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Got a new puppy today!

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I had to put down my Golden about 2 years ago, so for two years I've been seaching for that right dog. I didn't want to buy another purebred dog...............I wanted to give a dog a home that realy needed it, I also wanted a good dog. Well, I picked him up at 4:00 today from a rescue outfit and so far so good. This dog is super well behaved............better than our 10 yr old beagle. He's 8 months old, smiles, (which freaks people out) housebroken (yeah), afraid of cats, knows sit and stay, and likes belly rubs. They found him wandering around all by himself, he was so skinny and had alot of scars all over his body..................he still does. They figure somebody was training him to fight or using him as a bait dog and cut him loose because he's such a wussy. People are so cruel, I've only had this dog for about 5 hrs and it's like we been together for a long time. He lets me wipe his feet off and sits there and licks my face while I'm doing it. Oh yeah..........he's a pit bull, or if you prefer AMERICAN Staffordshire Terrier!


And if you notice he's a big Mustang fan, he didn't want any collar...............he wanted a Mustang collar! (got that from the Ford trailer at the EAA show)

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That is awesome!!!!!! Great looking dog, watch out they grow way to quick just like kids!!! Good job on the rescue wish more people would rescue pits, they are a completely misunderstood breed!!!

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That is awesome!!!!!! Great looking dog, watch out they grow way to quick just like kids!!! Good job on the rescue wish more people would rescue pits, they are a completely misunderstood breed!!!



I agree 120%...... Very very cute..... Sounds like he has a great home now.....

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Outstanding Dave. Maybe you can teach him how to bark a mile before the exit your suppose to take :hysterical:






That really hurts Tim!

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I had to put down my Golden about 2 years ago, so for two years I've been seaching for that right dog. I didn't want to buy another purebred dog...............I wanted to give a dog a home that realy needed it, I also wanted a good dog. Well, I picked him up at 4:00 today from a rescue outfit and so far so good. This dog is super well behaved............better than our 10 yr old beagle. He's 8 months old, smiles, (which freaks people out) housebroken (yeah), afraid of cats, knows sit and stay, and likes belly rubs. They found him wandering around all by himself, he was so skinny and had alot of scars all over his body..................he still does. They figure somebody was training him to fight or using him as a bait dog and cut him loose because he's such a wussy. People are so cruel, I've only had this dog for about 5 hrs and it's like we been together for a long time. He lets me wipe his feet off and sits there and licks my face while I'm doing it. Oh yeah..........he's a pit bull, or if you prefer AMERICAN Staffordshire Terrier!


And if you notice he's a big Mustang fan, he didn't want any collar...............he wanted a Mustang collar! (got that from the Ford trailer at the EAA show)






Way da go storm...Great looking pup enjoy em bud.... :salute:

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UPDATE..........This dog is something else, what a good dog, I can't believe how well behaved he is. We have had no accidents (thank god), he is so mellow, I took him to work today and so far he just lays here and minds his own business.


We found out he dosen't like water on him and he has a thing about small rooms............Hmmmmm.








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