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$#@%! Shopping Carts!

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OHH MAN I would be madder than Hell. How much damage happened?


Most people in Minnesota actually will put the shopping carts back to coral but theres always the prick stick who doesn't care.


Sorry to see that happened I hope theres not much damage.

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Unfortunately there was damage. A small ding from one, and a big scrape from the other. I had a shopping cart incident about 2 or 3 months ago too that left a huge dent in my driver's side rear panel. I'm sure if I had any other car, it would be considered normal wear and tear. But it just makes me so sad and angry to see the dimples and scrapes. My baby is getting old and beat up.


My husband has an old beat up buick, and he never lets me drive it around town, because he's afraid I'll "do something to make it break down". So I have to take the Shelby to places with shopping carts instead of letting his car take the damage. It's a never ending argument in our house.

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Sorry to see that, :cry: if I saw or caught the person, it would not be pretty. If I every take my Shelby out anywhere I park it in a corner and up hill so that no carts etc. can roll into it.






Or order Amazon Fresh (amazon.com delivers groceries to our house) and stop arguing or park on the street...I actually like the street spots....plastic bumper exposed but better than sheetmetal IMO.



edit for +1

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I think we should start watch are cars from the store for about 5mins to see if some does something or before coming out just hang back for a couple of minutes. I also when walking back to my car walk 1 isle away to see if anyones by my car or does something to it.

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I feel your pain stratgirl but with all those empty spots you didn't park at the end of the aisle? Protects at least one side of the car ;)


The following story might make you feel better.


About fifteen years ago I'm coming out of Home Depot walking across the parking lot to my Shelby Dodge. While walking across the lot I notice a Cadillac start to turn into the parking spot next to my car and I'm wondering does he not see that huge orange lumber cart that someone left in the spot he's aiming for.


Turns out he did see it and was going to move it with his front bumper. Hey he's probably done it a dozen times at the local Piggly Wiggly. So much to my horror I watch this Cadillac make contact with this huge heavy lumber cart but as soon as he makes contact it swivels right into my drivers door.


And that's not the worst of it.


Mr. Cadillac still wants this parking spot so he proceeds to keep using his Caddy to push the lumber cart along 3/4 of the length of my car swapping my black color for Home Depot orange.


Of course by the time I get over to my car all the damage is done but at least I caught the @#*%! in the act since you know he was not going to take responsibility. From what I recall I appraoched him quite calmly, probably still in shock from what I just saw, and got the typical clueless response. His response was like what's your problem, I needed that parking spot. And while he didn't say the damage would buff out he did suggest it would only cost a couple of dollars for some "poster paint". Sorry buddy I want your insurance info right now.


In the end his insurance company paid for the repairs but the event is still stuck in the ol brain.



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