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Bret Farve to Retire AGAIN.........

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Maybe the old man's body has finally had enough abuse. But as a Packer fan, I can only hope he finally just goes away gracefully into retirement and quits playing these games.


The ship sailed on that long ago........graceful is no longer possible.....so now......just go! :salute:

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I know a lot of people don't like him, but like I keep saying, its not right for us to pass judgement on a guy who only wants to do what he loves.


Its not like he isnt competitve anymore...


Sure am glad I got his rookie card in mint condition! :happy feet: :hysterical:

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I know a lot of people don't like him, but like I keep saying, its not right for us to pass judgement on a guy who only wants to do what he loves.


Its not like he isnt competitve anymore...


Sure am glad I got his rookie card in mint condition! :happy feet: :hysterical:


He made a mockery of his own team, the Packers, with this continuous Im retiring, Im not retiring non-sense....


then lied to first the Packers and then the Jets about it to get them to release him....


now he continues the circus so he can miss training camp and pump up his own over inflated ego...


If he is going to play, fine....play....just stop retiring every 5 minutes and making a circus out of the whole endeavor..... :salute:

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He made a mockery of his own team, the Packers, with this continuous Im retiring, Im not retiring non-sense....


then lied to first the Packers and then the Jets about it to get them to release him....


now he continues the circus so he can miss training camp and pump up his own over inflated ego...


If he is going to play, fine....play....just stop retiring every 5 minutes and making a circus out of the whole endeavor..... :salute:



Yeah, between all the "Dip Wads" like Farve and all the Criminals that are in the NFL, I have pretty much stop watching NFL Football, But, what really gets my goat is that they have been trying to get the Team Owners to set up a Pension Plan for them. I thought that is what the "Signing Bonus" was, just paid up front............

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This retirement lasted less than 24 hours. doh.gifhysterical.gif


I agree that he is making a mockery of the whole thing, however if teams are willing to let him skip training camp and just show up on game day and play AND pay him $20 million, why wouldn't he do it??? drool.gif


Roger Clemens had the same thing a few years ago with the Astros. He only pitched at home games and didn't travel with the team. Not a bad deal if you can get it.

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As long as Teams will put up with it he is only Retired from Training Camps..........


He was only one big mistake away from going to the Super Bowl last year???????


Would be great to see him in the Super Bowl one more time??????

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This retirement lasted less than 24 hours. doh.gifhysterical.gif


I agree that he is making a mockery of the whole thing, however if teams are willing to let him skip training camp and just show up on game day and play AND pay him $20 million, why wouldn't he do it??? drool.gif


Roger Clemens had the same thing a few years ago with the Astros. He only pitched at home games and didn't travel with the team. Not a bad deal if you can get it.



if you are going to mention Clemens in the same thread as Favre, you need to retitle it:


Two Schmucks!

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As long as Teams will put up with it he is only Retired from Training Camps..........


He was only one big mistake away from going to the Super Bowl last year???????


Would be great to see him in the Super Bowl one more time??????



you forgot the 2 years before too.....


at home with the Packers, conference championship game, ot, throws the ball away, what a surprise?


The NY Giants say Thank you! :salute:


last year he just did it for a different team, same result. :hysterical:

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As long as Teams will put up with it he is only Retired from Training Camps..........


He was only one big mistake away from going to the Super Bowl last year???????


Would be great to see him in the Super Bowl one more time??????



But then again, he made those types of mistakes quite a bit over the course of his career in GB as he always tries to be the hero and make a play when nothing is there.


As for another Superbowl... think he blew his best chance!

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I would think all the old farts here (over 50 that is.......Im not there quite yet) would

applaud a guy like Favre who at his age can still hang with the best in the NFL?????


Being a Raider Fan I never critisized guys like George Blanda and Jim Plunkett............


And that was when I was a young punk?????????? :hysterical:

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I would think all the old farts here (over 50 that is.......Im not there quite yet) would

applaud a guy like Favre who at his age can still hang with the best in the NFL?????


Being a Raider Fan I never critisized guys like George Blanda and Jim Plunkett............


And that was when I was a young punk?????????? :hysterical:





It's good that you can live in the days gone by...they sure could use a Blanda, Plunkett or a Stabler about now :poke:


Sorry, I couldn't resist :lol2:



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Brett was my boyhood hero. I lived and breathed the Packers from the time I was 5 until Favre left for the Jets. I followed him to NY, thinking that what GB did to him was unfair.

Once he left NY for the hated Vikings, I gave up on the whole mess. I still enjoy watching him play, but I'd rather he retire at this point, so that I can forget about him playing in Minnesota a little sooner.

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Brett was my boyhood hero. I lived and breathed the Packers from the time I was 5 until Favre left for the Jets. I followed him to NY, thinking that what GB did to him was unfair.

Once he left NY for the hated Vikings, I gave up on the whole mess. I still enjoy watching him play, but I'd rather he retire at this point, so that I can forget about him playing in Minnesota a little sooner.



You read my mind. I had just started to understand and become a football fan, right about the time he came to the helm of the Packers. I actually remember watching Don "The Majik Man" Majkowski getting injured and seeing Brett Farve come in and saying to my adolescent self... who's this guy? 16 seasons later, he was the only QB I really remembered seeing at the helm of the Packers... and through a couple Super Bowls and bunch of other great Viking-pummeling season's. I remember seeing a stat during a game a couple years back showing that throughout the 16 years Brett Favre had been starting for the Packers, the NFC North alone (including the Bucs for many years) had something like 95 or 98 (something like that) different QBs start for them.


When he went to NY, I thought, hey, Ted Thompson rubbed him the wrong way, but whatever, he's going to the AFC... and the Jets no less. Didn't care all that much... even bought a NYJ #4 jersey... then the unthinkable... the unspeakable... the unfathomable happened. And that's where I got off the Brett Favre train and never looked back. "He's still one of the greatest" you say? Not to me... just a top knotch bitter old traitor at this point. After 16 years of wondering if I was a Brett Favre fan or a Packer fan, at least now I know... GO PACK! RIP Brett Favre. And anyone that thinks I'm crazy... ask yourself what a John Elway fan would have done if he ended his career with the Raiders... ALMOST the same thing.

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It's good that you can live in the days gone by...they sure could use a Blanda, Plunkett or a Stabler about now :poke:


Sorry, I couldn't resist :lol2:





John Madden going nuts and bouncing along the sidelines was also a plus?????????? :hysterical:

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And anyone that thinks I'm crazy... ask yourself what a John Elway fan would have done if he ended his career with the Raiders... ALMOST the same thing.




He almost started his NFL career with the Raiders????? "DAMN BRONCOS"!!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead:

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HEH? :headscratch:



Okay........Do not remember details but Al Davis had a multi team deal to bring

John to the Raiders for his First NFL Year..........However the deal was blocked

by Al's favorite buddy Pete (the party pooper) Rozelle...............


And you know I feel the same about the Broncos as you do the Raiders????? :hysterical:

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This Guy is one of the BIGGEST Drama Queens.............now he is talking about staying for one more Season......................... I say, Ban Him from playing ANY Football for LIFE just for being a Drama Queen.



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As a long time NFL fan, my wife too, by the way, we are both saying the same thing that everyone here has pretty much vented. I will play devil's advocate here for a second though, as many of you know that's just what I do!


Think of this for a minute...what were you doing for most of your life as you approached forty? Did you/do you still, enjoy it. Suddenly something/someone comes along in your life to get you thinking of giving it up. You decide to quit whatever it is that is. NOW....what do you go do next after summer vacay? ????? :waiting: Well? :waiting: .


I'm just saying. He is I'm sure defined to himself as a "FootBall Player". Not to mention a dumb farmboy! Lol... But, footbal is all he's done since Pop Warner days. How do you move on? He's still healthy. He's still fit. He has a chance to make all of us naysayers eat s _ _ t. I for one love a great comeback story. I'm not saying that the Vikes even have a chance here, but if Farve can bring them all rings....then FINALLY maybe he will exit 'stage left'.


BIKE :bag: BOY

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