!


I read this morning that CBS and Warner have pulled the plug for at least the rest of the season, due to Charlie shootin' his mouth off again! This is the ONLY show I ever watch , outside of the news.



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Wow...what a crying shame! :(


Charlie Sheen has the most popular (funniest ever IMHO) tv show on television, and some very bad choices have blown it...not only for him, but all of his supporting actors. How unbelievably selfish of him!


I read this morning that CBS and Warner have pulled the plug for at least the rest of the season, due to Charlie shootin' his mouth off again! This is the ONLY show I ever watch , outside of the news.





On man..this news bites!!!!. I like the show but, he has certainly gone overboard these past years. I guess to much money and fame has brought him closer to his character than he should be. I hope they bring it back next year, but he can't keep making crazy statements about drugs and alcohol and hope to keep it going. Time for him to really have a piece of humble pie and clean himself up a bit.

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Wow...what a crying shame! :(


Charlie Sheen has the most popular (funniest ever IMHO) tv show on television, and some very bad choices have blown it...not only for him, but all of his supporting actors. How unbelievably selfish of him!


I read this morning that CBS and Warner have pulled the plug for at least the rest of the season, due to Charlie shootin' his mouth off again! This is the ONLY show I ever watch , outside of the news.





I enjoy the show also. The news also said that Charlie gets 2,000,000.00 per episode. The highest paid TV actor. What a shame this guy cant grow up and get his act together.

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Wow...what a crying shame! :(


Charlie Sheen has the most popular (funniest ever IMHO) tv show on television, and some very bad choices have blown it...not only for him, but all of his supporting actors. How unbelievably selfish of him!


I read this morning that CBS and Warner have pulled the plug for at least the rest of the season, due to Charlie shootin' his mouth off again! This is the ONLY show I ever watch , outside of the news.





No loke his melt down is pretty much how I went out drinking , women , spending money like crazy till it all came crashing down. Hope their someone there to catch him when he does crash. I also bought 2 new cars and watches from 350 to a grand in one year my total of spending was about 80 grand. Totally out of character for me !!! If, I didnt have that much time on my job and being that most of my supervisor and chiefs knew me. i would have been fired they were on edge with my anger outburst to point of them keeping the tazers gun near by. I even got my partner in trouble cause of me and had to do what they wanted to keep from punishing him.

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It's such a trend...Charlie, Lindsay, Britney...if you go way back, Jimmy H., Jim Morrison, Marilyn....you can almost see the headlights on the imposing trainwreck approaching with these guys.


I dunno.....money definitely does not necessarily equate to total happiness?


But then, you got guys like Jay Leno, who are able to stay true to themselves and their beliefs in life's simpler things!

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I dunno.....money definitely does not necessarily equate to total happiness?




Money usually equels stress and problems.....The happiest I ever was is when I made enough to pay all the bills and have a little extra to stash. Now all I do is work 14 hour days so I can pay to go to all these Shelby events.

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What a jackwagon... he just devastated a lot of people's lives out of 100% pure selfishness. Think of all the behind the scenes people that got this gut-punch today (or whenever they announced it).



I don't know that I would call it 100% Selfishness.......................... He has been so messed up with Booze & Drugs for a while, I don't think he is in control of what he does a lot of the times. Look how some people act when they are Drunk, usually the total opposite of how they normally are, some people get really mean, some people get Abusive and some people get Crazy, now add Drugs to the mix and it's a different ballgame. PLUS, HE is the Lead Star of that Show, that is a lot to carry by itself, I would NOT want to be the ONE person that a Show is wrapped around and have hanging in the balance that if I fail, I take everyone down with me, as stated before, there is a LOT of people that is counting on HIM to be there and succeed because their Life depends on HIM. That is a lot to Shoulder.

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I don't know that I would call it 100% Selfishness.......................... He has been so messed up with Booze & Drugs for a while, I don't think he is in control of what he does a lot of the times. Look how some people act when they are Drunk, usually the total opposite of how they normally are, some people get really mean, some people get Abusive and some people get Crazy, now add Drugs to the mix and it's a different ballgame. PLUS, HE is the Lead Star of that Show, that is a lot to carry by itself, I would NOT want to be the ONE person that a Show is wrapped around and have hanging in the balance that if I fail, I take everyone down with me, as stated before, there is a LOT of people that is counting on HIM to be there and succeed because their Life depends on HIM. That is a lot to Shoulder.



All due respect to you... not him... but I don't buy that for a second. Is it a lot to shoulder? Sure... but I don't buy that as an excuse for one second. If he can't get his act together or even remotely squared away, which seems to be where he's at right now, then he's completely disregarding the consequences of his repeated actions. And to me that's 100% selfish... okay maybe 99.9%.


Not to start a whole philosophical debate about addiction, but I don't pity him at all... until he proves he's willing to work through his problems. And since he has continually let things spiral to a point where MANY other people's lives and family's have been affected... I have no pity for him at all. As far as I'm concerned, that's my stance on all addictions... I have no pity, until they prove they WANT to change and STOP screwing with other peoples lives. Sorry... </rant>

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Without the writers he is not funny..........

Just another spoiled ungrateful "SMUCK".......IMHO........


Not sure I agree with that totally Dave...his delivery is PRICELESS sometimes! As well as every other cast member's delivery. There simply is not one star on that show that outshines the other, IMO. However, that said, they all need each other to make it work too!


EDIT- +100 to ungrateful "SCHMUCK" though.

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Money is the root of all evil. If your life isn't squared away. Charlie's got issues.



What's up Chris? Gina home yet? Awfully thirsty! :beerchug:


Yeah.....I left you a voice mail and an email.


Tonite's date night!!! :happy feet: Even after 32 yrs.


Especially after 32 yrs.!

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On that note... I mean, how low does she need to get before she just does the inevitable and shows us the goods. That time must be near! :hysterical2:


And, btw...I just noticed the other night on the news as she was 'marching' into the coutroom...she do have da goods too!! :drool:

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Yeah.....I left you a voice mail and an email.


Tonite's date night!!! :happy feet: Even after 32 yrs.


Especially after 32 yrs.!



That's fantastic! Gotta keep the spark alive. :happy feet:


Got your voice msg. Will call tomorrow. I don't want to bother you tonight.

Next week though. Date night with Gator, Wed. :finger:

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Theres a lot of boob pics of her if you look she has a nice body but face wise she doesn't do it for me. Don't get me wrong if I have an itch and a drink with it there is no ugly in my world.



There is also a lot of BARE Up Skirt Shots of her on line to.......... :happy feet:

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