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Let's see those American Flag's!

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In the National Anthem thread Rufdraft was the first one to post a picture of his American Flag flying. So I thought about a thread to see how each of us flies our flags. I will get mine posted later, as it is 6AM and still dark. But thanks Rufdraft for your pic that spurred my idea!




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Storm, this is a great idea for a thread! :salute:


I remember on , like, what was it, like, September 11th-ish around the year 2001 or so.........EVERYONE flew their flags after that date.





:angry2: shame :angry2: it took that! While living in Canada for those last two years, one thing my wife and I noticed, was that Canadian's fly their flags EVERYWHERE and often! Proudlike.

Their clothing, ie...sweatshirts, jackets, touqes, and even their underwear, all sport the Maple Leaf logo. (flag)

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In the National Anthem thread Rufdraft was the first one to post a picture of his American Flag flying. So I thought about a thread to see how each of us flies our flags. I will get mine posted later, as it is 6AM and still dark. But thanks Rufdraft for your pic that spurred my idea!








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I still have to take my picture. I guess I'm a little embarrassed because my flag is getting a little faded...it flies almost every day here because the weather is so great and I only order a new one from companies that make them here in the USA.................So, until I get my picture, take a look at this:





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