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Building a garage

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After years of waiting I'm finally in the position to build a garage. 30x24 is the size I'm going with. I figure that will give me plenty of space for a rack and a flat stall. What advise can you guys supply me with. And the best way to go about getting this done. I plan on having a contractor install the footer I will need. I plan on doing most all the other work my self as I enjoy building things.Any pics and suggestions welcome.

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After years of waiting I'm finally in the position to build a garage. 30x24 is the size I'm going with. I figure that will give me plenty of space for a rack and a flat stall. What advise can you guys supply me with. And the best way to go about getting this done. I plan on having a contractor install the footer I will need. I plan on doing most all the other work my self as I enjoy building things.Any pics and suggestions welcome.



When I built my 4 bay garage, I really put some planning into it, (and even with all that, once it got done, I thought, hmmm, shoulda done that!)


Lights, lights, and more lights, you cannot have too many lights, do not just center the lights over the cars, because that doesn't help illuminate underneath. Place some fixtures in the area between each stall (you can position those parallel to the cars)


Plugs, plugs and more plugs, have all of these high off of the ground, this way cabinets and other stored items will not block them. Speaking of cabinets, i hired a good company for some sweet built-ins instead of those LB (low budget) home depot assemble yourself gigs. I can do the work, they just look cheap.


Lights and plugs are inexpensive.


Rough in lines for air (just in case you add a compressor later, and rough in a 220 outlet for that as well)


I have 9' ceiling accept where my lift is, that one has a vaulted ceiling, this way I can have one car all of the way up, and easily walk underneath.


Flooring, you'll get as many opinions as choices. I have epoxy, been in 3 years and ZERO issues. I didn't like the holow sound of the interconnecting tiles, but some don't mind that, and you can make a pattern with that.


Insulate properly, heat and ac as desired depending on geographical location.


I picked up a number of books like 'Ultimate Garages" for ideas too...


Go as big as you can, once the foundation is place, a little more wood is a small part of the cost. We're already discussing adding a 5th bay to our 4 bay unit. Wife sez i need a second lift!


Enjoy, and keep us posted on your progress

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What ^ he said.


IMO...Epoxy sucks if you use the paint flecks. Drop something small on it and you'll never find it. Been there, done that. Great for a show room, lousy for a work room.

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I built mine and made sure to put a 15amp outlet every 10 feet and a 220amp outlet every 20 feet and that has worked out good. You can never have two much light either so plan that out ahead of construction. I have flush mount 4 tube 4ft long t5 housings. I put 24 of them in for my 1000 sq ft. garage and then added can lights for none work general lighting. I built it with 2x6 framing so I could put in extra insulation which not only keeps it warm in the winter and cool in the summer, keeps the loud music inside the garage also. Other than a garage is never big enough I wish I had 5-6 feet open on either side of the garage door opening. Due to codes I could not do that and there are times with a car door open I wish I had more room. Hope that helps you out and good luck. Make sure to post pictures.


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I here you on the go as big as you can. I have a limited amount of space for my garage. I was lobbying the wife for 30x30, but that would create a few issues and added expense of moving the family pool.So a compromise was reached.I plan on going with 10 foot sealing and using the pitch of the roof for the rack height. We are still in the planing stage. I'm gonna look up the book you stated and get some more Ideas before any ground is broken.

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I built this a few years ago. 32x72x16'. AC outlets every 20', Central Vac outlets along 3 walls, Air line connections every 40', lights everywhere!, footers, bathroom, shower, furnace with dehumidifier (A must!!) stereo, floor drain, sewer dump outlet for the motorhome. Problem.....It's too small!! You will love your new garage! Good luck with the build!!





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I saw it mentioned once, but my big miss when building my new house was floor drains in the garage. And since you are in a cooler climate, if you can swing it, put in radiant heat. At least get the tubing installed as you can add the heat exchanger/valving later. And of course pre-wire for a TV and stereo!


Outlets, Outlets, Outlests... along with plenty of lighting. But I think that has been said more than once. I also have an insulated room for my 60 gal/6HP compressor to keep the sound under control.


Here's one of my 2 (20x24) and the other one (24x24) just needs the paint now that I have the floors done in both.





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I love all the ideas that everyone has.There is one BIG problem at least I think so there is no bathroom out in your garage. Cmon the garage is the palace for our cars, we have car friends over we have neighbors stopping by to see whats all that noise was last night in your garage,its just a place to hang out.It would not be that much of a deal to pencil in one on the plans..Your wife will love the idea people wont be running in and out when you R showing of your collections.You already will have a big wash out sink mind as well have a bathroom you wll be glad and so will your wife.

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The last person's pictures had a laundry sink. ESSENTIAL! I get nervous about plumbing in a garage in our climate so in the spec house I built I located the laundry room next to the garage and added a regular stainless steel kitchen sink. Laundry rooms never have enough cabinets so in addition to the sink we had storage above and below. The new owners liked the idea.

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The last person's pictures had a laundry sink. ESSENTIAL! I get nervous about plumbing in a garage in our climate so in the spec house I built I located the laundry room next to the garage and added a regular stainless steel kitchen sink. Laundry rooms never have enough cabinets so in addition to the sink we had storage above and below. The new owners liked the idea.



Also include a large Floor Mount Mop Sink, Extra Large actually. If you design it right, after all inspections are complete, it should be able to be turned into a Shower so if you get soaked in Oil, you can take a quick Shower before going in the House. Just a thought.

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I just did a 50x28 garage with 10 ft ceilings. I agree with lots of lights and lots of plugs and don't forget some plugs on the outside to the driveway. I am kicking myself that I did not widen the garage door openings even more because I definately had the room for it.

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