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September 11th, 2001 - Don't Forget.

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Everyone say a prayer today for those that we lost on 9/11/01, and for the Marines, soldiers, seaman, airmen, etc., that we lost in the battle that has followed.


Where were you?


I was already slated to go to Marine boot-camp on 9/15/01 - I was at my girlfriend (at the time, she's now my wife!) Bri's house when I woke up in the morning and walked past her father and the tv. I wasn't awake enough yet to comprehend what the tv was showing, but Bri's dad kind of said "SIT DOWN" in the kind of way that you know you should do what he says, lol.


I sat down and couldn't believe what was happening. The second plane hit the other tower within minutes. Not long afterwards, there were news feeds entering that reported a plane hitting the Pentagon... The whole time I was thinking "Wow, what a GREAT time to go to boot camp!" although the family didn't really think so.


After that day, nothing has been the same, really. Just reflect on the changes that this country went through after 9/11. For example, I previously had no problems going through the airport, but after the bombings they were in lock down! When I was reporting for combat training (in full Alpha uniform attire with a sea-bag and orders), I was asked to dump my sea-bag and take off my shoes. THAT was an interesting conversation with the gal at the counter! :rant2:


No matter where you were or are right now... just don't forget. I've never seen so many closet patriots in this country. Remember to come out once in a while :)


Semper Fi.



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Moment of Silence in 5 minutes..... :salute:



I saw this happen live on TV I was working at home at the time, goofing off watching TV :hysterical: anyways I just couldn't believe what I was seeing it didn't seem real I was in total shock..... :cry:



My thoughts are with everyone who lost family members to this tragedy..... :grouphug:

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Everyone say a prayer today for those that we lost on 9/11/01, and for the Marines, soldiers, seaman, airmen, etc., that we lost in the battle that has followed.


Where were you?


No matter where you were or are right now... just don't forget. I've never seen so many closet patriots in this country. Remember to come out once in a while :)


Semper Fi.






I had just got home from work and layed down. The wife was still on maternaty leave with our first. She came and got me up. I just stood there, dumbfounded, staring at the TV. Then the phone rang and I had to haul azz back to the airport so we could secure all the aircraft. we were all scared :censored: less. Nobody really knew what was going on, or what was going to happen next.

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I was on my way to work when the radio news man reported a "small" plane has just hit one of the World Trade Center buildings.


As soon as I got to work, I flipped on the TV in our lunch room to see what was going on. My first thought after seeing the building was "that's no small plane hit" and just then, as I was watching, the second plane hit. I sat there, alone in the lunch room, in complete shock thinking what the hell is going on.

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I had spent the previous 8 months to 9/11 flying out every Monday and back in on Fridays. I had not taken any vacation to speak of. I was scheduled to fly that week when my boss told me to cancel my plans and take some time off! That day I left the house early w/ the bass boat in tow to the local lake and was on the water by 7am...just me, the boat and a beautiful day for fishing.


About 930am, I was way back in a cove fishing and I see this other fishing boat literally flying toward me. My first thought was they were going to hit me when at the last minute he shut it down, swerved left and about threw me out of my boat..I was pissed! He and his buddy started yelling, have you heard, have you heard? I wasn't sure what was going on and to be honest, my first thought was these guys are drunk. He then said a plane had hit the Towers. I replied really? He replied, my wife is a soldier at Ft. Jackson and she called to let him know that the Ft. was on lock down. I replied ok...they took off. As I stood there in my boat I really thought these two guys had been out all night on the lake and had got tanked in the process.


I was suspect because my wife had not called me about this...so I fished a little more. Then I realized my cell phone was not on. I turned it on and found that I had 6 missed calls from my wife. I called her at work and she was in tears. She then told me it was 2 planes. I'll never forget sitting down in that boat w/ both of us in shock, I was literally numb all over. I took a very slow ride back to the landing feeling very guilty that here I was out enjoying the lake, not knowing how many people had just lost their lives. I got back home and like many Americans watched TV for a very long time. I must admit that for the rest of the day, I didn't have a dry eye.


May God Bless America and those who were killed that day. May we continue to remember their families and be thankful for our many blessings. Craig



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I was on my way to work when the radio news man reported a "small" plane has just hit one of the World Trade Center buildings.


As soon as I got to work, I flipped on the TV in our lunch room to see what was going on. My first thought after seeing the building was "that's no small plane hit" and just then, as I was watching, the second plane hit. I sat there, alone in the lunch room, in complete shock thinking what the hell is going on.


me too....I heard the first "small" plane hit, turned on the news channel on the radio in my buddies office, they were interviewing someone who saw the first plance hit, standing right down the block from WTC.....AND SUDDENLY THE SECOND PLANCE HIT......and we all looked at each other and said...


thats no accident!......



And yes, may we all take more than the organized moment of silence to remember all those brave men and women that didnt do anything other than try to go to work that faithful day to provide for their families.

It is with a heavy heart that I commemorate their bravery, heroism and valor in the face of this horrific tragedy.

I pray each and every day for the first responders and ground zero workers who slowly die from the ill effects of the contaminated air

their breathed into their healthy lungs while tirelessly they dug with only their hope to help their fallen brothers and sisters and find survivors.....


it is with these thoughts that I stand tall and remember with great honor those innocent and brave people on all those planes, in the towers and on the ground that morning, especially those of doomed flight 93 whose timely action and sacrifice saved the lives of so many.





May God Bless you all and keep you safe!

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I was a safety director for a telecom company. I was in my office working on some permits for the City of Dallas when someone said the WTC had been hit. We rolled a TV into the office and sat and watched. This was between the first and second plane. As we watched the second plane hit the second tower, seeing that we had a lot of crews working around government buildings, fearing an act of war would be assumed and all government buildings shut down, we contacted our guys and had them immediately stop, break their drill stem where it sat, load up the machines and get back to the yard ASAP. Talk about a good call. It was not long after that the area around the IRS building was completely shut down.

It was a surreal day.

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I was on the Bridge going into the city. Had an appointment across the street from one of the towers that morning. Had taken my wife and 8 month old son on my business trip this particular time. Took a Top of The World tour on one of the towers a day before. Saw the whole thing while stuck in traffic. It was a bad dream but I was awake and all I wanted to do was get a hold of my wife but all the cell towers got trashed. We cant forget all the innocent lives that were lost that day and the brave FDNY that put their lives on the line to help save the survivors.

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I was at work listening to the Radio. They came on saying that a Plane hit one of the Towers and I remember thinking it must be a small Plane and how on earth could someone NOT see the Building.......... I remembered that there was a TV in the next Room so I ran over and turned it on and OMG.....the building was on fire and smoking really bad. I remember thinking, HOW could a small Plane do THAT.......... then I saw a Jet Liner in the background and I saw it hit the other Tower, it looked like what you would see in a Movie............ I remember how my Heart jumped into my throat, just like it is now while writing this. I remember thinking, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, this can't be real........... But it was.......... :cry:

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I was at work listening to the Radio. They came on saying that a Plane hit one of the Towers and I remember thinking it must be a small Plane and how on earth could someone NOT see the Building.......... I remembered that there was a TV in the next Room so I ran over and turned it on and OMG.....the building was on fire and smoking really bad. I remember thinking, HOW could a small Plane do THAT.......... then I saw a Jet Liner in the background and I saw it hit the other Tower, it looked like what you would see in a Movie............ I remember how my Heart jumped into my throat, just like it is now while writing this. I remember thinking, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, this can't be real........... But it was.......... :cry:


those thoughts seem to exactly mimick what I was thinking at the time......and now... :cry:

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September 11, 2001



I had flown to Sacramento the day before, CA for two jobs in the telecommunication field for Sprint. I had the news already on. Upon taking a shower and drying off, I was down founded what I was seeing. I just sat on the bed and lit a cig. What the heck am I seeing?



As the news progressed I had to go to the first job for tech support for a job that I earlier installed of an insurance company. Once I arrived there, only a 5 minute drive, we all watched the TV. In amazement we all looked in disbelief the outcome that has become history.



The whole business complex did not do one transaction that day. I was called by Sprint that the upgrade on the Sprint PCS cell site was to be cancelled. I stated that I would do the job. Sprint needed to put together a security procedure for that night and for the future.



I did do the upgrade with high tension for security and personnel. I had was delayed flying back home for a day.



Other emotions are there about the day, but they are private and will live with me for the rest of my life.



God Bless America and the citizens that were murdered due to a culture and religion that I have no understanding of.



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As usual on this day, I find myself in a gloomy and sad state of mind. Can't seem to get going, but one thing that has helped is reading everyone's thoughts and experiences.


Thanks SicShelby for starting this thread. It's helping me get through this day.

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I was in the home office getting ready for a State Dept mtg at 13:00. The Today Show was on in the other room - and I heard Katie say - "it appears a plane has hit the WTC". Watched the 2nd one hit live like many others. Needless to say - my mtg was postponed to the following week.

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I was getting dressed to head into work. I also had the TV on watching the Today Show, and looked up when Katie Couric announced that there was somesort of plane accident at the WTC. NBC switched to a live feed from a fixed camera that was pointed across the Hudson at the NYC skyline, and you could see the smoke and flames eminating from the first building.


I remember Katie holding her earpeace presumably getting updates from the newsroom, and when they switched back to the live feed, I watched the 2nd jet strike the second building. I muttered to myself that this was no accident at about the same moment that Katie did.


Late, I finally got into my car and drove into work which was at the Budget Rent-a car facility at the LAX airport. Within two hours of my arrival, the only thing flying was incoming flights, none were taking off. Within four hours after the event, there were no planes coming in or out of LAX which was very strange. The normal sounds of jets taking off and landing just stopped, and everything around the airport was still. All of the employees were just walking around in a cloud just talking and talking about what happened, who could of done it, and when or if we were going to war.


Late that day and into the next day we were deluged with customers who were desparate to get home, and we recieved a corporate flash message telling all Budget facilties to rent cars one way without any drop fees and at a reduced rate to the customers. We rented cars as fast as we could get them prepped, and by the end of the day, the massive Budget facility was devoid of cars. Not one available car to be had on the lot.


Two days after the event, we started to recieve 100's of cars from all over the United States brought in from Los Angeles residents that were stuck in other cities after the FAA grounded flights.

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those thoughts seem to exactly mimick what I was thinking at the time......and now... :cry:


Me too. I remember thinking how the heck someone could make that drastic of a miscalculation to drive a Boeing into the side of a building. At the time, I didn't want to entertain the thought that the crash was a terrorist attack.


As usual on this day, I find myself in a gloomy and sad state of mind. Can't seem to get going, but one thing that has helped is reading everyone's thoughts and experiences.


Thanks SicShelby for starting this thread. It's helping me get through this day.





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I just got home from work that morning. I received a call from my friend Mike and he asked me if we were watching the news. We weren't. I watched the whole thing unfold on CNN that morning. I also told my wife not to go anywhere that day. Very sad indeed.

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i was at work and we had a small tv in the office and i remember my brother saying a plane just flew into the world trade center,i was like what happened at that point we just thought it was a small plane and that

someone just messed up but then he said another plane hit the other tower and then the pentagon we were like what is going on.i swear that was one of the longest days

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I was driving to a commercial remodel job site near the Salt Lake airport, actually right under the glide path. The strange thing was that there was zero air traffic. It was about 9:30 Eastern time, 7:30 Mountain Time (mine). My morning DJs were just getting spotty reports about what was transpiring. They were very somber and obviously in shock. I called home and told my wife to turn on the TV because something big happened back east.


When I walked in to the cabinet shop job, the receptionist was white as a ghost and had been crying. The guys in the shop were huddled around a TV. This is when I first saw the horrific events in full and understood what had happened. I don't dare print the outrage I felt and still fell about that day. There aren't enough red flags here to cover it . I'd be banned for life. And proud of it. :salute:


Even though I have lived in Utah for 35 years now, my wife and I grew up in NJ and visited The City often. No matter what I might say about back there, deep down I will always have good memories of the places and people. I love to tease Wick and Tek because I feel a certain kinship with them since I grew up back there, even in a 95% Italian town. There is a certain bond that developes between people from the Tri-State area. Texans can say what they want but don't mess with NYC.


My little brother was an EMT and Fire Cheif of the NJ town I grew up in at the time of the attacks. He, and as many of his crew as they could spare, packed up and headed to the City. They were not asked to come and had no plans on what to do when they got there. As Americans they just knew it was the right thing to do. They went to help their fallen brothers and all citizens who fell that day.


I was upset, angry and depressed for months after the attacks. As an American, I felt violated. How dare some coward do this. As an ex-NJ guy, it felt like a slap in the face. If they wanted to fight, come out of the shadows and let's get it on. Don't hide behind religion and kill innocent men, women and children.


I bought the benefit CD and DVD of performances and comments from the actors and music groups who stepped up, regardless of their beliefs or political agenda, to help those in need. This was put together right after the attacks. I also bought the concert for New York which came out later when things were more organized. I contributed money as it was the best I could do from 2500 miles away.


I am playing both CD sets all day on my iPod at my desk today. I still got choked up a few times today but I am proud of it.



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This is a day we will all remember. My heartfelt condolences to all those who lost loved ones. Many brave men and women lost their lives that day and in the days to come. To the brave men and women of the NYPD and NYFD, thanks for what you did on that fateful day, how you did it and everything that you did in the aftermath. You held us together when in seemed as though nothing could.


I traveled to and worked in NYC many many times over the years. I know the city well and as a young man had some incredible adventures there. My business connections all hail from there. The WTC was one of the coolest things in a city of cool things, seeming like magic to touch the sky. The towers in their majesty looked as if to defy the laws of physics. On cloudy days, the top was shrouded in clouds, as if it continued on forever. It was an awe inspiring sight. There was great beauty in its towering simplicity.


On September 11, 2001 I was getting ready to go to work when my wife called to me that a plane had hit the WTC. I assumed it was a small plane, like a cessna, an accident, but when I got to the TV it looked like something far larger had hit. It looked bad, but it seemed manageable. We could not have guessed what would happen next.


2 or 3 minutes after we stood there looking at the TV, dumbfounded, the second plane came in, in the shadow of the building. Coming so fast it looked like a missile or something. We screamed NO as it hit the second tower. It was in that moment that we knew this was no accident. Had the world gone mad? What was happening? I wondered if this was some huge Russian or Chinese cruise missile. Soon we saw what it was....airliners. But WHY?


Suddenly it dawned on me my friends daughter worked at cantor fitzgerald in tower one. My heart sank. She did not survive.


As the day unfolded, the Pentagon was hit, more innocent people died and more acts of bravery were carried out. Flight 93 went down, none of us yet knew the life and death struggle and heroism that had unfolded. Those people probably saved the capitol building from destruction. We watched in horror as men and women were forced to leap to their deaths as people in the middle east cheered. Eventually, to our shock and horror, the buildings came down.


This was evil on a grand scale.


So many people hurt, so many lives lost or shattered. Senseless, stupid, cowardly all come to mind for those that carried out this ugliness.


I still feel intense rage over this. This debt has not yet been paid in full.


But today is not the day for rage. Today is the day for remembrance. We will never forget the lives of our countrymen and women lost, the acts of heroism against impossible odds and the many who picked up the pieces, steeled their resolve and kept going about the work of fixing what had been destroyed in the horrific aftermath. We honor you and salute you.


Looking upon the lights tracing where the WTC once stood in the night sky, I am filled with sadness, but we will rebuild on that hallowed ground. The precious lives that have been lost though, they can never be replaced. The missing loved ones and friends who will not return will never be forgotten. We will be thinking of you, praying for you. I hope for solace and peace to all those left behind.



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I was at work in sheer disbelief.



on a side note. We were working today, checking supplies on the ambulance. We both looked at our watches in the middle of the checks. The time, 09:11 on both of our watches. :cry:


Remembering my brethren at FDNY, the NYPD and all the other responders and victims


God Bless

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I had just woken up and was lying in bed listening to the radio with my wife. The morning DJ's broke in and said that a plane had hit the first tower. We quickly turned on the TV and watched as the second plane hit the other tower. We were both stunned. We continued to watch the coverage sitting on the bed not saying much.

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I was lacing up my combat boots getting ready 4 work when the first plane hit. I left 4 work and upon arrival (very strict access to gate) i finally got to work only to be horrified from the other events that took place. We then loaded up some live loads and established an Alert posture for the southwest corridor.. I was shocked I was pissed and I was ready for revenge..

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Everyone say a prayer today for those that we lost on 9/11/01, and for the Marines, soldiers, seaman, airmen, etc., that we lost in the battle that has followed.


Where were you?


I was already slated to go to Marine boot-camp on 9/15/01 - I was at my girlfriend (at the time, she's now my wife!) Bri's house when I woke up in the morning and walked past her father and the tv. I wasn't awake enough yet to comprehend what the tv was showing, but Bri's dad kind of said "SIT DOWN" in the kind of way that you know you should do what he says, lol.


I sat down and couldn't believe what was happening. The second plane hit the other tower within minutes. Not long afterwards, there were news feeds entering that reported a plane hitting the Pentagon... The whole time I was thinking "Wow, what a GREAT time to go to boot camp!" although the family didn't really think so.


After that day, nothing has been the same, really. Just reflect on the changes that this country went through after 9/11. For example, I previously had no problems going through the airport, but after the bombings they were in lock down! When I was reporting for combat training (in full Alpha uniform attire with a sea-bag and orders), I was asked to dump my sea-bag and take off my shoes. THAT was an interesting conversation with the gal at the counter! :rant2:


No matter where you were or are right now... just don't forget. I've never seen so many closet patriots in this country. Remember to come out once in a while :)


Semper Fi.




Guess ?? I'll give you hint!!!



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I will have to scan my boarding pass but I was in the air on an American Airlines flight from NY to Chicago. We departed at 6:45am and by time I got to Chicago the towers had been hit. They didn't tell us anything. Getting off the plane in o'Hare I found the terminal a ghost town. Still knowing nothing I made my way to my car and heard the news over the radio. To this day I look at that boarding pass and remember...sends chills down my spine.

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