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Future Airport Security Devices

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From a fairly high up law enforcement official I know (that part is true for sure) I got this information.


Currently under study as an alternative to body scanners at airports is the following. The Israelis are developing an airport security device that eliminates the privacy concerns that come with full-body scanners at airports.


It is a booth into which you step into that will not X-ray you, but will detonate any explosive device you may have upon your body.


This is seen as a win-win for everyone and something that also avoids the issue of racial profiling. Further, it would eliminate the costs of a long and expensive trial. Justice would be swift and sure.


This might be a scenario. You are in the airport terminal and hear a muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter an announcement comes over the PA system . . . "Attention standby passengers — we now have a seat available on flight number XXXX."


You be the judge if it is serious or not. I only report the news. ;)



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From a fairly high up law enforcement official I know (that part is true for sure) I got this information.


Currently under study as an alternative to body scanners at airports is the following. The Israelis are developing an airport security device that eliminates the privacy concerns that come with full-body scanners at airports.


It is a booth into which you step into that will not X-ray you, but will detonate any explosive device you may have upon your body.


This is seen as a win-win for everyone and something that also avoids the issue of racial profiling. Further, it would eliminate the costs of a long and expensive trial. Justice would be swift and sure.


This might be a scenario. You are in the airport terminal and hear a muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter an announcement comes over the PA system . . . "Attention standby passengers — we now have a seat available on flight number XXXX."


You be the judge if it is serious or not. I only report the news. ;)





don't knock The Israelis they have highly trained personnel interviewing passengers and their airline security is impeccable. Beats the hell out of the folks we pay minimum wages to and rely on this super technology. Oh and of course taking your shoes off before you fly in US air space make me feel real safe :hysterical:

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It sounds great, but the sad thing is that we'd be losing all those dangerous grandmothers that the TSA guys keep frisking.

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