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Any Military Officers here? Or have any knowledge of the job?

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Hi! I'm new to this forum (kind of) because I spend most of my time in the SGT section.


So let's see.. I'm 25 (Sept.), I have a BA in Communication (May 2010), and I am not passionate about any sort of career right now. I'm currently considering teaching, but I'm not too sure I can handle another five years of school (Master's/PhD) plus the cost. I've considered teaching college for quite some time but I don't know if I want to publish that much..


For a few years I've considered going to law school, but I DON'T SEE MYSELF IN AN OFFICE for the majority of my career.. I need to be both indoors and out.. at a desk and on my feet.. with something new and exciting every so often.. My brother-in-law is a lawyer and I don't want his lifestyle (I want his money.. that's it).


So.. Military! My father was enlisted in the Navy back in the 60s... My bro-in-law was a JAG for four years.. my brother knows a SEAL who was an officer.. etc. Plus I have friends/contacts that are/have been in the military.


I am really considering the NAVY.. as an officer.. or the coast guard.


Do you all have any ideas/opinions/suggestions that pertain to this idea?


If you were my age, with my degree, would you do it?


I'm not married.. I don't have any kids.. I currently live at home (no mortgage).. I have quite a bit of money in the bank (no debt).. and the Shelby will be paid off in a few years. I just (sept.) lost my job of six years at a local winery and have not found steady work since.. My brother lives at home and my sisters are about an hour away..




Here are my concerns:


My father is 70 and just had a heart bypass in March..

I help take care of my parent's property (2.5 acres).. I know, I know.. this has to stop eventually.. regardless of my career choice..

The current administration... what do they have up their sleeves as far as military funding and relations with other countries?




I would love to hear all of your thoughts and stories.. ANYTHING! I've been talking to as many people as possible..


Thanks for your time! And if you're in the military or are a vet, thank you for your service! :salute:

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Well im retired (SNCO USAF) My grandfather was colonel ARMY and my Father was colonel Airforce. I have my degree and got it when i was enlisted.

From the USAF point of view. for officers!!!

1, You dont live on a ship or big boat. (but they are usually safe and out of harms way)

2. you dont live in a foxhole or are you so foward deployed that you live like a seal or special ops (unless you choose that career).

3 deployments are usually in the more secured part of the war zones (airplanes fly to their target).

4 career paths in the USAF that would not keep u in an office any operations career field, Intel,Avation,OSI,TACP Pararescue,Predator/Global hawk, (pick a job in any branch that is high demand)

5. its the future of what the military will be doing that you have to address.

6. if you accell you cant get fired.laid off or rift'd

The pay is good the Rank is good and the retirement is early and great!

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Well im retired (SNCO USAF) My grandfather was colonel ARMY and my Father was colonel Airforce. I have my degree and got it when i was enlisted.

From the USAF point of view. for officers!!!

1, You dont live on a ship or big boat. (but they are usually safe and out of harms way)

2. you dont live in a foxhole or are you so foward deployed that you live like a seal or special ops (unless you choose that career).

3 deployments are usually in the more secured part of the war zones (airplanes fly to their target).

4 career paths in the USAF that would not keep u in an office any operations career field, Intel,Avation,OSI,TACP Pararescue,Predator/Global hawk, (pick a job in any branch that is high demand)

5. its the future of what the military will be doing that you have to address.

6. if you accell you cant get fired.laid off or rift'd

The pay is good the Rank is good and the retirement is early and great!



Is there any possibility to advance your education beyond a BA?


I know that enlisted members are able to get their degree.. but what about going higher than that?

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Is there any possibility to advance your education beyond a BA?


I know that enlisted members are able to get their degree.. but what about going higher than that?



I am currently active duty Marine Corps. I have a BA, JD and MBA. I am using my post 9/11 GI Bill to get an LLM, so yes you can go beyond an Bachelors.



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I'm an Active Duty Captain in the Army. I love the military. I've deployed twice ('07-'08 and '09-'10) and I don't know how accurate the statements made by "07-2937" are. Then again, the Marines and Army are different than the Air Force, Navy, and Coast Guard. As far as the current administration goes, I'll keep my opinions to myself. I WILL say that the president's recommendation to Congress for our 2011 pay raise is the lowest pay raise since 1973 - the year the draft ended....


All in all, the military is whatever you make it to be. If you want to be a high-speed, Ranger/Special Forces officer, then do it. If you want to run logistics and have a support function, then do that. But if you DO choose to join, give it your all - 100%. People's lives are at stake and, as an officer, you're responsible for every success and every failure. My last job was as a company commander in the 82nd Airborne Division. I didn't lose any Paratroopers while deployed, but I lost one back home my last weekend in command due to a motorcycle accident. Although I could not have prevented my Soldier's death, it will stay with me and impact me personally for the rest of my life.


Any military service is commendable and honorable, regardless of branch. Send me a message if you'd like to talk more.



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I'm Navy, 9 years active, currently in the reserves and a Warrant Officer, submarine electronics, former combat systems technician. I have a BA and an MBA but choose to stay Warrant rather than move to Ensign. Personal preference and I get a lot of satisfaction from my current rank so I intend to try for CWO5 and then out.


Based upon my experiences I think the Navy, and the military in general, is a great way to get your bearings on life, sure helped me, or as a career but I don't think it's something you do just to hang your hat on until something better comes along or you realize your "special purpose". The Navy, or any service, is about a lot of self-sacrifice, a lot of work, often little reward other than the satisfaction of a job well done, especially in time of war. It's life and death and not only in the forward theatre but anytime anywhere.


Someone thinking of becoming an officer should REALLY want to be there and for the right reasons. Your passion, dedication, and attitude present or not will effect those that serve with and under you. These men deserve division officer that there with a true desire to serve not just mark time.


I'm sorry if I'm too blunt, and maybe you meant to display more desire to serve in your post, but this is my advice and read based upon what you posted. In short I think I would recommend you find something else to get you over this hump and into a career you have a passion for.


Good luck, fair winds and following seas, whatever your choice!

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Someone thinking of becoming an officer should REALLY want to be there and for the right reasons. Your passion, dedication, and attitude present or not will effect those that serve with and under you. These men deserve division officer that there with a true desire to serve not just mark time.


I'm sorry if I'm too blunt, and maybe you meant to display more desire to serve in your post, but this is my advice and read based upon what you posted. In short I think I would recommend you find something else to get you over this hump and into a career you have a passion for.



My father, his HS buddy, my bro-in-law, five coworkers, brother's best friend, ETC.!!!!!!!!!! Have all served in the military.. and I've picked all of their brains.. MOST have said to do it.. try it four years and see where it goes..


NEVER have I been told not to do it because it would just be 'marking time'.. And these people all know what kind of person I am.


I'm 25, have a college degree, no illegitimate children, no debt.. a Shelby, and a '65 Mustang featured in magazines.. so really, you should realize that I am a VERY hard worker.. and am not typical for people my age. I understand the importance of the military, and have the utmost respect for men and women who have served and are currently serving.


My brother's friend (who was a SEAL) decided to join as an officer with two worthless master's degrees because "it was only four years and he didn't know what he wanted to do in life"..



I don't know what I want out of life other than a steady income, a nice retirement, health benefits, and a job that is not based on sitting in an office. MOST people have told me that the military allows the opportunity to find their passion and true pathway in life.



It's really best not to interpret too much from a few paragraphs of text.. on a Shelby forum... I'm just trying to get ideas..

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