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Not a good time to be an Astronaut.

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Not a good time to be an Astronaut. Just heard that Obama will divert Funding from NASA to Private Companies to compete for building the next Space Craft to replace the Shuttles. If you were an Astronaut, who would you want building the Space Craft you were about to go into outer space in, NASA or the Company that had the lowest Bid?

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Not a good time to be an Astronaut. Just heard that Obama will divert Funding from NASA to Private Companies to compete for building the next Space Craft to replace the Shuttles. If you were an Astronaut, who would you want building the Space Craft you were about to go into outer space in, NASA or the Company that had the lowest Bid?






Damn what timeing :banghead: Just as I was ready to go to the moon. :banghead:

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Not a good time to be an Astronaut. Just heard that Obama will divert Funding from NASA to Private Companies to compete for building the next Space Craft to replace the Shuttles. If you were an Astronaut, who would you want building the Space Craft you were about to go into outer space in, NASA or the Company that had the lowest Bid?



If I was an Astronaut I would never fly on a ship unless it was built and designed by NASA. They know what they are doing. However, that being said, I think the space program while very cool, is a gigantic waste of money. OK you can flame me now. :slapfight:

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Not a good time to be an Astronaut. Just heard that Obama will divert Funding from NASA to Private Companies to compete for building the next Space Craft to replace the Shuttles. If you were an Astronaut, who would you want building the Space Craft you were about to go into outer space in, NASA or the Company that had the lowest Bid?



If I was an Astronaut I would never fly on a ship unless it was built and designed by NASA. They know what they are doing. However, that being said, I think the space program while very cool, is a gigantic waste of money. OK you can flame me now. slapfight.gif


I beg to differ.


The NASA Apollo 1 launchpad capsule fire on 1/27/67 killed 3 astronauts (Grissom, White and Chaffee). The Challenger launch explosion on 1/28/86 killed all seven astronauts (Scobee, Smith, Onizuka, Resnick, McNair, Jarvis and civilian teacher Christa McAuliffe). The Colombia re-entry disintegration incident of 2/1/2003 killed all seven astronauts (Husband, McCool, Anderson, Ramon, Chawla, Brown and Clark). Total dead, 17 brave astronauts. Also, we almost lost the 3 astronauts of Apollo 13 (Lovell, Swigert and Haise) due to an explosion enroute to the moon. Only with brains, luck and probably God's intervention... they made it home. Although contractors have been involved to various degrees with each of these projects, NASA laid the foundation of design and specification for them to follow. In fact, in the early days when budgets were unlimited, it was mostly NASA. Only recently, to save money have contractors been relied upon to a greater extent.


On the other hand, take Boeing jetliners for example and a quality airline like Qantas. They have never had a fatality. Both are for profit public corporations, like Ford. Ask yourself, would you prefer that the government build your next Shelby... or should we leave it to Ford and Carroll?


Just sayin.


PS. Now you also know why people are nervous about mandatory government healthcare proposals.

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