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Legal Questions I need answers to......

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OK, here is a tough question in several parts. Back on February 8th, I bought some Magazine Stands for $300.00. I used my Credit card through “ProPay” and the Transaction showed up on my Credit Card on February 10th. NOW, I have yet to receive the Magazine Stands, I have sent many Emails with no replies and I have called many times with no response. The guy owns or works at Periun Basin Homes & Land Magazine in Odessa Texas. Now for the questions…….


<01> Can I file Charges of Theft / Grand Theft ($300.00)

<02> If so, where do I file the Charges, Tallahassee or Odessa?

<03> Can he also be Charged with Credit Card Fraud?

<04> Can he also be Charged with Internet Fraud since this was all done over the Internet?

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OK, here is a tough question in several parts. Back on February 8th, I bought some Magazine Stands for $300.00. I used my Credit card through “ProPay” and the Transaction showed up on my Credit Card on February 10th. NOW, I have yet to receive the Magazine Stands, I have sent many Emails with no replies and I have called many times with no response. The guy owns or works at Periun Basin Homes & Land Magazine in Odessa Texas. Now for the questions…….


<01> Can I file Charges of Theft / Grand Theft ($300.00)

<02> If so, where do I file the Charges, Tallahassee or Odessa?

<03> Can he also be Charged with Credit Card Fraud?

<04> Can he also be Charged with Internet Fraud since this was all done over the Internet?


not sure about your "legal" questions, but I would definitely contact my cc carrier ASAP to let them know what has happened. Many cc's have protection for things such as this but I believe in most cases you have to report it to them within 30 days. I would also get the name and ext. of who you talk to and then follow it up w/ a certifed/reciept requested letter to same. That's a start. Someone else can help you w/ the legal issues. BTW, sorry this happened but there are still plenty of jerks out there....Craig :banghead:

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When ever this kinda crap happens to me I called my C.C. company and they always took care of it, only happened twice. I would have a credit issued on the next statement. My card always has a time lapse between the dates that you charge stuff and the closing date when you need to make a payment. This way if any funny B.S. goes on you have time to report it.


Good luck!

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OK, here is a tough question in several parts. Back on February 8th, I bought some Magazine Stands for $300.00. I used my Credit card through "ProPay" and the Transaction showed up on my Credit Card on February 10th. NOW, I have yet to receive the Magazine Stands, I have sent many Emails with no replies and I have called many times with no response. The guy owns or works at Periun Basin Homes & Land Magazine in Odessa Texas. Now for the questions…….


<01> Can I file Charges of Theft / Grand Theft ($300.00)

<02> If so, where do I file the Charges, Tallahassee or Odessa?

<03> Can he also be Charged with Credit Card Fraud?

<04> Can he also be Charged with Internet Fraud since this was all done over the Internet?



Well, here's an answer you may not like. Once you contact your CC company and they clear it off your statement with no charges owed by you to them, you're no longer a victim of any of the crimes listed above. Your CC company is now the victim and it's up to them to pursue any criminal activity. And more than likely, for $300 they won't bother. They'll try and do a chargeback and failing in that they'll wash it off their books.


The most important thing is to look at your CC company's dispute resolution procedure and follow it closely to protect yourself.



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OK, here is a tough question in several parts. Back on February 8th, I bought some Magazine Stands for $300.00. I used my Credit card through “ProPay” and the Transaction showed up on my Credit Card on February 10th. NOW, I have yet to receive the Magazine Stands, I have sent many Emails with no replies and I have called many times with no response. The guy owns or works at Periun Basin Homes & Land Magazine in Odessa Texas. Now for the questions…….


<01> Can I file Charges of Theft / Grand Theft ($300.00)

<02> If so, where do I file the Charges, Tallahassee or Odessa?

<03> Can he also be Charged with Credit Card Fraud?

<04> Can he also be Charged with Internet Fraud since this was all done over the Internet?


Ouch, the problems with internet purchase arise again. With a $300 loss you don't have many cost effective options and the seller probably knows that also. I would just do a credit card reverse and let it go. Even if you did pursue civil remedies, the cost to file the case would be near the $300, and then, even if you could get a judgement you would still have to figure our how to collect. The criminal charges are best answered by you local States Attorney. I don't know about "ProPay" but if you use PayPal they have remedies for this type of problems. hope this helps, regards Larry Miller

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Maybe the guy is a little busy or maybe he is on vacation its only been 3 weeks since you ordered. I've ordered things from some companies that take 2 months to get (hint hint wink wink nod nod) I wouldn't worry to much about it at this point its way too early to be convinced that they stole your money.


Next step I would do is to write a letter stating you are concerned and that you would like a phone call to find out about the status of your order and that you have been trying to call for a week straight with no return call.


What if you called your credit card company to file a claim and the stands arrived the next day?


We also have members on here from the odessa area you could also ask one of them to stop by his work and ask him whats the delay.

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