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Bret Farve to Retire AGAIN.........

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Well, as a life-long, die-hard Chicago Bears fan who has suffered for all but 2 out of my 50 years ('63 & '85/'86) and with no disrespect to all the Packers/Jets/Vikings fans here, I personally would be elated if Monday's game was Brett Favre's last. His personal and professional behavior since the whole Green Bay organizational issue is nothing short of unprofessional and outlandishly selfish in my opinion. I used to cringe everytime the Bears and Packers played each other when #4 was the opposing QB knowing that somehow and someway he was going to find a way to beat us and receive all the accolades from the TV announcers proclaiming his deity. As this man has aged and his skills have diminished, he appears to have dialed up his "drama" and his personal behavior has become very frustrating and distracting to both his teammates and his fans.


I agree with Wick that it's well past time for Favre to hang up his cleats and he should keep his fingers/toes/legs crossed that his last 3 years of "reckless behavior" doesn't destroy the image of the once feared quarterback on his quest to enter the HOF.


Let me think here....Brett Favre/Michael Jordan/Tiger Woods/countless others...there is a pattern here...$$$/Fame/Superstardom = poor personal behavioral choices that eventually affect professional abilities...got it!

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Well, as a life-long, die-hard Chicago Bears fan who has suffered for all but 2 out of my 50 years ('63 & '85/'86) and with no disrespect to all the Packers/Jets/Vikings fans here, I personally would be elated if Monday's game was Brett Favre's last. His personal and professional behavior since the whole Green Bay organizational issue is nothing short of unprofessional and outlandishly selfish in my opinion. I used to cringe everytime the Bears and Packers played each other when #4 was the opposing QB knowing that somehow and someway he was going to find a way to beat us and receive all the accolades from the TV announcers proclaiming his deity. As this man has aged and his skills have diminished, he appears to have dialed up his "drama" and his personal behavior has become very frustrating and distracting to both his teammates and his fans.


I agree with Wick that it's well past time for Favre to hang up his cleats and he should keep his fingers/toes/legs crossed that his last 3 years of "reckless behavior" doesn't destroy the image of the once feared quarterback on his quest to enter the HOF.


Let me think here....Brett Favre/Michael Jordan/Tiger Woods/countless others...there is a pattern here...$$$/Fame/Superstardom = poor personal behavioral choices that eventually affect professional abilities...got it!




There is a pattern, What ever happen to Paul Horning, Bart Starr, Walter Payton, Gale Sayers, thos type of athletes. For the most part, todays athletes are all about themselves with no regard for those who pay thier salares.

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When Regie White's church was burned to the ground, it was Packer fans that donated enough money to rebuild the church. Thats loyalty. And, had it not been for White, no one would have wanted to come to Green Bay, period!



Signed a Packer fan and part owner



Well Tim, I guess that means Brett Favres Superbowl Ring will be the last issued with the Packers Name?????????


And I can definately say I am more "Loyal" than a Ford Carsalesman................ :hysterical:

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There is a pattern, What ever happen to Paul Horning, Bart Starr, Walter Payton, Gale Sayers, thos type of athletes. For the most part, todays athletes are all about themselves with no regard for those who pay thier salares.



Tim - Those that you mentioned are "True Ambassadors" of the sport. They played for the love of the game and the pride of wearing their respective uniforms. They probably never disclosed injuries in order to stay in the lineup for their team and teammates. Not to say that any of them were perfect off the field, but compared to today's overpaid, "cry-babies"...these Gentlemen were SAINTS.

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Well I can say as a big fan of arguably the best Quarterback ever (Joe Montana) and always

like the 49ers...........I do not recall a big deal made of him not retireing with the 49ers and

having two more seasons playing with the Chiefs..........Would the majority of 49er fans liked

to have seen him retire as a 49er????? Most likely yes.........Did playing two years too many

with a different team tarnish his Legacy?????? I say no............


As a life long Raider Fan I would have liked to have seen QB Kenny Stabler retire with

Oakland......Don't recall fans making a big deal of him playing 4 more not so great

years with the Oilers and Saints..........Did this tarnish his Legacy?????? I say no.......

.....Also a great Running Back (Marcus Allen) had his best years with the Raiders but

ended his career with the Chiefs and decided to be inducted to HOF with the Chiefs........

Did I become indignant and cry and complain??????? NO!!!!!!


Life's too short Packer Fans..........Appreciate Brett for his accomplishments on the Field................

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Well I can say as a big fan of arguably the best Quarterback ever (Joe Montana) and always

like the 49ers...........I do not recall a big deal made of him not retireing with the 49ers and

having two more seasons playing with the Chiefs..........Would the majority of 49er fans liked

to have seen him retire as a 49er????? Most likely yes.........Did playing two years too many

with a different team tarnish his Legacy?????? I say no............


As a life long Raider Fan I would have liked to have seen QB Kenny Stabler retire with

Oakland......Don't recall fans making a big deal of him playing 4 more not so great

years with the Oilers and Saints..........Did this tarnish his Legacy?????? I say no.......

.....Also a great Running Back (Marcus Allen) had his best years with the Raiders but

ended his career with the Chiefs and decided to be inducted to HOF with the Chiefs........

Did I become indignant and cry and complain??????? NO!!!!!!


Life's too short Packer Fans..........Appreciate Brett for his accomplishments on the Field................


Dave, you bring up some very good points.



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He is probably now getting ready for his best and final game performence of his Great Long Career????????


"Who needs Packer Fans"???????? "Go Vikings"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical:



Yeah, I heard he hired an Acting Coach so he can do better at Dramatization for the next time he gets hit..................................... :hysterical:

He gives more Drawma then any Soap Opera....................... "As The Farve Turns"............The Old And The Restless".............. :hysterical:

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Yeah, I heard he hired an Acting Coach so he can do better at Dramatization for the next time he gets hit..................................... :hysterical:

He gives more Drawma then any Soap Opera....................... "As The Farve Turns"............The Old And The Restless".............. :hysterical:



Reading between the lines I say your Jealous of all that Money and Fame...............


How much Viagra are you on???????? :hysterical:

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As a Football Fan, I really appreciate Great Players from any Team.........The probability of Brett returning

next year even if he want's to is next to nill as it looks like no team would sign him now........


Steve Mariucci on NFLs Game Day stated that Favre is "without doubt, the toughest quarteback ever" and I Agree.........


Thanks for the memories on the field Brett.........Your at the Elite Top with the Greatest Players in NFL History........



Nuff Said??????? :salute:

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Well I can say as a big fan of arguably the best Quarterback ever (Joe Montana) and always

like the 49ers...........I do not recall a big deal made of him not retireing with the 49ers and

having two more seasons playing with the Chiefs..........Would the majority of 49er fans liked

to have seen him retire as a 49er????? Most likely yes.........Did playing two years too many

with a different team tarnish his Legacy?????? I say no............


As a life long Raider Fan I would have liked to have seen QB Kenny Stabler retire with

Oakland......Don't recall fans making a big deal of him playing 4 more not so great

years with the Oilers and Saints..........Did this tarnish his Legacy?????? I say no.......

.....Also a great Running Back (Marcus Allen) had his best years with the Raiders but

ended his career with the Chiefs and decided to be inducted to HOF with the Chiefs........

Did I become indignant and cry and complain??????? NO!!!!!!


Life's too short Packer Fans..........Appreciate Brett for his accomplishments on the Field................



Farve had a lot of Packer fans wearing jets jerseys. Had he stayed there and played there, this thread would not have had any traction. Most Pacer fans were not happy with the way it was handled on both sides. But, when Farve tried to give the Lions secrets to Packer game plans after he left, after he screwed the jets and after he went to the vikings, too much

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Farve had a lot of Packer fans wearing jets jerseys. Had he stayed there and played there, this thread would not have had any traction. Most Pacer fans were not happy with the way it was handled on both sides. But, when Farve tried to give the Lions secrets to Packer game plans after he left, after he screwed the jets and after he went to the vikings, too much




Tim, I don't think Indiana fans give a sh!t!!! :hysterical:

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What do Butt Hurt Packer Fans, Gold Diggers

and Losers have in Common???????


Not "DDT" Tim..................


The answer is....................They all Despise Brett Favre!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical:


"Nuff Said"??????? :salute:

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I would like to see him play for one more year. I hear Miami is looking for a new quarterback. :lurk:





Send him to Atlanta, that way he can hang out with the "Real Housewives of Atlanta". OH WAIT, the Housewives just called, They don't want him either, he has way to much baggage and to much DRAMA................. :hysterical:

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