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Bob Hope Entertains Our Heroes

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In 1989 my wife and I happened to be staying at the Hyatt Regency Waikoloa on the Big Island while Bob Hope was filming his annual Christmas show at the hotel. His co-star for the show was Barbara Eden (I Dream of Jeanie), whom I had grown up drooling over. Unfortunately, I was crushed...she had aged...I mean, she was noticeably older! With wrinkles where wrinkles shouldn't be...not on Jeanie! :cry: Don't get wrong, she was still an attractive lady, but she was - OLD :shrug: ......But I'm veering off course.


Mr. Hope allowed anyone who wanted to watch the filming to tag along and get a great behind the scene view of how it all came together. What a great guy and a gracious host who seemed to enjoy the company as much as we enjoyed watching an amazing talent.


By then Mr. Hope had pretty much curtailed his overseas travel to entertain the troops. But who could forget the endless Christmases he had spent in every corner of the world with our brave service men and women? In case you want to relive a few of those moments, sit back and enjoy Bob at his best.





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He came over during Operation Desert Shield/Storm late 1990 to entertain us. The Saudi's wouldn't let the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders in country and when he came to our location all he had was his equally aged wife, Johnny Bench (the baseball Hall of Fame Catcher), and a few comedians. I wanted to see the cheerleaders so I didn't participate and pulled a double shift so other guys could go. They said he put on a great show and the golf putter was more of a crutch for him than a prop at his age. I also heard that Johnny Bench could hold nine baseballs in one hand. (LOL) I always regretted it but I know the other guys enjoyed it.


CINCMAC used to give him access to his personal C-141 during his Vietnam and other overseas tours entertaining the troops. He truly supported the troops no mater what the conflict. :salute:

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Hey thanks for posting, John. We had a few celebrities over there, which was neat. I got to meet Chuck Norris. We always joked that we should have just let him loose in Fallujah and spare the Marines some headache. :hysterical:


And on the flip side word got around about the Dixie Chicks. When we first started getting CD's over there they were selling really quickly. It didn't take long for there to be nothing but Dixie Chicks CD's because no one was buying them.


I wish we had a comparable replacement for Bob.

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