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Why Terrorists Will Never Attack Alabama

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I do not think what those bozos are doing is the answer....they are throwing money they should keep for the economy crush down the $hitter and they are exposing kids to guns and increasing their violence impulses. I am sorry to burst your bubble but that is not the answer, that will increase the violence in the mind set of the kids and if you add to it the crazy video games about killing then that is a lethal recipe for civil war!


That answer is to keep kids away from guns, we do not need more lunatics than what we already have!

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I do not think what those bozos are doing is the answer....they are throwing money they should keep for the economy crush down the $hitter and they are exposing kids to guns and increasing their violence impulses. I am sorry to burst your bubble but that is not the answer, that will increase the violence in the mind set of the kids and if you add to it the crazy video games about killing then that is a lethal recipe for civil war!


That answer is to keep kids away from guns, we do not need more lunatics than what we already have!

I do not think you have the life experience to pass judgment on this one. You have your opinion and to that you have a right. Those of us raised with firearms as part of our lives have a respect for them and an understanding of their power, which we were taught early on, i.e., when we were children. What you may not appreciate is that millions upon millions of Americans were brought up as was I and live their normal lives with firearms as a part of those normal lives. They know the difference between wrong and right, between danger and the lack of danger, and would not hesitate, for a second, to bring their firearms to bear upon an enemy, foreign or domestic. They also know when firearms are not the answer. That is what this thread is about and just uses the good people of Alabama as an example.

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I do not think you have the life experience to pass judgment on this one. You have your opinion and to that you have a right. Those of us raised with firearms as part of our lives have a respect for them and an understanding of their power, which we were taught early on, i.e., when we were children. What you may not appreciate is that millions upon millions of Americans were brought up as was I and live their normal lives with firearms as a part of those normal lives. They know the difference between wrong and right, between danger and the lack of danger, and would not hesitate, for a second, to bring their firearms to bear upon an enemy, foreign or domestic. They also know when firearms are not the answer. That is what this thread is about and just uses the good people of Alabama as an example.

Thanks for the video, nice to see people enjoy themselves. Also thanks for your reply to sharabi, was not sure how to put it.

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Thanks for the video, nice to see people enjoy themselves. Also thanks for your reply to sharabi, was not sure how to put it.


Great to see a "family day" like it used to be when I was a kid. Sharibi guy, don't know where you're from or where your at, but guns are a part of American heritage and tradition. Knowing how to use one and when to and not to use one has saved my sorry ass several times over. A society without guns soon become subjects and I would say, most of us that do own them use them for hunting so we know how to be somewhat self sufficient and we practice on a regular basis to keep those skills for hunting and self defense tuned just like you would your high performance car.

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I do not think what those bozos are doing is the answer....they are throwing money they should keep for the economy crush down the $hitter and they are exposing kids to guns and increasing their violence impulses. I am sorry to burst your bubble but that is not the answer, that will increase the violence in the mind set of the kids and if you add to it the crazy video games about killing then that is a lethal recipe for civil war!


That answer is to keep kids away from guns, we do not need more lunatics than what we already have!




Come on down to ALABAMA, we'll show you a thing or two.

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I do not think what those bozos are doing is the answer....they are throwing money they should keep for the economy crush down the $hitter and they are exposing kids to guns and increasing their violence impulses. I am sorry to burst your bubble but that is not the answer, that will increase the violence in the mind set of the kids and if you add to it the crazy video games about killing then that is a lethal recipe for civil war!


That answer is to keep kids away from guns, we do not need more lunatics than what we already have!



Sorry to burst your bubble but, the people in that video and all those types of people across this country are the reason your lunatic friends cannot win. PS, if your gonna invade Wisconsin, do it in late November please :D

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Sorry to burst your bubble but, the people in that video and all those types of people across this country are the reason your lunatic friends cannot win. PS, if your gonna invade Wisconsin, do it in late November please :D


I have no friend that kills innocent people, what a bunch of crap and extreme personal insult!

This is more than one time where you accuse me with false things here and am letting it slide Tim not any more!

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I have no friend that kills innocent people, what a bunch of crap and extreme personal insult!

This is more than one time where you accuse me with false things here and am letting it slide Tim not any more!



My apollogies, I was not tring to link you to any group that would harm anyone Sharabi

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My apollogies, I was not tring to link you to any group that would harm anyone Sharabi

No need to apologize Tim!...Thanks for the kind words in the PM.

You also have a valid point in being frustrated from Muslims since they have those wacos that are with their ignorance in the religion destroying the beauty of Islam faith....believe me Tim am more frustrated than you with those kind of stories that are popping here and there!

look at what is going on now in Yemen as we speak and the holiday season for Muslim in Mecca is near...look at the killing in the name of God that definitely against every thing god told us.

And who is triggering all that crap...IRAN, that we helped when we removed its fierce enemy that was neutralizing it and we made it stronger....now imagine Iran with nukes GOD FORBID ! :drop:

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I will deviate from the subject for a little:


I was driving on Woodward yest in my Shelby and it was nice sunny and 60+ ....Now let me tell what burst my bubble really Tim...LOL

a guy pulled next to me with a ZR1.....gorgeous darn gray metallic kind of color ZR1.....now that bursts any one's bubble...LOL

I had a chat with the guy and he was very nice...he told me that the tremec shifts as smooth as butter...and the SOUND...oh my ....the sound is beyond words to describe it...I told him he has a Ferrari killer and his son next to him liked what i said..LOL


Back to subject!

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Waco is a town in Texas. WACKO is a slang term for a nut case.

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I will deviate from the subject for a little:


I was driving on Woodward yest in my Shelby and it was nice sunny and 60+ ....Now let me tell what burst my bubble really Tim...LOL

a guy pulled next to me with a ZR1.....gorgeous darn gray metallic kind of color ZR1.....now that bursts any one's bubble...LOL

I had a chat with the guy and he was very nice...he told me that the tremec shifts as smooth as butter...and the SOUND...oh my ....the sound is beyond words to describe it...I told him he has a Ferrari killer and his son next to him liked what i said..LOL


Back to subject!



Well, he talked to you. Not unusal for themguys to ignore you but then again, a lot of then are nice people. Anyways, now I regress

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I do not think what those bozos are doing is the answer....they are throwing money they should keep for the economy crush down the $hitter and they are exposing kids to guns and increasing their violence impulses. I am sorry to burst your bubble but that is not the answer, that will increase the violence in the mind set of the kids and if you add to it the crazy video games about killing then that is a lethal recipe for civil war!


That answer is to keep kids away from guns, we do not need more lunatics than what we already have!






Typical left wing comment!! :boring:

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Sorry to burst your bubble but, the people in that video and all those types of people across this country are the reason your lunatic friends cannot win. PS, if your gonna invade Wisconsin, do it in late November please :D







The orange army!!!!!

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That girl sure got excited after rocking and rolling on that dual M60 rig. Would love to see her reaction after she blitzed a target with a mini gun.






Not to sound like Mr. Know it all but, those dual mounted guns were HK 21's in .308.




P.S. I have a PHD in gunology! :hysterical:

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