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Our Vets deserve Better ...........

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The VA definitely could use some help. A Marine friend of mine is using his GI bill currently to go to college... with all the time it takes to actually get reimbursement, I almost don't want to use mine, whether I have it there or not! No wonder more than 50% don't use theirs!!

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The VA definitely could use some help. A Marine friend of mine is using his GI bill currently to go to college... with all the time it takes to actually get reimbursement, I almost don't want to use mine, whether I have it there or not! No wonder more than 50% don't use theirs!!

Wow, things must have changed in the past 5 years. I was always amazed how fast my GI Bill claims were paid. I can only offer you this advice, you earned it, you should use it. Don't short change yourself and your future because of some government bureaucracy. :salute:



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I just saw a news story today about the slow reimbursement rate. I got my MBA in 2003 and 2004 and my reimbursements were received within days of submitting my paperwork. I'll leave it to you to draw your own conclusions about what's happened between now and then.

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