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The annual Perseid meteor shower

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Strong Meteor Shower Expected Tonight







Just kidding. I've been camping on the desert and seen this particular shower. It is really impressive. The great thing about our west desert is that it is a hundred miles from any city lights and the dry night air is extremely clear so you get to see a lot more than the city folk.

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Just kidding. I've been camping on the desert and seen this particular shower. It is really impressive. The great thing about our west desert is that it is a hundred miles from any city lights and the dry night air is extremely clear so you get to see a lot more than the city folk.


I miss the desert! :cry:

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I missed it this year...anyways here on the east coast the August show has never really been that great.......


I like the Leonids in November......


I think it was around 9 years or so ago...the show was fantastic..........I was starting to think I should look for Triffids...lol


I never miss the november show......

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