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Just thinking out loud here...

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As stated in the headline, I'm just thinking out loud here...


I'm thinking about a user enhancement for this site. How many think that it would be nice to have a feature that would allow the OP (original poster; forum starter), just the OP (and moderators upon request of the OP) to block specific members from commenting (posting) within a forum?


The blocked member(s) could go in and see/read the forum, but would be blocked from posting in it.


Again, I'm just putting this out to generate a discussion. There is no way to know if site management would go for something like that, or if it was even technically possible.


Any thoughts (pro or con) on this idea?

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Enis, I think people would call foul, saying they were discriminated against. I do, however, believe more TS member threads would be nice. (IE: more places with info not divulged to the general public.)




Ahhh.... You mean something like a private room? That's a good idea! And you do make a good point about people calling foul, but if we were all at a cocktail party and some of us wanted to have a private discussion about whatever topic, wouldn't/shouldn't we have a say in who partisipates in that discussion? Maybe thats not the best senario, but I think you get what I'm trying to convey.


Anyone else? Your thoughts/ideas?

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Letting members decide who gets to participate? Don't think so. If someone is in violation of forum rules, tell a mod or admin.

I have been on one thread called every name you can imagine, my belief Islam was called every name you can imagine, i even was called terrorist and the caller later appologized....and am a doctor that saves lives...i never complaint...i drew the attention of the mods to the breaking of the rule and i carried on standing up holding my ground with good solid logic and civil debate...and always with ultimate respect to other beliefs...my religion and my holy book was called names and i never attempted to demean the callers religion nor even attempted to dig in his or her holy book for things ....even after one time of quoting another members post...just quoting ...i felt bad since i declined my mind and logic ...and i brought the level up where it should be.


When they cannot face a solid logic with a better one the best way is to shut that voice down...SO IT WILL NEVER BE HEARD...Is that really what we turned into? another Russia?

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Is it towards me Son of GT?....I know am the only Muslim on this forum and from previous posts i can see where you are going...Is it what it is boiling down to?

Nope; no way. This is not directed at anyone specifically. But there is no way that you can tell me that you haven't had the desire at one point or another to block another member's comments within a forum you have generated. If you say that you never have, then I would be totally shocked and in disbelief.


This is just an idea FOR ALL members (including yourself).


And BTW, you have made the "I'm the only Muslim on this forum (site)" a couple of times lately, but I'm here to tell you that you ARE NOT the only Muslim on this site. You may be the only Muslim on this forum that feels the way you feel about the religion and the current political, military, and global issues that surround it nowadays, but I can assure you for a fact that you are not the only Muslim on this site and I would request that you stop making the comment that you are.


And don't bother asking me who the other one is because it's not important; but I will tell you that member does not agree with your past thoughts and statements about the religion; and I know that because they have told me as such in private.


Getting back to this forum's topic...


Any other ideas/comments (pro/con)?

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Letting members decide who gets to participate? Don't think so. If someone is in violation of forum rules, tell a mod or admin.

A valid point LD.

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this all sounds like to me ( just my 0.02 cents ) like the ( Shelby of the Month ) post that started a few months ago,,,and you had to have a Shelby ,,,so I say " NO ", :finger: its not why I joined the ( TEAM ),,,do we all remember the word " TEAM " as in TeamShelby,,if you start things like this :banghead: then there is no TeamShelby,,,hope you all get my point.

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I think we should just let current forum rules apply, personally. If someone participates in a thread and others don't want them there, just ignore their post. If they get out of line, we already have moderation. If people really want a private discussion, just get each others email address and converse that way, and/or use the PM function. Heck, you could even call each other on the phone!

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I think we should just let current forum rules apply, personally. If someone participates in a thread and others don't want them there, just ignore their post. If they get out of line, we already have moderation. If people really want a private discussion, just get each others email address and converse that way, and/or use the PM function. Heck, you could even call each other on the phone!
thats a good point,,I like that, :grouphug:


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A gun forum that I participate in allows you to block all posts from people whom you wish not to see, but not selected threads that they participate in. In other words, it's all or nothing.


Face it, everyone has encountered another who was so repugnant that you just want to punch them in the mouth everytime they open it, (or in this case post something), and so interaction of this forum would be much better if TS had the function allows members to ignore the writings of someone who fits into that catagory for them.

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Gosh Enis, I didnt know you didnt like me! Was it my cologne? :hysterical:


Im kidding of course...I think it might be cool to offer a pay for section where members could have their own sections to mod as they wish....kinda like another "syndicated" stang site that comes to mind....



Of course, I paid for that option on that site and never got my area....so maybe that would be more money wasted for me... :headscratch:



The problem I see with hiding certain member's posts globally is you end up missing some of the conversations, and then it tunrs into hearing bits and pieces and wouldnt make much sense.


That, and having censorship is a generally bad idea...

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My vote is a no but a thumbs up for thinking outside the box :)


Blocking members would create certain cliques that would disrupt the board. Also when someone found out they were blocked they would then go create a new thread to challenge the person who blocked them.


Current forum guidelines appear to be working and so far nothing has come up that the admins/mods haven't been able to resolve although I'm sure there are some that didn't agree with the resolution.



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hey hopes its not me you r hinting about I have been pretty aggressive but the other me is a gearhead and kool-aid drinker with tons of knowledge and willing to help.. with that said I dont think its a good idea it splinters groups and creates animosity. Its America people have a chioce to read ,avoid,post,an do nothing. this forum works good so far!! Rule #1 Nobody wins arguments on the internet lol !!!

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Let me make one thing abundantly clear here, this "concept" that I brought up is NOT directed at anyone in particular. It is/was an idea merely thrown out for discussion and as somewhat of a gauge to see how other members feel about the idea of post blocking.


The truth is that the concept stemed from recieving PM's from members asking me to be the heavy (as a moderator) and go in and outright delete posts from members that have either derailed the original idea of the forum or for other reasons that will remain private but were not in violation of the TOS.


And unless someone crosses the terms of service (threats, obnoxious profanity, etc, etc.) myself and the other moderators will not (and should not) arbitrarily delete posts because the member that started the forum (or any other member) does not like what someone else has posted.


I fell into that trap sometime ago. Not by deleting posts, but because I made the mistake of acting as a mouthpiece for another member who wanted something said but did not have the fortitude (nuts) to say something themselves. I will not fall into that trap again, but you would be suprised at how many people here want the moderators to act as censors for them (without good cause).


So now you know the reason why I threw this concept out. If you have something to say to another member, don't PM a moderator and ask them to do it for you, just do it yourself (within the TOS of course).


And unless a specific post has crossed the TOS, we (the moderators) will not surgically remove a post because another member does not like what's posted; so please don't ask anymore.


Having said all that and to be clear, as a privately owned site, management (owners, officers, etc.) still retain the right to close forums and/or remove whatever posts they want for any reason they want.

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I think we should just let current forum rules apply, personally. If someone participates in a thread and others don't want them there, just ignore their post. If they get out of line, we already have moderation. If people really want a private discussion, just get each others email address and converse that way, and/or use the PM function. Heck, you could even call each other on the phone!



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I NEVER think out loud ALWAYS gets me in trouble.....:hide:









And I totally agree with what ilmor said it's more of a personal preference..... :happy feet:

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I love all the drama :hysterical:


It would be a very boring site if we could block some individuals from posting in certain threads.


I agree with Steve and it was good for thinking outside the box but now you probably should get back into the box ;)

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