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1st "Mr. Phelps", then "Davy Crockett", now "Kelly Robinson".

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I'm sure that by now, most of you already know that Peter Graves, who played "Mr. Phelps" on the 60's TV show "Mission Impossible" and later known for playing "Capt. Clarence Oveur" in the movie "Airplane", passed away last Sunday at the age of 83.


Today, Fess Parker, who was a mega star during television's early days passed away at the age of 85. Fess was indeliblely known for playing the role as "Davy Crockett" in the TV series of the same name.


For the younger members here who may not be aware, in the early days of TV, the character "Davy Crockett" was a mania in this country. Every kid in the U.S. wanted to be Davy, and having his trademark Coonskin cap was all the rage back then. Fess Parker was like Michael Jackson was to his generation of fans. People (kids) went nutso when he did personal appearances around the country.


Fess later retired from acting as a extreemly shrewd and savy real estate developer in the Santa Barbara area of California; an area of the U.S. that has been compaired to the French Riviera for it's natural beauty and mega expensive estates (most hollywood high rollers have estates in that area). Fess was also a extreemly sucessful wine maker and owned a 700 acre vinyard in the nearby Santa Ynez (pronounced ya-nez) valley too. If you ever find yourself in the Santa Barbara area of So Cal, taking a day trip drive through the Santa Ynez valley is an absolute must do. Diamond smooth, two lane curvy roads with very little traffic on them that pass through old oak groves, streams, and many, many, beautiful vinyards including Fess's.


Sadly, Fess passed away today on his wife's 84th birthday; they were married for 50 years.


Boy, when your childhood pop icons pass away, you really realize how old you have become...at least I do anyway.


RIP Mr. Phelps and Mr. Crockett, RIP... salute.gif


I wonder if there will be a third to go in the next week or so. I certainly hope not, but the old saying that "they go in three's" (celebrities) seems to have some merit to it.


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Great post. Thanks. I hope Peter and Fess are resting in peace. They brought us hours of entertainment. Those were the good old days on TV! Mission Impossible was so far ahead of its time. The movie sequels have been profitable for the studio and Tom. Remember "The Man from U.N.C.L.E."? At least Robert and David are still with us. Vaughn played a great support role in Bullitt as the typical politician. Heck, DM still puts in a good performance on N.C.I.S. with Mark Harmon's gang. Now... where did I put my Davy coonskin? Maybe it would look good with Shelby stripes?

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Great post except for the comparison of Fess Parker to Michael Jackson! Surely the "younger" crowd has a better role model!!! Its difficult to find a so-called celebrity that leads a respectful life anymore.


I too was saddened by the passing of Phelps and Parker. I really enjoyed their shows as a kid.

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Who here remembers the TV Show "Dark Shadows"?


I remember this as a daytime soap opera, I worked with a guy in the Michigan Bell office in Detroit who would sneak into the telephone operators lounge to watch it in the afternoon.


I seem to remember Peter Graves took over as leader of Mission Impossible after something happened the Mr Rigg in the first year.




I fell asleep during the Red Wings hockey game intermission and woke up in the middle of the night listening to a rerun of AM Coast to Coast with some guy predicting Hilary Clinton would be President. I realized then that it wasn't Mr. Rigg, but rather Mr. Briggs who was on Mission Impossible.

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Great post. Thanks. I hope Peter and Fess are resting in peace. They brought us hours of entertainment. Those were the good old days on TV! Mission Impossible was so far ahead of its time. The movie sequels have been profitable for the studio and Tom. Remember "The Man from U.N.C.L.E."? At least Robert and David are still with us. Vaughn played a great support role in Bullitt as the typical politician. Heck, DM still puts in a good performance on N.C.I.S. with Mark Harmon's gang. Now... where did I put my Davy coonskin? Maybe it would look good with Shelby stripes?



I do definately remember the "Man from U.N.C.L.E." I watched that show religiously every week. I still have a MFU badge that came with my MFU "radio/rifle". It was a sniper rifle that was disguised as a portible transistor radio. The stock and barrel would pop out at the touch of a button. It was a really cool toy, but I only managed to keep one of the two the triangular plastic MFU badges from the kit. This is not the radio gun that I'm referring to, and it's out of stock now, but there is a company that still makes (made?) a replica Walther P38 Detachable GBB Pistol that comes with a removable sniper stock. http://shop.ehobbyas...gbb-pistol.html I had the original version of that toy gun too, and I wish that I still had both of them now.


And let's not forget that hottie Stephanie Powers who played the "Girl from U.N.C.L.E." That was another show that I didn't miss, but for different reasons... drool.gif


And does anyone remember Anne Francis as "Honey West" ? A blonde hottie with a little mole on her cheek. drool.gif


Great post except for the comparison of Fess Parker to Michael Jackson! Surely the "younger" crowd has a better role model!!! Its difficult to find a so-called celebrity that leads a respectful life anymore.

I too was saddened by the passing of Phelps and Parker. I really enjoyed their shows as a kid.



Yeah, I agree that it wasn't necessarly the best choice of iconic comparisons, but I was just trying to convey the similar emotions (crazyness) that people exhibited when they were seen at public events.

Fess IS #3 as Cory Haim Passed away just a couple of Days before Peter Graves.


Good point. I forgot about Cory's passing. I guess that does make it three in a bunch; how strange.

When I was a kid I loved Friday nights;we only got one channel but that night I could watch Combat, Man from UNCLE, and Wild, Wild, West. . . I was in heaven.


And I loved Mission Impossible!



Combat! starring the late Vic Morrow. Loved that show. I used to see the back of the German village sets from the streets that surrounded the studio where they filmed that show in Culver City CA. Wild, Wild, West!... also a great show that I loved as a kid.

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I do definately remember the "Man from U.N.C.L.E." I watched that show religiously every week. I still have a MFU badge that came with my MFU "radio/rifle". It was a sniper rifle that was disguised as a portible transistor radio. The stock and barrel would pop out at the touch of a button. It was a really cool toy, but I only managed to keep one of the two the triangular plastic MFU badges from the kit. This is not the radio gun that I'm referring to, and it's out of stock now, but there is a company that still makes (made?) a replica Walther P38 Detachable GBB Pistol that comes with a removable sniper stock. http://shop.ehobbyas...gbb-pistol.html I had the original version of that toy gun too, and I wish that I still had both of them now.


And let's not forget that hottie Stephanie Powers who played the "Girl from U.N.C.L.E." That was another show that I didn't miss, but for different reasons... drool.gif


And does anyone remember Anne Francis as "Honey West" ? A blonde hottie with a little mole on her cheek. drool.gif



Yeah, I agree that it wasn't necessarly the best choice of iconic comparisons, but I was just trying to convey the similar emotions (crazyness) that people exhibited when they were seen at public events.


Good point. I forgot about Cory's passing. I guess that does make it three in a bunch; how strange.



Combat! starring the late Vic Morrow. Loved that show. I used to see the back of the German village sets from the streets that surrounded the studio where they filmed that show in Culver City CA. Wild, Wild, West!... also a great show that I loved as a kid.



Netflix has alot of the old shows. We watched some last summer, my favorite was "The Invaders". I started Combat! but couldn't get into it again.

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And does anyone remember Anne Francis as "Honey West" ? A blonde hottie with a little mole on her cheek.


I watched several episodes of this from Netflix, Miss West drove the Cobra like my mother drove her '51 Nash or my '68 KR convertible.


Remembering the show is better than actually watching it.



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And does anyone remember Anne Francis as "Honey West" ? A blonde hottie with a little mole on her cheek.


I watched several episodes of this from Netflix, Miss West drove the Cobra like my mother drove her '51 Nash or my '68 KR convertible.


Remembering the show is better than actually watching it.






Yup. "Honey" drove CSX 2540 in the series. A Wimbledon White 289 car that, as of 2008, is (was?) owned by Joyce Yates who is a SAAC member.




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Wow, that's too bad. Another childhood TV star passes; man I am getting old.

RIP Mr. Culp. salute.gif



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