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Cali City fires everyone

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Does anyone from here lives in or near that City in California that fired all it's employee's??? So they can save money by bringing rent a cops and rent all to replace everyones jobs, I can see some massive scams going on there. By me the city of Newburgh is like # 2 or 3 in crime and murders. Even Obama has mentioned that that city is on his radar but the city is flat broke from misused funds from the last mayor. They wanted to fired half the police force saying that murders were down by 10% and all those cops weren't needed. The uproar was so bad that even gang members protested. My town is going to be lost to the disease soon as economy goes down price on houses fall. Then the unfriendly's move in and destroy everything my supermarket was a nice place to shop now it's filled with pants around the thighs and loud mouths. One of my neighbors is so fend up that he is selling his house and taking 100,00.00 hit. He's not the only one 5 houses in my neighbor are up for sale. The more people are layed off the more crime is going up making decent people desperate and dangerous. One guy took out his whole family when he lost his job and was buried by bills. Sad but the best is my town layed off 4 cops to save money but they still do a firework show which cost some big dollars. Makes sense !!!


Enjoy your 4th and be safe!!!! :salute:

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Here in the Salt Lake City area, there has been a long standing 4th of July celebration and fireworks show in a park that is shared by several municipalities. Due to the budget cuts, it was decided last winter to scrap the show from then on. The cities didin't feel right spending money that was needed to keep them afloat. It was just a sad commentary on the economic times.


Utah is a VERY patriotic state, very republican and very pro military. :salute: A private citizen, of average means, was so outraged at the cancellation of our nation's birthday that he started a fund drive seeking donations from citizens and businesses. He raised enough support that the celebration kicks off at 3 PM with the fireworks at 10PM.


:salute::salute::salute: :happy feet:

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Here in the Salt Lake City area, there has been a long standing 4th of July celebration and fireworks show in a park that is shared by several municipalities. Due to the budget cuts, it was decided last winter to scrap the show from then on. The cities didin't feel right spending money that was needed to keep them afloat. It was just a sad commentary on the economic times.


Utah is a VERY patriotic state, very republican and very pro military. :salute: A private citizen, of average means, was so outraged at the cancellation of our nation's birthday that he started a fund drive seeking donations from citizens and businesses. He raised enough support that the celebration kicks off at 3 PM with the fireworks at 10PM.


:salute::salute::salute: :happy feet:



Thats a pretty good deal.Hats off to that guy :happy feet:

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Yes that was nice but still feel the money should go to getting at least the cops back. It's crazy in the city of newburgh even my town has been getting more drug arrests and more guns off teens. They finally did a drug raid and locked up like 72 people but the way we did down in NYC was show of force. We would flood the streets with any aviable cops go block to block grabbing the dealers and push the gangs apart. They won't do this here in the city they have county cops , state cops and town cops. There's a great hospital in the city and if you go at night you have to park at the doors. Otherwise your getting robbed even in the day time the unfriendlys stand around the parking lots.

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I can remember when neighbors helped nieghbors. Sounds like we all need to band together and stand up for what is right. What better time than the 4th of July. Minority issues seem to always take first seat. Majority rules always has and always will. Has to start somewhere. :salute:



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There are so many examples of government mis-use and waste these days - its outrageous. We got into this mess for the same reason; tax tax spend spend... I better stop now before this becomes a "political thread".....

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Racer, There are a lot of cities in CA that contract out for their emergency services. I can think of 8 right off the top of my head in San Diego county. Most of them contract with the county sheriff's department but some will enter into agreements with neighboring city agencies for service. This has been going on since at least the sixties and the process was actually named, I believe, after the City of Lakewood in L.A. county that was one of the first to do it back then.


Smaller cities have found that it is much cheaper to contract for service than it is to start from scratch and set up their own agencies. Not only that but they can adjust the contracts much more easily on a periodic basis than they could their own agency. So although it's uncommon for a city to "shut sown" all its departments it's not uncommon for it to not start up departments - at least in CA.



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We all wanted change. Its just taking alittle longer than exspected.Hang In there things will get bettter.


I think its time to get our political forum back.Its kinda like turnning our backs and saying that everything is roses and we our living in a perfect world.I want to go down fighing not from not saying anything.


Have a awesome 4th of july enjoy it before it offends some one.

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We all wanted change. Its just taking alittle longer than exspected.Hang In there things will get bettter.


I think its time to get our political forum back.Its kinda like turnning our backs and saying that everything is roses and we our living in a perfect world.I want to go down fighing not from not saying anything.


Have a awesome 4th of july enjoy it before it offends some one.



I didn't want this kind of change!banghead.gif


+1 on getting back the PF.slapfight.gif


Have a great 4th everyone!!!salute.gif

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I could wait to get away from my job and out of NYC. I was going to rant but its not worth it but I was tired of good people getting slammed by the man. To make up the money that was wasted on their mistakes. Trust me I protested to my superiors and refused to slam people in their pockets. I rather have gotten fired than be a puppet. :salute: So they sent me to the shrink instead and here I am. :salute:

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Driving home from the big fireworks gala in Sacramento last night, there was an 80's era Cadillac full of young Hispanic women in front of me in the parking lot.

Millions of cars all headed for the same exit and the young (pregnant) driver of this Caddie didn't like that someone had pulled out in front of her. She rammed her car into the bumper of this little Toyota and hung out the window cussing and throwing things at the back of the car.


I picked up my cell and dialed 911......."The number you have dialed is currently unavailable. Please try your call again later." Click.


I didn't know what to be more astonished of at that point - the reckless, pregnant, Mexican chick or the fact that 911 had a busy tone. Several of us hopped out of our cars to keep these girls from doing anymore damage to the poor people's car in front of them. I tried 911 a dozen or more times. We wasted probably 1/2 hour of our lives before someone finally flagged a rent-a-cop down to take care of it from there.


This morning, I received a voicemail on my cell. It was a woman from the Sheriff's department calling to ask what my emergency was....13 hours later.

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Driving home from the big fireworks gala in Sacramento last night, there was an 80's era Cadillac full of young Hispanic women in front of me in the parking lot.

Millions of cars all headed for the same exit and the young (pregnant) driver of this Caddie didn't like that someone had pulled out in front of her. She rammed her car into the bumper of this little Toyota and hung out the window cussing and throwing things at the back of the car.


I picked up my cell and dialed 911......."The number you have dialed is currently unavailable. Please try your call again later." Click.


I didn't know what to be more astonished of at that point - the reckless, pregnant, Mexican chick or the fact that 911 had a busy tone. Several of us hopped out of our cars to keep these girls from doing anymore damage to the poor people's car in front of them. I tried 911 a dozen or more times. We wasted probably 1/2 hour of our lives before someone finally flagged a rent-a-cop down to take care of it from there.


This morning, I received a voicemail on my cell. It was a woman from the Sheriff's department calling to ask what my emergency was....13 hours later.



Ken at this point in time anything is possible. Your a braver man than, I for one mexican + prego !! I had 2 rules as a cop Never ever ever write a postal worker or a very prego latin woman. No joking there!! Thank God it wasn't when your phone going dead and your sinking in a swamp. Next time call me instead it maybe the quicker route. I hope you told the 911 dispatcher a few touching words.


Be safe

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