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Had to put one of my Boxers down today

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So sorry to hear this. I know exactly how you feel. Our pets become family to us. They do nothing but love us and never do us wrong. That's why they are mans best friend. I had to put my Rosie down a few years ago. I had that Golden retriever for 13 years. It was so tough on me.


Hang in there friend.

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We to are sorry for your loss. Yes they are just like one of our kids.My daughter has to put her Pit-bull down weds.Rossco also has cancer.Hang in there things will get better.. Do you have a picture of your dog that you could post? If so please do.God bless

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Thank you everyone for your caring support. It was strange waking up to only Diesel. He went through the house this morning looking for his Pal. Very sad to see. My Wife and I got both of them from two separate families on the same day just over 5 years ago. They were inseperable and Dually was my wifes shadow. The cancer took over in less than 3 months. We promised we would not be selfish and let him suffer . Yesterday was the day that we had to make that heart wrenching decision. At least he was able to spend his last day at the lake with my Wife and Me, our Daughters, Son in Law and their 2 Boxers Wrigley and Sly. Thanks again for caring.


Here's a picture of Dually and Diesel at the lake last week. Dually is the fawn colored one on the right.



RIP little buddy, your memories will always be with us!!!!!!!!!!!!





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So sorry for your loss buddy...

I have been there one too many times, and I give you credit for doing the right thing and not letting your beloved friend suffer, it is the humane thing to do.

May he rest in peace and keep my lost loved ones in doggy heaven company.


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My deepest condolances for your loss.

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I also have had to make that awfully tough decision. I had a Chow, he had cancer also, and at only 19 months I had to do the same. It was so hard for quite awhile. As the time I had him, I was going through a rough time in my life, but no matter what when I come home he always brought a smile to my face. So sorry for your loss, beautiful dog!

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One of my 5 year old Boxers, Dually, had to be put down today. Cancer took over. Hardest thing I've ever had to do. RIP buddy.




Sorry to hear this. I have an 8 year old flashy fawn rescue boxer named Otis. Best dog I have ever had. It's about the quality of life not the quantity. My deepest condolances for your loss.

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