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Woodward dream cruise 2009

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Tonight i took my kids in the Shelby to Woodward :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet:

I did not have the camera with me so no pics am sorry :cry: , but it was a full house and the kids had a blast. Looking forward to go there tomorrow and i will try to shoot some pics, I saw a white/blue Shelby on the west side of Woodward, if any members were there and had pics please chime in!

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Well after spending the last 5 days relaxing with my wife at my dad’s place on Harsens Island we headed to the burbs after lunch. After visiting with some more family we finally hit Woodward around 9pm, man what a site….. Can’t wait to get back out there tomorrow, we should be out around 7pm. What time are you going out tomorrow, maybe we can meet up?

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Well after spending the last 5 days relaxing with my wife at my dad’s place on Harsens Island we headed to the burbs after lunch. After visiting with some more family we finally hit Woodward around 9pm, man what a site….. Can’t wait to get back out there tomorrow, we should be out around 7pm. What time are you going out tomorrow, maybe we can meet up?

I can work it around 7 pm. will take the kids with me! it is next to impossible to find a place to park and it is not the weekend yet.

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Well, after 2051.5 miles and 87.8 gallons of 93 my wife and I finally made it home tonight about 9:30'ish... I'll start posting pictures of the our week in Motown tomorrow.

I had a call from work that the Doctor who was supposed to work in Oxford office had an emergency (I think she went to Woodward....lol) so i had to work yesterday from 10 to 10 and i missed the cruise :cry: i will wait impatiently for the photos!

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