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Times Seem To Be Getting Rougher...

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Alot's been said here lately about rough economic times, and guys have been posting their 500's for sale to almost deaf ears, it seems!


It's prompted me to wonder how many of 'US' are actually feeling the pinch. I understand that this can be somewhat personal, therefore I don't expect everyone to respond, but I am curious as to how our seemingly well-to-do crowd is doing? .......(After all, not everyone can afford a SHELBY)



I will start, myself.------------------------Out of work. However, it is a tad by choice right now, as we are moving back down to the eastern US on Nov. 30. My school contract expired on June 25th, and they would not renew it for this current year, unless I could commit to the 'full year'. Knowing I was leaving Canada, I could not do that, so I took the summer off, and here I still sit! Bothering all of you!!! Lol!


This thread means NO HARM or disrespect to any of my friends here. I just thought it would be interesting for us all to see how folks with 'presumable' means are being touched by this meltdown.


Thanks guys. :salute:



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Well.......I (thank God) still have my Job. I am a State Employee. As far as Pay goes, it SUCKS, I live Pay Check to Pay Check barely making ends meet which is why I am not Dateing anyone right now. I feel very lucky to be working and able to pay my Bills. My friends ask why I don't try to "Move Up". I tell them that to do so, I will be put on Probation for 1 full Year and with all the crap going on and the people in office trying to get rid of State Employee's, I can't afford to lose my Job. I am to old to be out of work so I do the best I can to make sure that the Job that I do gets done on time and under budget, after all, it's my Taxes TOO that pay my salary.


OH, with all the Business Ideas I come up with, my friends keep telling me that someday one is going to make me RICH................................. :happy feet:

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Well.......I (thank God) still have my Job. I am a State Employee. As far as Pay goes, it SUCKS, I live Pay Check to Pay Check barely making ends meet which is why I am not Dateing anyone right now. I feel very lucky to be working and able to pay my Bills. My friends ask why I don't try to "Move Up". I tell them that to do so, I will be put on Probation for 1 full Year and with all the crap going on and the people in office trying to get rid of State Employee's, I can't afford to lose my Job. I am to old to be out of work so I do the best I can to make sure that the Job that I do gets done on time and under budget, after all, it's my Taxes TOO that pay my salary.


OH, with all the Business Ideas I come up with, my friends keep telling me that someday one is going to make me RICH................................. :happy feet:


You need to talk to Hendrix about your FX Bar!!! :happy feet:


Get that thing 'out there'!

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I am employed thankfully, but not a day goes by in this economic climate that I don't realize that my job is guaranteed in any way, shape or form. The economic and jobs situation in this country has gotten no better but I believe that things will begin to improve after Nov. 2, esp. if the White House cooperates.

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Isn't there a Thread on here that is against doing Business with BangaStang?


That was VERY unfortunate for him. That guy that complained, JMAGS, has virtually disappeared. I have sorta become friends with Hendrix, over that whole deal. I pm`d him one night to tell him about all of that crap that was being said about him...not knowing either person AT ALL, and now Hendrix and I have talked alot. He is a GREAT guy. I won`t go into anything personal about our conversations, as that would be totally inappropriate. I will just tell you that I think he runs a wonderful business, and he is very receptive to `new`products. He sells alot more than just the rad. cover.


He is real busy right now with a SHELBY that he`s putting together for SEMA...carbon parts and such, but when that`s over, I would contact him about possibly doing some of your bars.


pm me if you want to talk about it further. I am IN NO WAY affiliated with BangaStang. Just feel for him with that issue, as one business owner to the next.



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Well.......I (thank God) still have my Job. I live Pay Check to Pay Check... I feel very lucky to be working and able to pay my Bills.



I am employed thankfully, but not a day goes by in this economic climate that I don't realize that my job is guaranteed in any way, shape or form. The economic and jobs situation in this country has gotten no better but I believe that things will begin to improve after Nov. 2, esp. if the White House cooperates.



Well I'm kinda in both boats here.... Employed... yes, living paycheck to paycheck..... maybe a slight bit better than that, but not by any stretch of the imagination!

I sit in production/design meetings (I'm a mechanical designer) where they continuously talk about sourcing the parts in China and saving so much money.... it makes my blood boil, but there's nothing I can do about it! I have family and friends that are out of work due to stuff being outsourced!!!! :angry22:

I hope it gets better but I don't see it happening anytime soon. I feel so sorry for those who are raising children with a bleak outlook!

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This winter is going to be some tuff times for a lot of people. So the best thing to do is..... :beerchug:

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Hmm, Maybe Cheech and Chong are REALLY prophets:


"Things are tough all over"


and when you loose you job, everything you have goes:


"Up in smoke"




I have been days away from closing the doors twice in the last year. We just lucked out with a job as we finish our last bit of work two times now. Literally down to the last day.


It has been the toughest two year stretch in our business, ever. We have been in the business of building roads since before the depression, so trust me when I say that. It used to be a recession proof business, as it was a known fact that every job you create in our industry creates 7 more in others, and that is why the government always tries to funnel funds into infrastructure in bad times, but it hasn't worked this time because the federal money thrown at the industry has simply taken a partial cover of all the work the states cant afford to do. Half the work available at less than cost makes for a bad business model in any business. :banghead:

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Amen brother!


I am still trying to figure out if I will be able to get Rickards white and red in the N.Eastern US? :)


I teach at a Community College - our enrollment is higher than ever. Don't make a lot of bread - but have a fairly secure gig.


Do you teach, BB?

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Well for me, I can't complain. This past year has been very good to me. I have a very excellent work environment that is extremely secure for me. I also built a new house this past year and already in process of refinancing with a VA streamline at a nice low rate. I have my health insurance thanks goodness, due to my recent eye issue. I have ample sick time and vacation time to boot with a matching 401K. So Bikeboy all I can say for me is that I feel blessed and thankful each day I go to work. Something has to "Change" in this economy to get the masses back to work and industry chugging along again. Hopefully sooner then later.



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I also am very fortunate, I have actually done better the past few years than ever. I will say that can change any day, I do not take it for granted. In my opinion the worst is yet to come, a lot is riding on the election next month, but even if it goes the right way we have dug a deeper hole the past 2 years than I think all of our Great Grandchildren will be able to deal with.

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I also am very fortunate, I have actually done better the past few years than ever. I will say that can change any day, I do not take it for granted. In my opinion the worst is yet to come, a lot is riding on the election next month, but even if it goes the right way we have dug a deeper hole the past 2 years than I think all of our Great Grandchildren will be able to deal with.




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I teach at a Community College - our enrollment is higher than ever. Don't make a lot of bread - but have a fairly secure gig.


Do you teach, BB?



Have you noticed if the Students are getting Older? As in Older Adults going BACK to School?

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Amen brother!


I am still trying to figure out if I will be able to get Rickards white and red in the N.Eastern US? :)



find yourself a good local brewery and support them. I haven't had a pint of Rickards since Canadian bought them out over 20 years ago.

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Politics are banned (big red X) in this forum...




Otherwise I'd remind you that wars cost money!


As far as work, I have just finished teaching the mexicans how to build jet engines, got laid off.


Before that I taught the Czechs how to build aircraft APU's, got laid off.


Before that I taught the Malaysians how to build flight control systems, got laid off.


Before that I taught the Indians (with a dot) how to build mainframes, got laid off.


Before that I taught the mexicans how to build circuit boards, got laid off.


Before that I taught the Chinese how to build circuit boards, that didn't work!

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Politics are banned (big red X) in this forum...




Otherwise I'd remind you that wars cost money!


As far as work, I have just finished teaching the mexicans how to build jet engines, got laid off.


Before that I taught the Czechs how to build aircraft APU's, got laid off.


Before that I taught the Malaysians how to build flight control systems, got laid off.


Before that I taught the Indians (with a dot) how to build mainframes, got laid off.


Before that I taught the mexicans how to build circuit boards, got laid off.


Before that I taught the Chinese how to build circuit boards, that didn't work!




Hummmm, If you got laid off every time you Taught something......I believe I would stop Teaching if I were you............. :hysterical:

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I teach at a Community College - our enrollment is higher than ever. Don't make a lot of bread - but have a fairly secure gig.


Do you teach, BB?


Although it may sound as such...no. I was an Asst. Program Dir. at an adult day program for intellectually challenged (special needs) adults. Most of our students had either Down Syn. Autism, or some varying brain injuries. I also (still) volunteer with a young gentleman that has stage 4 Alzheimers...was taking him to the gym twice a week, now he is in long term health care, and I visit him twice a week. He doesn`t know who I am anymore! It`s a brutal disease. I wish it on NO-ONE!


My wife and I have just recently begun to talk about opening another bike store in our new town, when we get moved. So, hopefully, I will be among the employed again! :happy feet:


I should clarify something in fairness, since I started this thread. I am VERY blessed, in that my wife makes a handsome salary...always has, allowing me to have the old bikestore for ten years, and allowing me to be OFF work currently without too much stress. The only stress I have, I put on myself for not contributing to the relationship. That will change when we get back home, hopefully.


I wanted to get people talking about this subject, partly because I believe its healthy to do so, and partly because it seems to be the 800lb. elephant in the room these days. IMHO, there is no longer a stigma around being out of work. Tons of people are out of work. Everyone knows of someone that is. Even if you are the big boss these days, you could be gone tomorrow. No person should ever be too cocky to think otherwise. My mother has spent the last 20 years in the business of helping people write resumes that have lost their job, and get them to confide in her with what they would really rather be doing, now that they have a chance to change it up. Her business is flourishing! Companies pay her company to help their employees, as they exit. That is just the good ones that are cool enough to do so. And, she is still swamped!


I hope that anyone reading this and is uncomfortable maybe responding to it, at least feels less like the odd man out. You ARE NOT ALONE!! And, yes its been said on here already...its gonna get worse before it gets better. This IS NOT political. It is small town America today! :shrug:

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I was kicked to the curb 3 1/2 years ago, but it had nothing to do with the economy or my job performance. I had an injury they didn't want to deal with. I had a rough couple of years, but managed to turn the tables. Finished my house, paid off all my bills, bought my GT and had Shelby convert it. I may not know where my next meal is coming from, but I always seem to figure out how to get my next tank of premium!

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Hummmm, If you got laid off every time you Taught something......I believe I would stop Teaching if I were you............. :hysterical:



Believe me, it's not a picnic...but when it comes to losing my job now, or an additional year of employment and benefits to train the little fella whose grandpa fought against mine...I must put my standards aside and pay the bills. :banghead:


Preston Tucker had it right when he said: "And one day we're going to find ourselves at the bottom of the heap instead of king of the hill, having no idea of how we got there, buying our radios and our cars from our former enemies."

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Believe me, it's not a picnic...but when it comes to losing my job now, or an additional year of employment and benefits to train the little fella whose grandpa fought against mine...I must put my standards aside and pay the bills. :banghead:


Preston Tucker had it right when he said: "And one day we're going to find ourselves at the bottom of the heap instead of king of the hill, having no idea of how we got there, buying our radios and our cars from our former enemies."



I hear ya man.

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Believe me, it's not a picnic...but when it comes to losing my job now, or an additional year of employment and benefits to train the little fella whose grandpa fought against mine...I must put my standards aside and pay the bills. :banghead:


Preston Tucker had it right when he said: "And one day we're going to find ourselves at the bottom of the heap instead of king of the hill, having no idea of how we got there, buying our radios and our cars from our former enemies."


OMG......my Grandpa used to say the exact same thing. I grew up hearing nothing but!

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Got laid off on September 15 2010.


Two weeks before the 2011 Grabber Blue w/SVT PP and nav package I ordered was to be built. I would have taken delivery next week.


Now I'm living off the funds that were earmarked for the car.


Took forever for the dealer to get the allocation.


I don't feel sad per se, I came this close to getting the car, just have to wait and work harder now. Someday I will get a Shelby GT500.



Once the dealer takes delivery, my wife jokes that I should go visit the car sitting in the showroom even though I cannot buy it now. At some point I'm sure that someone will buy it from the dealer, just not me, not right now.


I'm down, but I'm not out. And I will continue to enjoy reading on these forums about others that have purchased their Shelby cars, and hope that someday I can count myself among them.


Will be interesting to see now if I can save up enough funds to be ready in time before they stop making GT500's!



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